My Fiancé’s Bodyguard by Ivy Wild

I watchedthem from my seat across the restaurant. I was outside both their fields of vision so there was no risk of being seen or causing Maddie to break the act. Even still, when he got up to put that stupid necklace on her, touching her soft skin that I was already craving after just 24 hours, I nearly lost it.

Maddie and I had agreed that she needed to get closer to Johnny. Let him trust her. But, I didn't anticipate just how difficult it would be to watch. I'd never had an interest in anyone before. Not like this.

Women were a means to an end for me. When your soul is so filled with bile and vengeance, there's no room for thinking about finding its mate. And my heart was long since dead, so there was nothing working towards clearing out some of the negative energy that had lodged itself in my soul.

I hadn't even felt loneliness. At least until Maddie came along. I was entirely content to hire a professional or use my hand if I needed a release. No need to get entangled with emotions and feelings. I just didn't have the capacity for it.

Or so I thought.

I knew my heart was dead.

So, I wasn't quite sure how I was feeling what I was feeling right now.

This? Jealousy? Murderous rage over a man touching a woman I'd been with? Totally new grounds.

Hell, I'd seen hookers I'd been with finish up with me to go to the next room and that didn't bother me one bit. So, why with this woman, did I envision strapping Johnny's hands to the table and putting a bullet in each finger for every second that he laid his hands on her?

I simply couldn't explain it.

Because the only explanation was that my heart was still beating. And that didn't make a damn lick of sense.

But, I controlled my temper, grinding my teeth and cleaning my nails with the knife I wanted to lodge in Johnny's throat. The pair of them made their way towards Maddie's suite, and I just knew if Johnny tried to go inside with her I was going to lose it.

The smarter thing would have been for me to keep my ass parked where I was. But, I'd never been smart. Probably why I'd ended up where I was today.

I followed them up the stairs, hugging the shadows, neither of them being able to sense my presence. When they stopped in front of Maddie's door, Johnny asked her in a not-so-subtle way if she would let him fuck her, and she turned him down with an equal lack of tact.

Jesus Christ the two of them together was just painful to watch, aside from my murderous jealousy.

But, Maddie must have realized her mistake, because she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek and I almost fell out of my hiding spot to vomit on the intricate mosaic floor.

Johnny seemed rather pleased, though. And I wondered if he would smile like that with his balls cut off.

My mind was swirling with dangerous thoughts and I knew I needed to get control of myself. I wasn't thinking right and that was dangerous. I kept reminding myself. Five years I'd been here. Working my way through this organization to try and do my friend justice. I wasn't going to let myself ruin any chance I had because I was reverting to a nineteen-year-old idiot.

Maddie was playing her part. And I needed to play mine.

I followed Johnny back to his suite and took a look at the surroundings. The windows to his room overlooked one of the gardens and in the darkness, I slipped outside unseen. The Empire Suite was on the second floor, which was going to be a bitch. The only saving grace was that it did have a small balcony, enough for me to gain some footing.

I climbed up onto the first floor's balcony directly beneath his room and grabbed the wrought iron railings at their base. Decades of Army physical fitness tests paid off, and I was able to muscle myself up, still remaining mostly out of sight. A quick look inside the room to make sure Johnny wasn't near this particular window confirmed he was not, and a slip of my knife between the doors had the lock unlatching and the balcony doors cracking open.

I dropped back down to the first floor and waited to see if I'd be able to hear anything Johnny said. Thirty minutes of irritating silence was finally rewarded.

And then it wasn't.

Because he started speaking in Italian and I knew a bit of Spanish but I was hopeless at its sister language. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, pressed record and tried to make sure I was as still as possible to pick up some of the audio. I didn’t have anyone on payroll who I trusted that I could use to translate. For now, this would have to do.

The phone call lasted about ten minutes. These guys didn't like to stay on calls long. Feds were notorious for tapping phone lines and I rarely saw Johnny use a burner phone. He was careful, but not too careful.

Another thirty minutes of silence with the lights out confirmed that he'd gone to sleep, and I slipped out of the area and back inside the hotel. Most of the staff had closed up at this point, and I hung out in a dark shadow as I thought about what I wanted to do. My feet made the decision for me, and I started my way up the spiral staircase, taking the steps to my demise two by two.

A soft knock on the door followed by another that went unanswered confirmed that Madelyn had likely fallen asleep herself. I was about to turn away when the door opened just a crack. The lights were off in her suite because she was a smart girl and likely knew opening the door with the lights on would flood the hallway. I slipped inside and locked the door behind me and was pushing her against it within seconds.

"Fuck, I can't stand seeing you with him," I moaned against her mouth.

