Dungeon Master by Golden Angel

Chapter Nine


There was a bit of uncertainty in Leah’s expression, a touch of worry to go along with her arousal and excitement. Exactly what a Dom liked to see, even more so because it had been a long time since he’d seen that particular mix of emotions.

They’d been lovers for so long, they knew what made each other tick. He knew how to touch her, how to caress her, how to pleasure her. There had been a bit of a learning curve as they grew older, but they’d learned together. He knew her body as well as he knew his own, so mutual pleasure was assured.

What was making her uncertain was the emotional element. While he didn’t like her unsure of him, he relished the chance to prove himself to her. That he’d stirred her uncertainty, despite her defenses against him, gave him hope.

“Strip,” he ordered. “I’ll be back in a moment, and I want you naked when I get here.”

“Yes, Sir.”

One day soon, he promised himself, he’d hear her call him Master again. That was something else he’d lost in the divorce. He’d gotten used to “Sir” over the years, he craved hearing her acknowledge him as hers once more.

Several people had already gathered on the edges of the scene area, waiting to see what he and Leah would do. They always had an audience. That was part of the point of the Outlands, but because he was the owner and she was his ex, their audience tended to be on the larger side, no matter what they were doing. Even those who didn’t know their past relationship were quickly informed by the other members.

Walking with fast, long strides through the club toward his office where his play bag was, Gavin was aware of Aiden coming up alongside him. The other Dom met his pace, which was good because Gavin wasn’t slowing down for him. He knew Leah was perfectly safe where she was, no one would hassle a submissive getting ready for a scene, especially when she already had an audience, but there was a small part of him that worried she’d change her mind if he left her alone for too long.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Aiden asked, keeping his voice even but unable to entirely hide his concern. “I thought you were trying to be different with her this go-round.”

“I am, but if she’s having sex with me, she’s not going to be having sex with anyone else.” Gavin gave Aiden a look. Aiden was a bit of a man whore and didn’t ascribe to that particular philosophy when he was single—though he had during his two marriages—but he understood that was how Gavin and Leah worked. Even when they weren’t married. “Now, if you want to help, go back there and make sure my submissive doesn’t run off while I grab my bag.”

Shaking his head and muttering under his breath, Aiden reversed directions. Gavin didn’t need to look behind him to know Aiden was headed back toward Leah. He would keep an eye on her. While he wouldn’t stop her if she truly wanted to leave, he’d slow her down.

* * *


Skin prickling under so many eyes, Leah pretended to ignore everyone as she sank to her knees, naked, and got into her submissive position—knees spread apart, straight back with breasts thrusts out, palms turned up and resting on her thighs, head bowed. Funny how when she’d been younger, she’d been far more worried what everyone would think about her body during a public scene.

She’d been thinner, her curves had been firmer, she hadn’t had any cellulite, and her pussy had been pretty, pink, and plump. Now, parts of her sagged, she had wrinkles, dips, and curves, and her belly was far more rounded, yet she felt completely at home in her body. Sure, she had her moments of envy for the young and beautiful, but she had confidence now she’d been missing when she was young and beautiful. She was older and beautiful, though not in the way society often defined beauty.

Remembering how insecure she’d been when her body had been closer to what society thought of as ‘beautiful,’ she could only shake her head at herself. Back then, all she’d seen were her flaws.

Now she didn’t care much about her flaws.

Now she didn’t care how many people were looking at her kneeling.

She wasn’t entirely comfortable, but that was because this whole kneeling thing was a lot harder on her knees than it used to be.

Should have taken up yoga.

It had also been a long time since Gavin had been unprepared for a scene, so she hadn’t spent much time waiting for him in recent years. Their scenes were always scheduled and pre-planned. Doing this spur-of-the-moment added a certain element of anticipation she hadn’t anticipated.

Then again, it wasn’t as if she’d anticipated scening with Gavin when she’d walked in tonight. She’d come to give him a piece of her mind, at least that’s what she’d told herself, but she had a feeling her subconscious had other plans. There was no way she could walk into the Outlands and tell off the Dungeon Master without consequences.

Murmurs from the crowd around her were getting a little louder. Some in impatience with the wait, others…

“Why is he scening with her? She’s old.” The complainer wasn’t speaking that loudly, but she happened to say it when there was a natural lull in the rest of the noise, making her audible.

Leah turned her head to see a younger woman, probably in her twenties, her hands over her mouth and a horrified look on her face. Her friend, standing next to her, began to edge away, looking just as appalled. At least they were smart enough to know it wasn’t acceptable to say such things. Though the way everyone was now staring at them disapprovingly didn’t hurt.

Poor babies. That’s what they looked like to her—perky breasts, firm curves, perfectly done makeup, probably excited as hell to be in a kink club. She didn’t recognize them, which meant they were newer members and had no idea who she was. Undoubtedly, the complaining brunette had a crush on Gavin. It happened all the time.

