Legacy by M.A. Foster



Kennedy swings open the door to her suite, and Gabbi lets out a low whistle. “Damn, girl! You’re looking mighty fine.”

Gabbi and I talked Kennedy into a silver-sequined, super-short, formfitting dress with quarter-length sleeves. The front dips low, showing off the curves of her perky breasts. A pair of silver strappy heels completes the outfit.

Gabbi chose a gold-sequined miniskirt that sits low on her hips, paired with a white half-tee with the words “Pop The Champagne” printed on the front and a pair of thigh-high heeled boots.

I opted for a more conservative outfit, considering my boss and coworker will be present tonight: black-sequined pants, a black off-the-shoulder fitted top, and a pair of black Louboutin platforms.

We step into the foyer just as Adam comes out of the bedroom wearing black dress pants and a black button-down. The perfect backdrop to accentuate his denim-blue eyes and dirty-blond hair, which is spiked in the front.

“Adam, stand next to Kennedy and let me get a pic,” I instruct.

Adam grabs Kennedy around the waist, and she lets out a little squeal as he tugs her to his chest before dipping her back and planting a Hollywood kiss on her lips.

I don’t know what she’s worried about. It’s so obvious that he’s in love with her.

After snapping at least fifty selfies between us, deleting the bad ones and posting others on SocialBuzz, we all head down to Bliss.

* * *

“Thank you, Kate, for all your hard work.” Tom holds up his glass in a toast. “I’m so proud to have you on my team. Happy New Year, everyone.”

Cheers erupt from the project crew of contractors, hotel staff, and cleaning crews, all dressed in their best attire. And of course, my best friends who traveled across the world to celebrate my latest accomplishment. I really do wish Vanessa had come, but I’m not upset about it.

I raise my own champagne glass. “Thank you, everyone! I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you.”

Another round of cheers erupts before everyone tosses back their champagne and heads for the bar.

Peter walks over to our group and holds out his hand to shake mine. “Three completed projects in one year.” He whistles through his teeth. “You’re killing it, Kate.”

“Thank you, Peter. I’ve learned a lot from you.” I beam with pride and wait for him to hit me with another backhanded compliment.

Instead, he tips his chin. “Happy New Year.” Then he walks off to join his wife.

Around 9:00 p.m., Adam stands from the sofa and sets down his champagne flute on the table. “Time to get to work,” he says as he leans over and presses a kiss to Kennedy’s temple. “I’ll see you later, babe.”

“I’ll come kiss you at midnight,” Kennedy calls out to his retreating back, and he replies by waving over his shoulder.

Gabbi refills our glasses, then holds hers out for a toast. “Happy New Year, bitches.”

“Happy New Year.” We clink our glasses together before taking a big sip of champagne.

Gabbi smacks her lips together and lets out a satisfied “Ahhhh,” then announces, “I think I might be ready to put myself out there.”

Kennedy sputters, nearly spitting out her drink. She quickly covers her mouth as she swallows. “Gigi, you’ve been putting yourself out there for a long time,” she quips.

Oh my God. Kennedy made a fucking joke.My body shakes with laughter.

Gabbi tilts her head, amused. “I’m not even mad about that dig, Ken, because that was pretty damn funny.”

Kennedy purses her lips, eyes twinkling with amusement.

“As I was saying.” Gabbi shoots Kennedy a pointed look. “I’m ready to find my Mr. Right. New year, new me.”

“Where is this coming from?” I narrow my eyes skeptically.

“I don’t know.” She jerks a shoulder. “I’ve been hanging out with Vanessa and Liam lately.” She smiles at Kennedy. “They’re blissfully happy. It gives me hope.”

“What about Cooper?” I ask.

Gabbi purses her lips. “This might come as a shock to you, but I’m a lot of work. Even for a sexy freak of a man like Cooper.”

“No,” I drawl, pressing a hand to my chest and feigning shock.

Gabbi rolls her eyes and I turn my attention to Kennedy. “How about you, Ken?”

She huffs out a humorless laugh. “My New Year’s resolution is to get my fiancé to be attracted to me again.”

The corners of my mouth dip into a frown. “Aw, Kennedy, why are you so hell-bent on thinking Adam doesn’t want you?”

“He didn’t even say anything about my dress or tell me I look nice.”

