Sacrifice by Caitlyn Dare



Ifollow Sadie and Wes out of Prez's office, noticing that the second the door closes behind the three of us, Sadie reaches out and threads her fingers through his.

Neither of them look at each other, but I can still feel the connection they share crackling between them. Most people would probably be jealous if they saw their girl with another guy, and I guess there is a part of me that is. But mostly, it just gets my cock hard thinking about watching her with him.

I squeeze my eyes closed for a beat as I remember her face last night as she came on my fingers. The way her cheeks heated and her lips parted as she sucked in heaving breaths. I probably shouldn’t have done that while she was recovering from what happened, but my self-control is non-existent around Sadie. Besides, I needed to be close to her, to know she was okay. And I was pretty sure she felt the same.

Reaching down, I rearrange myself before overtaking them, unlocking my door, and throwing it open for them to enter. "It's nothing like your mansion, I'm sure," I mutter as Wes looks around at the small space.

"Big houses aren't all they're cracked up to be,” he mutters.

I keep my eyes on him as he takes in the posters on the walls and the crap that's strewn about everywhere, wondering what he's actually seeing, what he thinks about all of this.

"I'm going to use the bathroom. Can I trust you to play nice?" Sadie asks, her eyes narrowing on mine.

"Me?" I ask, mock offended. "I'm always nice. It's Savage you want to worry about. He was about two seconds from ripping Pretty Boy's head off when you barged in."

"Does that name have to stick?" Wes asks from behind me.

"Sure does, Pretty Boy." I shoot him a wink. "Nothing to worry about, Sadie, girl. We're good, right, Noble?"

"Sure, whatever you say."

He holds my eyes as Sadie slips into my bathroom and closes the door behind her.

"You kissed her." It's not a question, because I don't need to hear the answer. I already know.


A smile curls up one side of my mouth, but it's anything but amused. "You're playing a very dangerous game here. You know that, right?"

He shakes his head. "I don't… Shit." Lifting his hand, he rubs the back of his neck.

"You want her. But what I can't work out is why. Your family hates the MC, yet you're willingly… actively, making Sadie a part of your life. Why?"

He looks down at his feet for a beat before finding my eyes again. "Because she's the only thing that makes sense."

Fuck. I know exactly how he feels there. I've felt the same fucking way since I was about eight years old.

I study him, wondering what really makes him tick, what's really going on in his life to land him here in the middle of our club. "You made her come yet?"

"W-what?" he stutters, looking more shocked than I'm sure he would if I’d just hit him.

"Have you got her off yet? Made her come? Given her an orgasm?"

"This is the weirdest interrogation I've ever had, you know that, right?"

"Answer the goddamn question, Pretty Boy."

"No, okay? I haven't. Might have if we weren't interrupted earlier, though."

A knowing smile plays on my lips. I fucking knew they'd fooled around.

Wesley Noble is either really brave or really fucking stupid for touching our girl. Lucky for him, thoughts of him with his hands on her body only turn me on more than I already was. I've barely managed to get rid of my semi since finger fucking her on the couch last night.

If it were Rhett standing in my place right now, though, it would be a very different story.

"Interrupted by who?" I ask, not wanting him to think I'm not taking this seriously.

"My… um… fuck." He rubs nervously at his neck again, unable to hold my eyes.

"Tell him.” A soft voice comes from behind me.

Wes’s eyes lift to Sadie, but I keep my gaze firmly on him.

"Sadie, I can't—"

"Tell him, Wes. We can help. We can protect her." He swallows nervously as he holds her eyes. Sadie comes closer and stands at my side. "We don't have to be on a different team. Let us help you."

Lifting his hand to his hair, he pulls it back from his face, cursing, knowing that he's got no option but to confess whatever it is to me. "My dad. Okay. We were interrupted by my dad. I made Sadie leave the house via my bedroom window, so he didn't see her because he…"


Wes looks at me before he turns his eyes on Sadie. Immediately the torment within them softens. "He hurts my mom."

"And you, Wes."

"Yeah, but I can handle that, it's her I—"

"Bullshit," Sadie snaps. "You shouldn't have to handle anything."

"It's my life. It's how it's always been." He shrugs and turns his back on us, his shoulders dropping in defeat.

"We can go and get her," I offer before my head has caught up with my mouth.

"We can't just walk in while he's there and take his wife, Dane," Sadie says.

"He was drunk. He'd been out all night. Fuck knows what he's doing to her right now. But Sadie was a bigger priority."

"You're serious about this, aren't you?" I ask.

He stills, a humorless laugh rumbling from his throat. “I’m not going to lie about my cunt of a father hitting my mother."

"I didn't mean that, Pretty Boy. I meant Sadie. You're not playing here, are you?"

"Are you?" he asks, finally turning back to look at me.

Reaching out, I pull Sadie into my side. "Nah. She's fucking mine." With my hand in her hair, I drag her around in front of me and slam my lips down on hers.