Her hands moved fervently against my shirt, feeling me over the fabric. But, I wanted, no needed, to feel her hands on my skin. I pulled back and tugged the tee over my head, letting it fall to the floor.

"I didn't know you were watching," she said before her breath left her because I was pushing her back against the door roughly.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight, Maddie. Don't forget that," I said to her. My erection was already painful against my trousers. This woman was going to be the actual death of me.

My tongue pressed against her lips and she opened her mouth to let me taste her. She moaned and it was the sweetest sound I'd heard all evening. Her hands were moving against my skin now and I did the same with mine, realizing she had nothing on but a pair of lace panties.

"Fuck," I groaned as I pushed my body against hers. She bit my lower lip hard and I pinned her against that door. "Don't fucking play like that unless you intend to back it up," I whispered against her skin, pulling back before diving in to press kisses against her neck.

She pushed me away and I nearly didn't let her but her dropping to her knees in front of me stilled my movements. She looked up at me as she began to undo my trousers and pull them down. "Fuck, Maddie," I groaned as she pulled my erection out of my boxers.

She pumped me all while looking up at me.

"You didn't like seeing me with someone else?" she asked deviously.

I grit my teeth. "Fuck no," I spat back.

"You don't want my lips touching anyone else?"

"Maddie," I warned her.

She looked up at me with those big blue eyes of hers before opening her mouth and filling it with my length. If I wasn't already going to hell for stealing this girl's virginity, I certainly had a lava pit reserved for me given how much I enjoyed watching her suck me off.

"Fuck!" I breathed out as my fists clenched against the door. I was barely holding myself upright I was so fucking turned on. Her tongue moved over my crown before she was moving back down, taking my entire length to the back of her throat and I nearly came right then and there.

But, I also knew my time with her was limited. And that each encounter could be our last.

Which meant I was going to experience her body as many times as she would let me. Us being together just once already ratcheted the risk up to 100%. Might as well ride that sucker for all it was worth in my estimation.

I reached down and pulled her up off my cock as she gave me a pout. I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in close. "I'm about to give you what you really want, so wipe that pout off your face," I said to her.

She bit her lower lip and I moved forward to capture it, pulling it away from her teeth and between mine. She gasped as my fingers traveled down her body and beneath her panties before I began to thumb her clit. She was already soaking wet for me, proof that I got to her just as much as she got to me.

When I could feel her thighs trembling with her impending release, I couldn't wait any longer. I moved her panties aside and she looked at me with a bit of panic. "Condom?"

"I'll pull out," I whispered against her shoulder, not able to hold myself back any longer. She nodded her head and I slid into her, her lower lips enveloping me as I pushed deeper and deeper inside of her.

"Fuck, you feel so good," I moaned as I felt her walls ripple against me. I started to move, hoisting her up, her thighs squeezing my waist as her back pushed against the wall. She was moaning my name and I could tell she was coming. I pounded into her with abandon, our coupling fast, lust-fueled and forbidden.


Maddie was forbidden.

It's why she felt so good.

That had to be it

My mind switched off after that as I continued to move against her. My hands cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers as my lips swallowed every single moan that crept up her throat. She was gorgeous and at least for this very moment, she was mine.

She was giving to me what she refused to give to anyone else.

"," she gasped in time with each of my thrusts. My movements began to falter as my cock continued to press into her pussy with abandon.

"Yes, Max, yes," she moaned as her lips latched onto my shoulder and her nails dug into my back.

I was fucking her. But, I was the one that was so beyond fucked.

My orgasm ripped through me and I pulled out just in time, coming on the outside of her thighs. Evidence that I had barely any self-control when it came to her.

"Can't you stay?"she asked me as I pulled my clothes back on.

I shook my head. "No. And you know why."

She nodded her head sadly. "Is this how it's going to be?"

"It shouldn't be at all," I replied to her honestly. She looked incredibly crestfallen at my words and I moved forward and pulled her into my arms. "It's dangerous. Not just for me, but for you. Johnny isn't going to take lightly to knowing that you're not a virgin. Even less so knowing that you've been fucking me behind his back this entire time."

She huffed and looked up at me with devious eyes. "Yeah, but I like fucking you."

I kissed the side of her cheek. "You're a fucking vixen. Please don't get me murdered," I said to her.

I forced myself to pull back and made my way to the door. We'd kept the lights off the entire time and I looked through the peephole to make sure there was no one in the hallway to see us.

"Max," she whispered. I turned back around and looked at her.


"I take back what I said earlier."

I shook my head at her. "Which was?"

"I called you a bully. And an asshole. I take it back," she said.

A small smile lifted the corners of my lips. "No need. You were right," I said to her.

She shrugged. "I don't think so."

"Good night, princess," I said, before slipping out of her room for what I promised myself would be the last time.