Sacrifice by Caitlyn Dare



The sore spot on the back of my head thanks to Evan knocking me out continues to throb, acting as a constant reminder of what happened the night before.

Dane assured me that Evan was okay. Well, that he would be if he was smart enough to find his way home after they’d beaten him half to death and left him in the middle of nowhere.

It's no less than he deserves for pulling that stunt on Sadie, but even still, I can't help there being a little concern for the guy I've grown up with. His cousin, on the other hand… I feel nothing for him. The way he treated Sadie, the way he spoke to her, what he was going to do to her.

My fingers twist in the sheet beneath me as anger like I've never experienced before surges through me. If I thought the need to protect Mom from the monster that lives in this house was strong, then I have no idea what it was I felt when I followed Dane into that warehouse.

I never thought I'd wish death on anyone, but damn, I hope they kill that motherfucker for thinking he had any right to touch a woman like that, let alone Sadie.

He's clearly fucking stupid to go after the Sinners princess.

Just like you,a little voice pipes up, reminding me that I've somehow managed to find myself in the middle of something I really don't think I want to be involved in.

But Sadie.


There's something about her that calls to me. And as each day passes, I can only feel it getting stronger.

It's terrifying. It's exhilarating… It’s probably a bad fucking idea.

She’s theirs.

I shake the thoughts from my head, knowing that nothing good can come from them, before my heart jumps into my throat when the sound of tires on the driveway beneath my open window fills the room.

"Shit," I hiss, jumping up and rushing over.

Dad went out before I did last night, and, much to my relief, he still wasn't back when Dane dropped me off.

At least Mom was safe while I was busy worrying about Sadie. I'm not sure I have it in me to be concerned for both of them at the same time.

But when a car comes into view, it isn’t Dad’s but a black Honda pickup. I run for my bedroom door, but it seems I wasn't the only one who heard her arrival, because Mom's already greeting Sadie when I get to the top of the stairs.

"Of course, sweetie. Come on in," Mom says, as if inviting anyone into this house is a good idea when Dad could come home at any moment.

"Jesus," I mutter, sweeping my hair back from my face but instantly regretting it when pain shoots down my neck.

"Hey," I say, forcing an easy smile on my face as I jog down the stairs, although I can't deny that the gesture comes easier the second my eyes lock on Sadie.

She looks better today, although it's impossible to miss the bandage still covering her head.

"You didn't tell me you had a girl coming around, Wesley." Mom beams.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Noble. It's an impromptu visit," Sadie says politely.

"Well, you're more than welcome, Sadie Ray. And please, it's Victoria. Mrs. Noble makes me sound old."

I stare at Mom, wondering how the hell she knows Sadie's name. "We should go out," I suggest, taking a step toward Sadie in the hope that I can back her toward the door.

"Nonsense. Make yourself at home, Sadie." It's not until I edge closer to Mom, ready to ask her what the hell she's playing at, when I smell the alcohol on her breath.

Fucking hell, could this get any worse?

The three of us awkwardly look at each other before I relent, knowing it's safer if I'm home.

"Come on," I say to Sadie, running my hand down her spine and resting it on the small of her back. All the while, Mom watches on with excitement in her eyes.

I've never brought a girl home. Hell, I barely even bring friends back these days.

"Your mom is sweet," Sadie says once we're upstairs and out of earshot.


"She seemed a little—"

"What's going on, Sadie?" I interrupt before she brings up a subject I really have no intention of talking about right now.

"It’s nice to see you too," she sasses, taking a leisurely trip around my room, her eyes running over everything.

She's wearing a black Sinners tank that shows off a decent amount of cleavage and a short denim skirt that showcases her curvy legs. Legs I'm busy staring at when she turns back to me.

"S-sorry," I stutter like an idiot. "I just wasn't expecting a visit. I assumed you'd be locked up in a tower to be kept safe."

She quirks a brow at me, clearly unamused by my attempt at a joke. "Them letting me out of their sight was the lesser of two evils."


"They've gone to talk to my dad. To tell him about what happened last night so they can decide on what happens next." She runs her fingers over the football trophies I have on the top of my dresser, but I see the tightness around her eyes.

"Didn't they get their payback last night?"

"Yes and no.” She glances at me. “I don't know how much Dane told you, but it's bigger than just Evan and Justin."

"Okay," I say, standing awkwardly in the middle of my room, unable to believe she's actually here.

"I'm not here to talk about them," she says, finally turning around to look at me.

"No? Then why are you here, Sadie Ray?"

Her eyes hold mine for a beat before they drop down my body. It's only then I remember that I'm only wearing a pair of sweats.

