Legacy by M.A. Foster



“Good morning, Kate,” Louise greets before her attention moves to my hair. “Oh, your hair looks fab.”

“Thanks.” I run my fingers through my short midnight-blue strands that fall just above my shoulders.

Louise is the senior manager of operations at Bliss and a godsend. Aside from the crew and a few of the hotel staff members I’ve gotten to know on a first-name basis, Steven and Louise are basically my only friends.

Louise is only a few years older than me, married to her college boyfriend with a one-year-old daughter. Last month we had a girls’ night out, which included dinner and Aladdin live at the West End Theater, and last week we went Christmas shopping on Carnaby Street. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, and to be honest, all the lights and decorations made me a little homesick.

“How was your holiday?” she asks.

“It was good. I got a lot of work done.” I spent the early part of the day FaceTiming with my friends and family. Then I worked the rest of the day and well into the evening hours before I finally ventured down to the restaurant for dinner.

Liam bought Vanessa a house, so they’ve been bouncing between there and my place to check on Rocky. I smile, remembering the text I got from Vanessa that said It took a few extra treats to capture this but totally worth it. You’re welcome. Below the text was a picture of Rocky wearing a tiny Santa hat.

The next day, I spent the morning answering emails and the rest of the afternoon at the spa. I fell in love with the color of the technician’s hair and was able to squeeze in an appointment to get my hair done. A Christmas gift to myself.

“How was your holiday?” I ask.

“It was lovely, but yesterday was a nightmare.” Her expression turns serious, and a knot forms in my stomach.

“Why? What happened?”

“I got a call from Venom’s manager.” She presses two fingers to her temple and rubs in a circular motion. “He canceled.”

My heart drops. Shit. Venom is one of the hottest deejays in the UK and the entertainment for the relaunch party. His name is on all the invitations that were sent out back in October. Deejays book out months—sometimes years—in advance. I don’t know how we’re going to replace him on such short notice.

Then it dawns on me. “A good friend of mine, Adam, is a deejay. He’s not as popular as Venom, but he’s just as good. He performed at the grand opening of Abyss. Plus he’s coming to London for the party anyway.”

“Oh really?” She raises her brows in interest.

“Yes. I’ve known him for years, and he’s engaged to one of my best friends.”

Louise passes me her notepad and pen. “Write down his info and I’ll check him out.”

Taking her pen, I write down Adam’s contact information and tell her, “He’s also got a channel on YouTube, but if you need a quick reference, call Cooper Sullivan.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you, Kate.” She smiles. “Also, I came to ask if you’d like to go out for lunch and do a little celebratory shopping. Maybe find an outfit for New Year’s.”

I close the lid on my laptop. “I’d love to.”

* * *

“Katie!” Kennedy shrieks, rushing toward me with open arms and pulling me into a big hug. “God, I’ve missed you so much.” She steps back but keeps a grip on my upper arms as she takes me in. “I can’t believe you cut off all your hair.” She fingers the ends. “It works for you.”


“It really does.” Gabbi pushes Kennedy out of the way and wraps her arms around me. “You look hot.”

Adam maneuvers his way through our group. “Quit hogging her.” He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me to his chest. “How are you, Katie?”

“I’m great, Adam.” I laugh and pull from his embrace. “I’m so glad you guys are here. Thanks for agreeing to fill in at the last minute.”

“Are you kidding? I’d be an idiot to turn down an opportunity like this. I owe you big-time.”

“You don’t owe me anything. I’m excited for you.” I turn to my friends. “Let’s go grab some lunch.”

* * *

“Vanessa should be here,” Kennedy says.

I shoot her a pointed look. “Liam bought her a house, Ken. He’s trying to make up for lost time.”

“Your approval really means a lot to him,” Gabbi adds, pointing between Kennedy and me. “He’s been busting his ass to make things right. He told me he understands how important we are to her, and he never wants to drive a wedge between us. You all know I would be the first to call bullshit if that were the case, but it isn’t. Liam loves Vanessa.”

“I just don’t want to see her get her heart broken again,” Kennedy says.

“None of us do, but if it happens, then we do what we always do. We keep our mouths shut and be there for her,” I add.

“Katie,” Gabbi murmurs. “Who is the gorgeous man walking toward us?”

I follow her line of sight and snort a laugh. “That’s Steven.” All three sets of curious eyes turn my way, and I shake my head. “My boss.”

I haven’t seen much of Steven since before Christmas, and I’m sure it has everything to do with his engagement.

“Hello,” he says as he approaches our table.

