Puzzle by Nora Phoenix


His existence had become simple and somewhat predictable, but Kenn loved it. Every morning, he woke up in Warrick’s arms. Every day, they spent together. And every night, he fell asleep right next to his Daddy. How perfect could life be?

It couldn’t last; he knew that. The press hadn’t picked up on the relationship between him and Warrick, but that was because they never went out together. Not that they never left the White House. Of course they did. But never together. That was the price they had to pay right now to keep their relationship secret—and Kenn was okay with it, as was Warrick.

“You daydreaming, baby boy?” Daddy asked, and Kenn turned around from where he’d been staring out the window.

“I’m looking forward to the day we can go places together. As a couple, I mean.”

Daddy pulled him close. He’d gained some weight since he’d moved into the White House—courtesy of Mrs. Morelli’s cooking—and while he complained about it, Kenn secretly loved it. Well, he also not so secretly loved it, as he’d made it more than clear how much he adored Daddy’s softness. Highly conducive to cuddling.

“I can’t wait to have you on my arm and show you off.” Daddy kissed the top of his head.

“It may be a while, though.” Kenn sighed. His father’s reelection campaign would kick off in a few months. Until he was reelected, Kenn didn’t want his relationship to become public. He didn’t want to risk his dad losing the elections because of him.

“I understand. Your dad has the opportunity to initiate policies that will have a positive effect for decades to come, and I don’t want to endanger that. It doesn’t change anything for me, you know that.”

“I know, Daddy.”

“Good. Now, let’s go. Everyone’s already here.”

“They are?”

His father had decided to throw a dinner party for his inner circle for no particular reason, and everyone would be there. All he’d said was that he wanted to spend some time with his people and that it had been way too long since they’d all come together, which was true.

Kenn took Daddy’s hand, and they walked into the dining room, which was full of excited voices and outbursts of laughter. Daddy had been right; they were the last to arrive. Even Kenn's father was already there, immediately coming over when they walked in.

“Hey, kiddo.” He kissed Kenn on his cheek.

“Hi, Dad.”


Kenn had feared that things might get awkward between his dad and his Daddy, but neither of them had ever allowed that to happen. His father treated Warrick as he did anyone else, with the same warm affection and, in this case, a kiss on his cheek that made Warrick smile.

“Thanks for organizing this, Del,” Daddy said. “It’ll be fun to catch up with everyone.”

He’d gotten good at calling Kenn’s father by his first name, though it had taken a while.

Kenn spotted Denali, who was standing next to Milan, looking uncomfortable. His friend still had trouble switching from White House employee to Milan and Asher’s boyfriend—and Kenn couldn’t blame him. That was one hell of a transition to navigate. “Daddy, I’m gonna say hi to Denali,” he said.

“Good idea. He looks a bit lost.”

Daddy kissed him and sent him off, and Kenn’s stomach tumbled like it always did when Daddy made so crystal clear in public who Kenn belonged to. He loved it.

“Hey.” He pulled Denali into a firm hug. “I’m happy to see you.”

“You too.”

Denali clung to him a tad longer than Kenn had expected, and he frowned as he let him go. “Are you okay?”

He’d asked softly, but Milan must’ve still heard it. He sent a worried look at Kenn that he couldn’t interpret. Was something wrong with Denali?

Denali looked at Milan, then tugged Kenn’s sleeve. “Can we talk somewhere else?”

“Of course.”

They snuck into the Yellow Oval Room, then walked out onto the Truman balcony. It was still light out, the temperature in the high sixties after a sunny, pleasant spring day. In mere weeks, the temperatures would become oppressively hot, especially combined with the humidity, but for a few weeks in the spring, the weather was always perfect.

“What’s wrong?” Kenn asked.

Denali let out a long sigh. “We’re trying to figure out our next step, and it’s hard.”

“Next step?”

“We can’t keep living in the White House.”

“Oh, that. Yeah, I know. So what have you guys talked about?”

Denali shrugged, his face sad. “Asher’s work is here, and so is mine, but Milan’s heart is in New York. He longs to go back to his old job as a detective. How can we find a compromise when what we want is so far apart?”

“Is Milan putting pressure on you?” Kenn knew his uncle well enough to realize the man could be a steamroller when he wanted his way.

“No. He just wants to talk about it, which is fair, but I get so frustrated and sad because someone will lose.”

“Can you see yourself in New York?”

Denali nodded. “As much as I love my job here, my happiness is with my men. I’ll go wherever they go. It’s Asher who’s dug his heels in. He’s been in the doghouse with Director James since she found out about his relationship with Milan and me. He’s hoping that in time, she’ll forgive him and he’ll be appointed to a protective detail again rather than getting all the shitty jobs like he has for the last months.”

“Asher is from New York, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. He started working for the Secret Service there. To him, going back to New York is a step back, like history repeating, he says…and I understand where he’s coming from. But we can both see Milan isn’t happy here, so what do we do?”

