Her Inconvenient Groom by Niomie Roland

Other Books by the Author



Wrong Man Wright Time


When she gets chance to relive the past twenty years of her life, Rhya is intent on fixing things with her future husband. Will she choose the path she did before or grasp the tendrils of a new and uncertain one?


Sold To The Highest Bidder


Desperate to buy the bakery where she slaved over for years, Nazalie decides to auction off the only thing she owns that is worth something: Her virginity.


My Wife’s Baby

A surprise pregnancy leads a young couple down a dark path, which leaves them reeling when they find out the truth behind the conception.




Anderson Sisters


Love Interrupted


The return of Kaiya’s teenage boyfriend, Tyler, sends her newly adjusted life into chaos when an unforgivable secret from their past is revealed about their breakup and deceased son.


Claiming His Wife

A young wife returns home with one thing on her mind. Divorce. Her husband, however, won’t make it easy for her to walk away from him that easily.


What Happens In Vegas


Jessa & Jaxon

She was in Las Vegas for her best friend’s bachelorette party. Everything changed when her eyes met those of a familiar stranger’s across the bar. Now she was legally attached to someone who had no intention of letting her go.


Meesha & Connor

When she returned from her Vegas bachelorette party, she had no idea her wedding would be canceled and someone she met in Vegas would follow her home and become her nightmare.


Jasmine & Antonio

When she bumped into her best friend’s stepbrother in Vegas, she had no idea that one night of unbridled passion, would have lasting consequences.




Christmas Ever After

When a frightful encounter culminates into Trinity and Michael meeting, he brings forth a proposition. With Christmas on the horizon, will Trinity jump at the opportunity Michael presented her?