Her Inconvenient Groom by Niomie Roland

Author’s Note

Thank you for supporting me on this journey and for reading my stories! I appreciate you!

Chantelle and Dustin’s story was never planned for this series. Who am I kidding? William’s story wasn’t supposed to happen either. But after writing about male billionaires, I knew I had to represent the female billionaires. Especially since a lot of Chantelle’s characteristics are based on my own personal traits. I’ve been accused of being uptight and bossy—a few times. But I’m not ashamed of the accusation because it’s true. And at this point in my life, I doubt very much those things will change.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this extension into the French Conquests universe. Sienna’s story will be released sometime next month in September, followed by Kim’s story which will put an end to the conquests. If you keep swiping, you’ll get an exclusive first peek at the first chapter of Sienna’s untitled book. *wink*

Also, don’t forget to leave a review at your favorite book site as it helps indie authors like myself gain more recognition.

To contact me personally, send me an email here: [email protected]


Niomie R.


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