Kenn’s heart broke at the sadness in Denali’s voice, and he slung his arm around him. “I don’t know…but I doubt you expected me to have the answers.”

Denali put his head on Kenn’s shoulder. “No. Though it would’ve been nice.”

They sat, silent. “We should go back,” Denali said after a few minutes. “Thank you for listening to me.”

“Anytime. I’m sorry you guys are facing this tough call. I wouldn’t know what to do either.”

Denali bumped his shoulder. “Yeah, but you have a hot Daddy who makes all the decisions for you, you lucky boy.”

Kenn grinned. “I do. Ten out of ten, would highly recommend.”

Denali laughed. “I bet you would.” Then his face grew serious. “But I wouldn’t want to trade in my men for the world. They’re my anchor, Kenn, my safe place. There’s no bigger joy for me than being with both of them…preferably in bed, with both of them inside me.”

Kenn winced. “Yeah, that still doesn’t appeal to me, but you do you. I’m so happy for you…and for Milan because he’s so much happier than he was before he met you and Asher.”

“Asher caught him whistling yesterday when he took Rogue out for a walk. Let’s just say the teasing was merciless.”

They were still giggling as they walked back into the dining room, where everyone had found a seat. Kenn slipped into the chair next to Warrick. “Is everything okay with Denali?” Daddy asked softly.

Kenn nodded, not wanting to talk about it in public.

The appetizers were being served, and they started with a lovely asparagus soup Kenn loved. Creamy and full, it hit all the right spots for him.

“I see you guys still haven’t bashed each other’s heads in after working twenty-four seven,” Milan said to Coulson and Seth, who looked at each other and grinned. Those two were as besotted as ever.

“Nah.” Seth took Coulson’s hand and pressed a kiss on it. “His head is way too pretty for that.”

Everyone laughed.

“But seriously, it doesn’t get too much?” Milan asked as the laughter had died down.

“For now, it doesn’t, but who knows what the future will bring,” Coulson said.

“When this long nightmare is behind us, will you return to full-time active protective duty?” Asher asked Seth, and Kenn sat up a little straighter.

Seth looked at Coulson again, then at Asher. “I'm not sure, but let’s keep that between us, please.” Silence descended. Then Seth let out a long sigh. “It’s been… This whole investigation, everything that has happened, has been a lot. I’m running on empty, hanging on by a thread. I want to see it through until the end, but after that, I don’t know if I’ll have anything left to give.”

This time, it was Coulson’s turn to take his man’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Seth and I have talked about becoming parents, and we think we’re ready for that when this is done. So maybe Seth will decide to stay home for a bit and spent time with our…” His voice broke, and he swallowed. “With our child. Excuse me… I’m… I never thought I’d ever become a dad, since I found out I’m sterile a few years ago. So this is a miracle to me.”

“Guys, that’s amazing,” Kenn’s father said. “Being a parent is such a privilege and joy. Are you guys adopting or…?”

“No. Remember Gaby Santos, the ATF agent who credits me with saving her life at the Pride Bombing?” Seth asked.

Murmurs of recognition rose.

“She named her daughter after me, Rody. When Coulson and I visited them a few months ago, they asked me if I would be willing to donate sperm for a second child, a brother or sister to Rody. In return, Judith, Gaby’s wife, offered to be our surrogate should we want kids. Coulson and I talked it over, and regardless of whether we will take them up on the offer, we wanted to give them the gift of life, so they used my swimmers…and Judith became pregnant on the first attempt. They told us two days ago.”

Kenn’s eyes grew wet, though he didn’t understand why. He didn’t even know these people, but what Seth had done for them made him so happy.

“What a wonderful gift you’ve granted them, Seth,” Asher said. “You’ve given them the most precious thing you could have. I’m sure they’re elated.”

Seth smiled widely. “They’re over the moon, and I have to admit that the idea of fathering a child is special. They want me to be part of the child’s life, and I’d love that.”

“You know what makes me happy?” Calix sounded a little choked up too. “That something this amazing has come out of that horrible day, like beauty from the ashes.”

Seth nodded. “Coulson and I said the same thing… Us meeting and now this, it’s helped us process what happened and let go of the pain of that day.”

Kenn’s father raised his wine glass. “To Seth and Coulson and the little mini-Rodecker. May they become a healthy and happy baby.”

They all toasted to that, Seth still beaming.

“Since it seems to be the time for announcements,” Kenn’s father said. “I have one as well.”

The room grew quiet again, and a shiver trickled down Kenn’s spine. An announcement? About what? His father hadn’t spoken to him about it, and a quick look at Calix showed he was equally baffled.

“Del?” Calix asked. “What’s going on?”

Kenn’s father straightened his shoulders, then looked around the room. “I’ve decided not to seek reelection for a second term.”