I lean forward, putting my face in front of hers, forcing her to look at me. “Kennedy, we’re in London on New Year’s Eve, at the relaunch party of the hottest club—which is sold out, by the way, because I’m awesome. There are going to be celebrities here. Your fiancé is deejaying. This is a big deal for him. Now stop whining, drink your champagne, and have a good time.”

Kennedy exhales a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m sorry I’ve been such a Debbie Downer.” She tosses back the rest of her champagne, then holds out her glass. “Fill ’er up.”

“Now you’re talking.” Gabbi laughs as she tops off Kennedy’s glass. She moves to do the same with mine, but I wave her off. “So, what’s your New Year’s resolution?” she asks me.

“I don’t have one.”

Her brows pinch. “Why not?”

“Because resolutions are unrealistic goals we set for ourselves, only to be disappointed when we don’t fulfill them.”

“Now who’s the Debbie Downer?” Kennedy tilts her head, brows raised.

“Then pick something easy,” Gabbi tells me.

“Hmmm.” I tap my chin, thinking of the one thing I didn’t check off my list. “Shag a hot Englishman?” I say, but I’m unsure.

If I were going to hook up with anyone, tonight would be the perfect night since I’m heading back to Florida tomorrow.

Gabbi’s attention darts over my shoulder. “Speaking of hot Englishman….”

I turn my head to see Steven approaching, his hand clasped around a pretty blonde’s.

“Hi,” I greet with a friendly smile.

“Katie, this is my fiancée, Amelia,” Steven introduces. “Amelia, this is Katie.” He waves his hand around us. “She’s the brains behind all of this.”

Amelia extends her hand to me, and I take it. “It’s nice to meet you,” she says sweetly. “You’ve done a lovely job.”

“Thank you.” I gesture to my friends. “These are my friends, Gabbi and Kennedy.”

They exchange hellos.

“I just wanted to introduce you before the night gets away from us. We’re still making our rounds.” Steven nods. “Enjoy your evening. Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year,” we all say before they turn and disappear into the crowd.

Gabbi holds up her glass for another toast. “To resolutions!”

“To one-night resolutions,” I add.

* * *

Gabbi, Kennedy, and I are on the dance floor, expensive champagne flowing through our veins. “Please Don’t Go” pumps through the speakers. Kennedy is in her own dance bubble, arms raised over her head, eyes closed, lips pushed out as she sways her hips from side to side. It’s her signature dance move. Gabbi catches my eye, and we both burst out laughing.

I look over my shoulder to check on Adam and see him talking to a guy at the deejay booth. He’s hot, midtwenties with dark scruff along his jaw, chin, and upper lip. His wavy dark hair rests just below his ears. The sleeves of his black dress shirt are rolled to the middle of his forearms, exposing the few bracelets stacked on his wrists, and his hands are tucked into the pockets of his dress pants. Why does he look so familiar? The guy seems to be doing most of the talking as Adam just nods, grinning.

“Ken!” I yell over the music, bursting her little dance bubble. I point in Adam’s direction. “Who’s that guy talking to Adam?”

Kennedy cranes her neck and scrunches her brows. “He looks familiar.”

“He does,” I agree.

“That’s Alex King, you dork,” Gabbi yells over the music, then turns to me. “We literally just saw him in concert, Katie.”

I bug my eyes out at her. “He looks different without a guitar strapped to him.”

Gabbi’s brother, Levi, who works security for Jayla King, gave us front row tickets to the Royal Mayhem concert back in July.

I shove Kennedy to the edge of the dance floor. “Let’s go up there. I want to meet him.”

“Evangeline Skye is here,” Kennedy screams like a teenage fangirl way too close to my eardrum, digging her nails into my arm. Evangeline Skye is Alex’s supermodel girlfriend. “And oh my God, is that Gianna Puglisi?”

“Kennedy, calm your tits,” Gabbi chides. “You’re going to scare all the celebrities away.”

I snicker as I scan the crowded VIP area until my eyes land on the famous supermodel. Evangeline is perched on the arm of the sofa, a glass of champagne in her hand, looking bored as Gianna Puglisi talks animatedly. The two women are surrounded by a bevy of beautiful people: supermodels, rock stars, and a few unfamiliar but nonetheless gorgeous men. Especially the one whose lap is currently being occupied by Gianna. He looks like he just stepped out of GQ.