“So is Master Gavin, honey,” she replied, winking at the brunette, who looked like she wanted to sink into the ground. The young woman’s face turned even brighter red after Leah responded to her, then Leah’s view was blocked as Aiden stepped in front of the young submissive, hands on his hips, probably glaring down at her. Leah couldn’t see his expression, but she assumed he was glaring because the young subbie hit her knees so fast, it looked like her legs had collapsed out from under her.

“Be nice, Master Aiden,” Leah called out to him, raising her voice a little.

Turning to look over his shoulder, Aiden gave her a half-exasperated, half-disapproving look.

“You handle your business, missy, and I’ll handle this. This young subbie needs to be taught some respect.” Reaching down, he hauled the brunette to her feet, a sadistic smile curving his lips. “Seems like I might as well be the man to do it since I’m here. Since she likes older men.”

The brunette stared up at him, caught somewhere between excitement and terror. Leah pressed her lips together, repressing a smile. From the look in Aiden’s eye, he’d found his distraction for the evening. He wouldn’t let anyone get away with disrespect—thankfully, Gavin hadn’t been around—but he wasn’t going to kick her out either, which was what she’d been half-afraid of.

The crowd stirred, and Leah dropped her head down again, looking away from where Aiden was now leading the young woman off. Her heart began to race, all the little hairs on her body lifted, and her skin was beginning to tingle. Gavin had returned. He set down the large duffle bag next to the table there, specifically for whoever was scening at that station.

“Dammit, Leah,” he said gruffly, coming to stand in front of her and holding out his hand. “I didn’t mean for you to have to kneel the whole time I was away, or I would have told you to kneel.”

“I can kneel if I want to, Sir.” The tart reply didn’t have quite as much impact when she truly couldn’t get up without his help. Crap. Was she that out of practice, or was it her joints? Could be either, if she was honest. When she managed to get to her feet with his assistance, she peeked up at him. “It’s the getting up I have trouble with, but I still like the kneeling.”

“And you do it beautifully, love.” He curled his hand under her chin, tilting her head back and lifting her lips for him to brush a kiss over. “But I didn’t tell you to kneel. Me, Dom. You, sub. But thank you for giving me a good reason to spank your lovely arse.”

As if he wouldn’t have found one anyway, but his words still sent a thrill through her. Leah loved a good old-fashioned hand spanking. Her buttocks were already tingling as her body prepared itself for what was to come.

* * *


Seeing Leah kneeling and waiting for him had Gavin’s emotions in a whirl. Fuck, but he liked the look of it. On the other hand, he’d worried about how long she’d been like that and whether her knees would be able to hold that position.

Now she was flushed and excited, anticipating the punishment he promised, but he wasn’t quite ready to give it yet. His brain had been trying to decide what to do with her from the moment she’d requested a scene. Normally, he plotted out their scenes the same way he did campaigns for their group, with lots of preparation for different scenarios and trying to set up a satisfying conclusion.

Unlike with the game campaigns, where she and their friends often went wildly off the course he was trying to direct them on, their kink scenes tended to go as planned. Doing a spontaneous scene was affecting both of them. It felt a little rawer, a little more fraught. They hadn’t had time to bolster their usual emotional defenses in anticipation of physical intimacy.

In the past, he would have balked at going into a scene this vulnerable, tried to do something to stir an argument or piss her off, maybe even tried to end the scene. Now, he would embrace it. He was getting a chance to show Leah what he wanted for their future, and he wasn’t going to squander it.

“Hands up behind your head,” he said. “Stand with your legs apart.”

The position lifted her chest, thrusting her breasts out. Her eyes remained on his face, watching him. Gavin let his appreciation for both her quick response and her gorgeous body show.

“Very nice, love.” Reaching out, he hefted one of her breasts in his hand, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. Leah sighed with pleasure, leaning into the caress, her eyes going a bit hazy. “Now bend over, as best you can.”

The look she shot him was scornful.

“I’m not that old.”

Lifting his hand, Gavin gave the side of her breast a short, sharp slap, making her gasp. She lifted slightly, not quite going up on her toes, before settling back down, a pretty flush in her cheeks from the little bite of pain.

“Don’t forget to call me Sir… or Master.” He tacked the latter on as an afterthought, though it felt anything but. Gavin hadn’t asked her to call him Master since the divorce. Requesting it now, well, it meant something to him, and from the way her eyes widened in shock, he knew it meant something to her as well.

Maybe just the fact he’d set himself up for possible public rejection at her hands meant something to her. Her expression smoothed out, but he could see the uncertainty lingering in her eyes.

“I’m not that old, Sir.” She bent at the waist, hiding her face from him as her hair fell down on either side of her head. To back up her words, she didn’t seem to have any trouble standing with her torso parallel to the ground.

Gavin hid a smile. He could see quite a few members of their audience grinning in appreciation of her sass, especially the other women around her age.

Going to his toy bag, he grabbed the case where he kept the plugs and lube. His expectations were rising along with his cock—this was going to be a good night.