Dungeon Master by Golden Angel

Chapter Eight


Watching Gavin take out the trash was always hot as hell. That was one of the things Leah had always loved most about him—he’d wanted to create a safe space for people to be kinky together, and he’d done it. Sure, the two asshats who had just been escorted out of the building probably wouldn’t agree it was a safe space for them, but that’s because they were the ones who’d been making it unsafe. People like that never saw themselves clearly, evidenced by the fact they were still muttering about how unfair it was as they were escorted out of the club.

She didn’t pay them too much attention.

Nope. Her attention was all for the hot Scot, silver fox, Dungeon Master who had totally ruined her first attempt at dating someone other than him. The big jerk.

She watched as he talked to Eben and Mistress Terrin before nodding and letting them go on their way. Poor Eben looked peeved. She and Terrin walked off, heads together, probably discussing how to torment some poor submissives. After so many years of being at the Outlands, Leah could tell when Eben was feeling subbie and when she was feeling more dominant. She might have started out the evening submissive, but that’s not where her headspace was at right now.

Leah could almost understand that since she’d come here, prepared to take Gavin down a peg or two. She’d felt all “I am woman, hear me roar.” Watching him kick out the two dingbats, something inside her had shifted, and now that he was actually headed her way with an intense look on his face and heat in his eyes…

Well, her subbie side was not only prevailing, it was squashing practically everything else.

It had been too long since she’d been in the Outlands. The scenes going on around them, the smell of leather and sex, the laughter, cries of pleasure and pain, and soft murmurs of intimacy… felt like a fantasy, but it also felt like home. Being here made her body ache—she expected certain things to happen to her when she was here.

And by certain things, she meant orgasms.

Great. My pussy thinks it’s Pavlov’s dog.

Come to the Outlands, get wet.

Things had been a little more unpredictable when she was going through menopause, but now? Wouldn’t need any lube tonight. Considering the circumstances, she wasn’t sure that was a benefit.

Gavin came to a halt in front of her, and a fluttering sensation pulsed through her body as she tipped her head back to look at him. He raised his eyebrows.

“Interesting club wear.”

Jerk. She scowled.

“I’m still dressed for my date… which you ruined. Sir.” She clenched her fists by her sides to keep from poking him in the chest, the way she would have done outside the club. Maybe confronting him in an area where he was master of the domain wasn’t the best idea, but patience and restraint had completely deserted her.

“How did I ruin it? I wasn’t even there,” he protested, but he was grinning.

“You know what you’ve been doing.” Her voice was getting higher, and some of the people who had gathered to watch the debacle with Don were turning to look at her and Gavin. Leah felt a blush heat her face, but she didn’t care. They could think whatever they wanted. She’d reached her limit. Rather than holding back, she poked him in the chest, hard enough he reached up to rub the spot, surprise clear on his face.

“I got dumped tonight! On the second date! By a perfectly nice man who I had a lot in common with!”

She poked him again, right above where his hand was, and this time he caught her wrist, his expression darkening.

“Ye need to watch yourself there, lassie,” he growled. Frowned. “Or is that what you’re going for? Topping from the bottom, are ye?”

“What? No.”

Yes.Dammit. A part of her was hoping he would take control of her. She was feeling wildly out of whack, horny as hell, and frustrated beyond belief. A scene, some pain, and an orgasm were exactly what she needed right now.

Gavin pulled her forward by the wrist he was holding. His other arm wrapped around her, fingers gripping her long, loose hair at the base of her skull and pulling her head back, so she was forced to look up at him. Heat and need rolled through her like a wave as she was pressed up against him, throat bared to him.

Someone in the crowd watching them sighed with envy, and Leah couldn’t blame them.

This was fucking hot.

* * *


For a few minutes, he’d really thought the night was about to get even worse, but then she’d challenged him. Pushed him. She’d known exactly what she was doing. Leah had been his submissive for too long to think she could get away with that kind of behavior in the club. She was topping from the bottom, though she should know by now, it never worked quite the way she hoped. It didn’t matter. She bratted and pushed, and he went to top her. That was how it had always been between them.

The moment he pulled her in, she melted against him, submissive, eager, and waiting. His cock jerked to life for the first time all evening. Bloody hell, he wanted her—even if she was trying to manipulate him.

On the other hand, if he really had ruined her second date and got her dumped… Well, he should take advantage of that, shouldn’t he? If she was having sex with Gavin, she wasn’t going to feel comfortable finding another boyfriend. She hadn’t during all the years they’d been scening together.

Yes, he wanted more than a physical relationship with her, but this could tie into it.

Hell, maybe they could both get what they wanted. Dr. Silverwood likely wouldn’t approve, but it wasn’t her decision.

“Come with me to therapy this upcoming Wednesday, and I’ll give you what you need tonight,” he murmured, keeping his voice low, so no one else would be able to hear him. The music and other sounds in the club easily drowned out softer conversations, making the offer completely private, despite the number of people watching.

Leah’s eyes flashed.

“Seriously?” She wriggled against him, trying to pull away, and Gavin shifted his hands. The one holding her hair moved to her neck, getting a firmer grip, and the other twisted her arm up behind her back, pressing her fully against him from knees to chest. Leah whimpered, and he rocked his hips forward, rubbing his cock against her soft stomach.