My stomach flutters as I take in the gorgeous man. His dark hair is short on the side and longer on the top, the way most models wear it nowadays. He has one arm curled around Gianna’s waist, resting on her thigh, and the other draped across the back of the sofa.

My gaze moves to his face, and I suck in a sharp breath when I notice his eyes are laser-focused on me.

Suddenly, I’m transported back to prom night and the crowded dance floor at Splash. Gabbi, Kennedy, and I were shaking our asses to Justin Bieber’s “Boyfriend” when awareness pricked at the back of my neck. I looked up and locked eyes with a beautiful stranger. He was dressed for prom, his bow tie unraveled and hanging loosely around his collar. Time stood still as we stared at each other. Then the spell was broken when he turned to the pretty girl at his side.

Three and a half years later, I went to a party. The night that changed my life forever. That familiar prickling of awareness had me turning my head, and there he was.

Now he's here.

In London.

Who the hell is he?

I tear my gaze away from the hottie and return my attention to Adam and Alex just in time to catch Adam pointing in our direction. He gives me a little wave, and I wave back before turning back to my friends.

“Come on. Let’s go get a drink.”

* * *

Adam leads Alex over to our seats in the VIP section. “Ladies, this is Alex King,” he introduces, then gestures to Kennedy. “This is my fiancée, Kennedy.”

Alex leans over and shakes Kennedy’s hand, then Gabbi’s.

“I’m Gabbi,” she offers meekly. “We actually met at your sister’s wedding.”

He furrows his brows.

“I’m Levi’s sister,” she continues. “My cousins were groomsmen.”

“The Martinez brothers.” Alex nods, smiling. “Wow. What are you doing in London?”

Gabbi gestures to me. “I’m here for Katie’s big night.”

Alex’s attention turns to me, and his eyes widen a fraction as if I’ve caught him off guard. Weird.

“I’m Katie,” I introduce myself, holding out my hand, trying not to go all fangirl on the guy, especially with his girlfriend sitting just a few feet away. I wonder if she’d claw my eyes out if Alex took a picture with me.

He shakes my hand, and I swear to the rock gods that I’ll never wash it again. “Good to meet you.”

“Katie is the beauty and the brains behind the club redesign. She’s the reason we’re all here tonight,” Adam adds.

Alex raises his eyebrows. “Really? Congratulations.”

“Thanks.” I pull my phone from my back pocket and wave it in the air. “I hate to ask”—I wince—“but I’m a huge fan. Would you mind taking a picture with me?”

He grins. “Not at all. It’s my pleasure.”

“Thanks.” I pass my phone to Gabbi before moving to stand beside Alex. “Use the flash, Gabbi.”

She rolls her eyes. “I know how to take a picture, Katie.”

Gabbi snaps a few pictures, then passes my phone back to me.

Alex turns to Adam and extends his hand. “I’m gonna get back to Eva before Gianna bores her to death.” He chuckles. “It was good to meet you, man. We’ll be in touch.”

Adam grins. “I look forward to it.”

He gives the rest of us a small wave before heading back to Eva and her perfect posse.

“What did he mean, ‘we’ll be in touch’?” Kennedy asks.

“He’s got a few projects in the works and wants to meet after the new year.”

“That's a huge deal, Adam,” Gabbi exclaims.

“I’m completely awestruck.” He shakes his head. “I gotta get back.” He drops a chaste kiss to Kennedy’s lips, then heads back to the deejay booth.

The three of us take a seat on the sofa, and Gabbi opens another bottle of champagne. My eyes dart to Alex’s group and connect with the hot guy again. His gaze pierces through me, and my heart flutters in my chest.

I turn back to my friends. “Do you remember the hot guy from Splash on prom night?”

“It’s stamped in my brain,” Kennedy replies. “You talked about him all night.”

“Okay, well, I’m pretty sure he’s here.”



“Don’t look. He’s with Alex’s crowd. The guy with Gianna on his lap.”

“Want me to look?” Gabbi asks into her glass.

I fucking love her.

“Don’t be obvious. Every time I look over there, he’s staring at me.”

“Well, I mean you are hawt.” She holds up her phone, and I fight back a laugh as she pretends to take a selfie.

“Oh my God, Katie.” She laughs. “That’s Dylan Mackenzie.”