My semi goes full mast in less than a second as her taste fills my mouth. Despite the fact that we've got an audience, she doesn't even try to fight me.

Maybe she's as big a freak as I am when it comes to being watched.

"Dane," she moans when I release her.

I reach for my belt and rip it open.

"What are you doing?" she whisper-hisses. I’m aware of the gravity of the situation happening only down the hallway, but right now, there’s nothing to do but wait, so I figure we may as well have some fun while we’re at it.

"Showing Pretty Boy here that if he's serious, then he's going to have to wait his turn.” Shoving my pants down, I take my length in my hand. "Suck me, Sadie, girl. Show him exactly what he's missing out on."

Her eyes darken with desire, telling me what I already knew. She'd never deny me.

Shooting a look over her shoulder, her eyes collide with Wes’s for a beat.

"Lock the door, then take a seat, Pretty Boy. Enjoy the show. If you're lucky, you might get a turn one of these days."

I lower down to the seat behind me, violently fisting my cock, which is already glistening with precum from just thinking of her sucking me into her hot mouth. "Knees, babe."

Dragging her eyes back to me, she looks down at where I'm holding myself, licking her lips as she does.

Before I get a chance to tell her again, she drops to her knees and takes over, licking at the tip and making my ass leave the seat as the sensation shoots through my body.

"Fuck, Sadie, girl."

Parting her lips, she sucks me deep until I hit the back of her throat. With my fingers twisted in her hair—the opposite side to her bandage—I guide her movements before looking up at Wes, who's watching us with a mix of shock and desire. Although the tent in his sweats clues me in as to which is stronger.

"Don't be shy, Pretty Boy. We're all about pleasure here."

He shifts, his hand going to his crotch, rubbing his cock through the fabric of his pants. It's easy to forget that not all guys are like those in the club, who'll happily fuck in public without a second thought.

"You want our girl to suck you off?" I ask, my eyes going back to Sadie.

She stills as if she's going to pull off me, but my grip on her tightens, stopping her from doing whatever is in her head.

"Fuck. Yeah."

"You should. She's fucking good." I force it a little deeper down her throat and she gags on me. "That's it, Sadie, girl." I encourage, watching her bob up and down as my balls start to draw up.

I never have been able to last long with her. I guess that's what happens when you've waited all the years I have.

"You know what's better, though? I ask, my release almost in touching distance.


"Watching her come. She's so fucking beautiful."

My hips thrust up as my orgasm crests. Pulling her hair, I rip her from my length and sit forward, spilling my seed all over her chest so Wes has no choice but to see me mark her, claim her.

"So fucking beautiful. And all ours. Isn't that right, Sadie, girl?" Reaching out, I write my name in my jizz I’ve left on her skin.

She licks her lips, holding my eyes for a beat before hesitantly looking over her shoulder at Wes, who’s staring at the two of us like he can't rip his eyes away.

"Pretty Boy?"

"Y-yeah." His eyes find mine, and confusion joins the desire that had previously flooded them.

"I want to see your skills," I tell him as I tuck myself away, not wanting him to get entirely the wrong idea about where this is going. I'll let him be in the room as much as he wants, but he ain't coming anywhere near me. "Get our girl off. I've already done half the work—she's wet as fuck."

Sadie gasps in shock, but she knows as well as I do that I'm telling the truth.

"Stand, Sadie, girl."

She does as she's told, rising to her feet at the same time as me.

After wiping her chest with a tissue, I place my hands on her hips and spin her around to face Wes. "You horny, baby?" I growl against her throat, lifting my hands to cup her breasts over her low-cut tank.

A whimper vibrates in her throat as I squeeze hard.

"You want Noble to get you off?"

"B-both of you."

My eyes find his over Sadie's shoulder. "That wasn't what I asked, Sadie, girl."

"You want to watch?"

"Yeah, babe. I wanna see if he's good enough for you."

"O-okay." Holding her hand out, she gestures for him to join us.

After a second, he stands, his cock trying to burst through his sweats. Fear flashes through his features until Sadie tugs on his arm and he steps up to her. Then it's replaced with determination before he lowers his lips to hers and sweeps her into his arms, taking her from me.

I hate the chill that covers my body when she leaves me, but it's soon replaced by something much more satisfying when his hands slide down her back until he grabs her ass harshly.

He stumbles back until his legs collide with the bed he was sitting on a few seconds ago and falls down, dragging her on top of him for a beat before he flips them over and pins her to the bed, lifting from her lips and staring into her eyes.

I have no idea what passes between them, but I do know it's crackling with chemistry and desire.

He whispers something to her and she drops her hands to the hem of his shirt, dragging it up his body and throwing it on the floor. He mimics the move with her before dropping his lips to the swell of her breasts.

I shove my pants down my hips once more as my cock swells, watching her enjoy herself.

"Wes," she moans when he bites down on her nipple through the lace of her bra.

"Take it off of her,” I demand. “Make her really moan."