Lifting my hand, I rub the back of my neck as she takes her fill of me.

"I… um…" Sadie shakes her head and drags her eyes back up to mine. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. And say thank you, I guess."

"You have nothing to thank me for. The whole thing was my fault."

"None of that was on you. It was all Evan. You're okay, though, yeah?" she asks, closing the space between us.

"Yeah, Sadie Ray. I'm good. How's your head?" I ask, tracing my finger over the edge of the dressing I applied on her.

"I'll live."

The air between us crackles with tension and desire, and my fists curl at my sides as I fight the need to reach for her.

Memories of kissing her under the Arches come rushing back and my mouth waters.

She's theirs, I remind myself.

"Fuck, Sadie, I—"

My words are cut off when her breasts press against my chest and she reaches up to brush her lips against mine. Unable to stop myself, my hands lift, holding her cheeks and tilting her head to the side to allow me to deepen the kiss.

Her tongue meets mine and fights for dominance as her hands roam over my chest before sliding down my back and to my ass. My cock swells, pressing against her stomach as she kisses me as passionately as I do her.

Walking her backward, I lay her down the second her legs hit my bed and crawl over her, unable to stop now that I've started. "Fuck, Sadie," I moan, ripping my lips from hers and kissing across her jaw. "I laid here all night, thinking about you. About you with them."


"Hell yeah. You know I want you, Sadie Ray. Oh fuck," I bark in shock when she pushes her hand beneath the waistband of my sweats and wraps her fingers around my solid length.

She strokes up and down, her gentle grip fucking mind-blowing, and I have no choice but to drop my head to her shoulder as I lose myself to the feeling. My chest heaves as my body and head war about where this goes.

With regret, my head wins, and I push up from her body, looking deep into her eyes. "They'll kill me for this, Sadie."

"No, they won't."

"We can't. I can't… not after last—” The rumble of another engine forces me to sit up, and before I know what I'm doing, I've pulled Sadie's hand from my body and raced toward the window once more.

Dad's car door flies open, and he stumbles out. His suit is a mess, his hair is all over the place. He's clearly had a good night out.

"Fuck." Lifting my hand to my hair, I pull on the strands until it burns.

"What's wrong? Is that your—"

"Dad, yeah.” I grimace. “You need to get out of here."

"It's okay, Wes. I can handle your dad."

"I have no doubt, but it's not happening. He'll freak out." Rushing to my chair, I drag a shirt on and shove my feet into my sneakers. "Come on," I say, throwing open the window.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she shrieks, standing in the middle of my room with her hands on her hips.

"Wesley?" Dad booms up the stairs, his deep voice causing goose bumps to cover my skin.

"Shit. Get out the window, Sadie," I demand, reaching for her and pulling her over.

"You can't be serious."

"Deadly. There's a ledge and then a trellis thing. Trust me, I do this all the time. You'll be safe. Safer than if he finds you in here."

She studies me for a beat before finally nodding and throwing her leg over the windowsill.

"I'm following you, but get in your truck and get ready to leave."

"Okay," she says, following my instruction and lowering to my makeshift escape route.

In seconds we're both in her pickup and she's got the engine running.

"Wait," she says, with the car already in drive. "What about your mom?"

I look to the house and then back at Sadie. "Just drive. You need to be as far from here as possible."

Mom's going to have to lie in the bed she's made for herself this time.

Neither of us does or says anything until Sadie turns into the next street. Reaching over, she uncurls my clenched fist and laces our fingers together. "Wes, what’s going on?" she asks, pulling to a stop and looking over at me with her brows drawn together.

"My dad, he hates the MC."

"That's no secret, Wes. Tell me what that was really about."

"He's… he's a cunt, and if he finds you there, if he finds you with me, I don't know what he would do."

She thinks for a moment, and I fear what she might be in the middle of figuring out. "Last night when you said you'd had plenty of practice at patching people up. Y-you meant…" She swallows, her face hardening in anger. "Those bruises last week. They were him, weren't they?"

My teeth grind as I fight with myself to keep all this shit hidden, even though I already know it's too late. She knows.


"We should go back for your mom."

Slumping down in the seat, I look up at the clouds as I suck in a deep breath. "She refuses to leave him. But I can't always protect her. And right now, I need to protect you." I turn to look at her so she can see how serious I am.

"N-no, you don't need to—"

Leaning over, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and crash our lips together. The kiss is brutal, almost violent with my anger, but she gives me as good as she gets before I abruptly pull away.

"Take me away, Sadie, before I do something really fucking stupid."