Legacy by M.A. Foster



It’s well into the early morning hours London time when the plane touches down at Heathrow Airport. After collecting my two large suitcases from baggage claim and making my way through customs, I send a text to the driver the Onyx Hotel arranged for me. Stepping out onto the sidewalk into the chilly air of London, I pull my coat a little tighter as I wait for my ride.

A black town car pulls up to the curb, and the back window rolls down, revealing a sign with “Kate Bennett” written in big bold letters.

Taking a step toward the car, I bend down and raise a hand. “Hi. I’m Kate Bennett,” I say with a smile.

The back door swings open, and I stifle a gasp as a very attractive man climbs out. He’s on the taller side and looks to be in his midthirties with sandy brown hair, whisky-colored eyes, and lashes women would kill for. Wow. I add “hot Englishman” to my list of things to do in London. Vanessa would be proud.

“Hello, Kate.” He smiles in return, and the way my name rolls off his tongue in that British accent has me nearly swooning at his feet. He takes my hand in his and gives it a shake. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person. I’m Steven Thomas. Welcome to London.”

Well, shit. Scratch him off that list.

Steven Thomas is my boss for the next three and a half months. We’ve spoken many times over the last few weeks going over concepts, floor plans, and design reviews.

“Thank you. It’s great to finally meet you, too.”

Another gentleman dressed in an all-black suit rounds the front of the town car.

“This is Roger.” Steven extends a hand to the driver.

Roger tips his hat before retrieving my luggage and taking it to the trunk.

Steven opens the back door of the town car and gestures for me to get in. I climb inside and slide across the leather seat, and Steven settles beside me.

“How was your flight?” he asks as the driver door opens and Roger slips behind the wheel.

“Long.” I stretch out my legs, crossing them at the ankles, and roll my head from side to side, working out the kinks in my neck before turning to look at him. “I don’t think HR considered the time difference when booking my flight.”

Steven chuckles. “No worries, love. I’ve got a phone conference at 8:00 a.m. You can take the morning to rest and adjust to London time.”

The Onyx Hotel has been in the Thomas family since the late 1920s. The twelve-story building, lined with arched windows, sits on Park Lane with a beautiful view of Hyde Park. The hotel has just undergone a complete remodel, except for the club. Which is why I’m here.

After checking in with the concierge, Steven escorts me to my room on the fifth floor, and the porter trails behind us with my luggage.

Unlocking the door, I step inside the one-bedroom suite and let out an audible gasp. The Onyx spared no expense on their cosmopolitan-style décor. A navy-colored plush velvet sofa is against the wall under an oversized painting of plum blossoms with touches of gold, flanked by glass and gold metal sconces fixed to the wall. A glass coffee table trimmed in gold sits in front of the sofa and two silk champagne-colored high-back chairs. Navy silk curtains hang on each side of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Hyde Park.

“Please put Miss Bennett’s bags in the bedroom,” Steven instructs the porter before turning his attention to me. “Is the room to your liking?”

I smile. “It’s perfect.”

“Great.” He turns and heads back to the door, nodding to the porter as he pushes the empty cart into the hall. “I’ll come around midday.”

“Sounds good, thanks.” The door shuts with a click, and I walk over and lock it before heading to the bedroom.

The same colors and patterns flow throughout the entire suite. A plum tufted velvet king-size bed is against the far wall, topped with cream-colored bedding and flanked by two mirrored nightstands. A matching chair in the same shade of plum with a gold base is situated in the corner, and a chandelier made from Capiz shells hangs over the bed.

Dropping my stuff on the bed, I pull out my phone and shoot off a quick group text to my friends, and another to my parents, that I’ve arrived safely.

Digging my charger and adapter out of my carry-on, I plug in my phone to charge on the nightstand, then head into the bathroom to shower off the travel ick coating my skin.

After drying off, I slip into a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a long-sleeve tee and set the alarm on my phone for 10:00 a.m. London time before climbing into bed.

* * *

Aknock on the door has my eyes darting to the time at the top of the computer screen to see it's already noon. Right on time.

Closing my laptop, I stand from the desk chair, grabbing my phone before making my way over to the door.

“Hello, Miss Bennett,” Steven greets with a warm smile. “Sleep well?”

“Like a baby,” I admit.

“Shall we?” He smiles and gestures in the general direction of the elevator.

I hold up my finger and move over to the table in the foyer to grab the room keycard, shoving both it and my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. “Let’s go.”

I did my research on the Onyx before arriving, so I know in addition to Bliss, there’s Stone, a restaurant that serves anything from cheeseburgers to pasta. There are several shops, boutiques, and even a salon and day spa. There’s also an indoor pool, plus a gym that I’d like to check out.

Bliss is located on the bottom floor on the opposite side of the lobby. I’m already familiar with the layout, since I’ve been working on the design from home over the last few weeks, but now that I’m here and seeing it in person, I’m struck with a whole new idea. One I think will be more beneficial to the Onyx.

After running my ideas past Steven, I snap a few pictures with my iPhone and make some notes before he gives me a tour of the rest of the hotel.

* * *

My phone rings, and I look down at the screen to see Vanessa calling. I tap the green button and switch the call to speakerphone. “Hey. Aren’t you at work?”

“Yeah, I'm on break,” she murmurs. “I couldn’t go all day without telling you the latest.”

“Uh-oh. What is it?”

“So Gabbi, Mia, and I went out for drinks last night. Gabbi and I got there first. Then Mia showed up, and it turns out they kind of already knew each other.”

I frown. “How?”

“Did you know Gabbi went to Jayla’s wedding?”

“Yeah. Levi took her as his plus one. She didn’t tell you?”

She huffs. “No, and she didn’t tell me she talked to Liam either.”

“Maybe she didn’t want to upset you.”

“It’s fine. Whatever her reasons, it doesn’t matter.” She sighs. “My first day at the medical center, I had lunch with Mia. We were talking about our exes. She said she’d been dating this guy, but it ended because he was still hung up on his ex-wife.”

Oh…. “Was she talking about Liam?”

“Yes,” she hisses. “I’m not mad at Mia or Liam. I was with Jake, so I have no reason to be upset.”

“Yeah, but it’s only natural to feel something.”

“Jealousy? Envy?” She groans. “I don’t want it to be weird between us. I really like her. She’s genuinely a good person.”

“Then don’t let it, V. It’s in the past.” It won’t be for long once Liam goes back to Heritage Bay during the offseason. But I won’t tell her that. She’ll freak out.

“Thanks for letting me vent. I miss you. Did you get settled in?”

“I miss you, too. Yes. The hotel is beautiful.”

“I’m happy to hear it. Make sure you get out and do some sightseeing. Don’t forget to fuck a hot Englishman,” she rushes out. “I gotta go, bye,” she adds before I can argue.

“Ugh. Bye.”