“Hey.” I smile. “Guys, this is Steven Thomas. His family owns the Onyx. Steven, these are my friends.” I jerk my head to the side. “This is Gabbi.” Then I nod to the couple sitting across from me. “And that’s Kennedy and her fiancé, Adam.” Adam reaches out to shake Steven’s hand. “Adam is filling in for Venom tomorrow night,” I inform him.

“Oh?” Steven raises his brows. “That’s fantastic. I look forward to hearing your set.”

“You want to join us for lunch?” I ask.

“No, thanks, love. I’ve got a bunch of work to do before the party tomorrow night. I believe Cooper and your real boss are arriving later this evening, and we have a meeting in the morning.”

“Okay. We’re gonna finish up here, and then I’m gonna take them over to Bliss and show them around. I’ll see you at the meeting tomorrow morning?” I hedge.

“You bet. Pleasure to meet you all,” he says to my friends. They reply with the usual “Nice to meet yous” and “Goodbyes” before he walks off.

Gabbi backhands me on the arm and narrows her eyes accusingly. “You didn’t tell me Cooper was coming.”

“He owns half of Bliss,” I remind her.

“Well, I know how I’ll be ringing in the new year,” she says, giving her hair a little flip.

Adam and I laugh, and Kennedy just shakes her head.

* * *

After lunch, I take my friends over to Bliss for a sneak peek.

“Oh my God, Katie, this place is amazing,” Kennedy says. “Even better than Abyss.”

I agree. It’s my best work hands down. Tom will not be disappointed, and I can’t wait to see Cooper’s reaction. For some reason, his approval means more to me than my own boss. Maybe it’s because he’s the reason I was given this opportunity.

Using the current décor of the hotel for inspiration, I designed Bliss with versatility in mind. Industrial meets old-world charm meets romance. A place you could walk into during the day and find it just as appealing as it is at night. A place that’s not only a nightclub but can also be used for holiday parties or wedding receptions. Glossy black floors, cracked cream-colored plaster walls exposing the brick underneath, and massive three-tier chandeliers scattered throughout. High-top tables and barstools are lined along the wall that separates the dance floor from the deejay booth. The VIP area is divided into sections, each one arranged with a tufted velvet sofa, glass coffee table, and coordinating swivel chairs. A bar lined with barstools stretches the length of the far wall on the opposite side of the room.

I look over at Adam to see him nodding as he scans over the dance floor to the deejay booth.

“Go check it out, Adam.” I wave him off.

“I like the vibe of this place,” Gabbi says as she runs a finger across the shiny black marble bar.

“Ken, you should see the bathrooms,” I suggest.

Kennedy has a thing about clubs never having enough stalls in their restrooms. Once, we waited in line for almost an hour to use one. Turns out it was because of the bathroom attendant. Girls were holding up the line because they were preoccupied with all the amenities. Don’t get me wrong, those amenities—tampons, gum, condoms—come in handy, but no one wants to wait in line for an hour. Because of that experience, it’s a staple in my designs to create a separate space inside the ladies’ room, out of the way, to keep the line moving.

* * *

“Incredible,” Tom says with pure astonishment in his voice as he, Peter, and Cooper move through Bliss, taking in every detail from the floors to the chandeliers.

I was a little surprised to see Peter the Prick—as Gabbi calls him—when I showed up for our meeting this morning.

“I agree,” Steven says, throwing an arm around my shoulder. It’s a friendly gesture, and if Tom is bothered by it, he doesn’t show it. Peter, on the other hand, looks skeptical.

“She’s brilliant,” Cooper adds, and I exhale in relief.

“You’ve got yourself a superstar, Tom,” Louise adds, curling her arm around mine. “Kate has been an absolute pleasure to work with.”

Tom’s gaze flicks back to me, his usual professional smile plastered on his face. “You’ve really outdone yourself with this one, Kate. I knew you could do it, but seeing it in person, I’m blown away.”

“I felt good about this one. I knew you’d like it,” I preen.

Tom just nods, wearing a permanent grin as he continues to scan the interior of the club. Suddenly he looks down at his watch. “I need to make some calls before I take the wife out for a little sightseeing. I’ll see you all tonight at eight. Peter.” He jerks his head, gesturing for Peter to follow.

“I also need to make a few calls before Adam comes in for a sound check,” Louise says. “I’ll catch up with you tonight.” She winks before walking off toward her office in the back.

It’s down to Cooper, Steven, and me.

“I can’t get over how amazing this place looks,” Cooper says. “I’ll admit I was a little skeptical when you called me about the changes, but I’ll never doubt your creativity again.”

“Thank you for trusting my judgment.” I check the time on my phone. “I should probably get going. I promised the girls an afternoon of shopping.”

Cooper grins. “How is Gabbi?”