“Seriously. Do we have a bargain, love?”

Her pupils dilated, her breath coming in soft short pants. Bloody hell. Leah was more turned on than he could have believed. He should have done this weeks ago.

“Fine.” She bit off the word. “I’ll go see your therapist with you on Wednesday. Sir.”

“Good.” He grinned, his hold on her tightening. “Let’s seal it with a kiss.”

Bending his head, he claimed her mouth, her lips parting beneath his with a moan, her entire body softening against him. Submitting to him. Fuck he’d missed this. Missed her. The time between their scenes was always too long, and he had a feeling she hadn’t meant to scene with him again once she started dating someone else. Leah wasn’t the type to go on a date with a man one night and sleep with a second on another.

The best way he could keep her from dating anyone else was to get her back into bed with him on a regular basis and keep her there. He was pretty sure that wasn’t just his dick’s logic.

Now he just had to figure out what he was going to do with her tonight.

Lifting his head up, still holding her tightly against him as if she might bolt, he did a quick scan of the room to see what stations were open. Ah… perfect.

* * *


Weak-kneed, conflicted, and totally turned on, the urge to lean against Gavin’s chest and let him take over completely was more overwhelming than usual. It was something she’d struggled against every time they’d scened ever since their divorce. In the back of her head, she knew he couldn’t be relied on. He wouldn’t be there the next day—hell, he wouldn’t even be there when she went home that evening.

It’s just physical.That had been her mantra for years now. It was all she’d wanted from him—all she’d allowed herself to want.

Now, it was like there was a decade’s worth of pent-up need swelling behind her normal defenses, trying to get out and throw itself at Gavin’s feet, begging him to take over. Claim her submission and make her truly fly, the way he’d used to when they were married, and she still thought they had forever ahead of them.

Leah didn’t even know if she was capable of that. She’d been so much younger, trust had been easier, and cynicism hadn’t taken over. Physically, things could still be amazing. Since menopause, she’d had the enjoyable side effect of being multi-orgasmic under the right circumstances, something Gavin had found delightful, but that wasn’t the same as truly submitting—giving herself completely over to him, with all her trust, and sliding into a headspace where she truly wouldn’t have any control.

“This way, love.” He cradled the back of her neck in his large hand, making her feel submissive and feminine as he led her through the club. Part of her thought she should protest being called ‘love,’ another part figured she should just be relieved she wasn’t his mo chridhe, and the last part of her was thrilled at the endearment and simultaneously disappointed he wasn’t using Gaelic.

The clashing desires probably meant she should run now, but…

But he’s been going to therapy.

But he’s been wooing me.

But he’s been doing everything I once wished he would.

But I still love him.

And didn’t that make her a fool?

At her age, she should know better. Yet here she was, being led through a sex club, about to have wild, kinky sex with her ex-husband, who was blackmailing her into going to couples’ therapy with him if she wanted an orgasm.

Is this really my life?

Apparently, it was, and she was the one walking toward almost certain heartbreak, with both eyes wide open. It was the ‘almost’ that was the problem. If heartbreak was certain, she would have been able to be stronger. Gavin had thrown her off-kilter.

When she’d imagined her future, when she’d imagined growing old, it had always been with him. She could have everything she’d ever wanted, she just had to be willing to risk her heart to the man who had broken it.

They came to a halt in front of a large, padded, leather sex chair. It vaguely resembled a chaise lounge or backless couch, but with a high curve on one side, a low curve on the other, and a deep dip in the middle, and cushions could be added to level out the dip and a headrest. This particular chair had a multitude of rings along the sides for attaching chains, cuffs, or ropes.

It was one of Leah’s favorite pieces of equipment. Heat and need swirled inside her, obscuring the last of her hesitation. It wasn’t as if she and Gavin hadn’t been doing the physical stuff for years. What harm would another scene do?

Turning to look down at her, Gavin’s blue eyes were blazing hot, and there was an intensity to his gaze that took her breath away.

Yeah, they might have been scening together for years without an official relationship, but this was different. She could see it in his eyes, feel it in the tension that circled around them, and knew it deep in her heart.

Such a bad idea.

The thought was too soft, too small against the swirling emotions inside her, the parts of her that were clamoring more loudly.

Touch me.

Pleasure me.

Love me.

Don’t let me down again.

Gavin brushed her hair back from her face with gentle fingers as his other hand caressed the back of her neck. His thumb stroked along her jawline. Every tiny touch enhanced the other, a rising tide of teasing sensations that were sensual rather than sexual, yet all of them added to the shimmering need at her core.

“I won’t let you down again.”

She almost jerked back away from him. She hadn’t said that out loud, had she?

No. It was just Gavin, who could sometimes be so in tune with her, as though he was reading her mind. Other times it seemed as if he was so oblivious to what was going on in her head, he might as well have been blind and deaf. Leah had never understood how he managed to do both.

“What’s your safe word, love?” he asked, the way he always did at the beginning of a scene with her.


Ironic, really. She’d chosen it out of amusement, thinking of all the hazards her character encountered during the game, set up by Gavin as the Dungeon Master, but now they were in the real world, and he was still the biggest hazard to her heart.