I flash him a knowing look. “She’s great. You’ll see her tonight.”

“I look forward to it,” he says as he pulls his phone from his pocket and glances briefly at the screen, then back to me and Steven. “I gotta take this. I’ll see you tonight.” He brings the phone to his ear. “Cooper Sullivan,” he barks into his phone as he walks off.

I turn to Steven. “These last few weeks have been crazy, and I’m not sure when I’ll have another chance to say thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for making my time in London unforgettable. I value our friendship, and I hope we can keep in touch.”

I’ve had the best time in London, and I have Steven and Louise to thank for that. Mostly Steven because over the last few months, he helped me check off my list one tourist attraction at a time. A ride on a double-decker bus, the Tube, Big Ben, the Tower of London, the Natural History Museum, and the London Eye again, but at night.

“Three months has gone fast. It’s been nice having you here. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. After the engagement, things just kind of took off from there.”

“I’ve been waiting for an update.” I bat my eyelashes playfully. “What’s she like?”

“She’s quite lovely. I’m bringing her to the party tonight. You can meet her then.”

I do a little happy clap. “I can’t wait.”

* * *

“Are you serious?” Gabbi squeaks after I finish telling her about Steven’s arranged marriage. “Is that even legal?”

“I mean, they’re engaged.” I shrug. “He’s bringing her to the party tonight.”

Gabbi, Kennedy, and I took a bus to Carnaby Street because Gabbi really wanted to ride in the “big red two-story bus.” Her words.

They’re on a mission to find something sexy for the party tonight. I already bought something while I was out shopping with Louise last week, but I’m looking just in case I find something I like better.

“That’s kind of romantic.”

“That’s bullshit,” Kennedy interjects. “That poor girl shouldn’t be forced to marry someone she hardly knows, or loves.”

“She could do a lot worse,” I say.

“I know, right?” Gabbi adds. “Steven’s a catch. Maybe you should put down the law books for a minute, Ken, and pick up a romance book.”

“That’s my point, Gabbi. In fiction it’s romanticized, but that’s not always the case in real life. How would you like it if your dad forced you to marry someone because of an arrangement?” Kennedy countered.

“I mean… if he was hot.” Kennedy’s face screws up in disgust, and Gabbi laughs. “I’m kidding. For some cultures, it’s a normal everyday occurrence, Ken. If it were part of my culture, then I wouldn’t have a say, would I?”

“I get what you’re saying, Ken,” I cut in, “but hearing the story from Steven himself was really kinda sweet.”

“It’s sweet until he’s out banging every skank who shakes her ass in his nightclub.” Her voice hitches up a few decibels to the point that she’s drawing the attention of other shoppers.

“Kennedy?” I raise my brows, silently asking her, “What the fuck?”

“Sorry.” She bites down on her lip and lowers her head to hide the inevitable ugly cry.

Curling an arm around her shoulders, I guide her to the nearest available fitting room and point to the leather bench against the back wall. “Sit.”

She does, and Gabbi drops down beside her.

“What’s going on?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I think Adam is cheating on me.”

“I don’t believe that,” Gabbi insists. “Adam is obsessed with you. You guys are getting married.”

I nod in agreement, but Kennedy isn’t one to make accusations lightly. If she thinks something is off, then her feelings are valid. Do I think Adam is cheating? No. Do I think Adam has done something to make her feel this way? Yes.

“Why do you think he’s cheating?” I ask.

“I catch him checking out other women all the time. I mean, he always checks out other women, but he used to be discreet, thinking I didn’t notice. But now he openly flirts with every set of tits and ass that looks his way. Always smiling and winking, giving them a once-over.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s cheating. It means he’s a man,” Gabbi says.

“Well, it’s humiliating, and it makes me feel like I’m not good enough for him. Like I’m not pretty or hot enough.”

Gabbi and I both scoff at her ridiculousness. “You’re perfect, Ken.”

“I’d totally do you if I was into blondes,” Gabbi adds, and that makes the three of us laugh out loud.

Kennedy Vaughn is the full package. Tall and blonde, beautiful, smart, with an overprotective, loving heart. There’s a reason we call Kennedy the mother hen of our little group. She praises us when she knows we need it, admonishes us when we’re on the verge of making bad decisions, and she’s the first one to tell us to go for it when she knows it’s something we really want.

“Have you confronted him about it?”

“No,” she mumbles, and I roll my eyes.

“You need to remind Adam why he’s marrying you,” Gabbi suggests. “Find the sexiest dress in this place and show off the goods. Let’s see how he feels when he sees every guy in the club drooling over his fiancée.”

Kennedy smiles and throws her arms around Gabbi. “I love you bitches.”