Legacy by M.A. Foster




“Kate Bennett Designs is now official,” I squeal.

“Congratulations,” Dylan exclaims. “We should celebrate.”

“We should. I’m thinking jacuzzi pool and champagne.”

“I was thinking a nice dinner, but I like your idea better. What are you doing now?”

“I’m on my way to Vanessa’s. She called me earlier, and she sounded really upset. She’s been a bit of a mess since Liam left.”

“Remind me again why she didn’t go with him.”

“Liam wants her here with her job, family, and friends. Honestly, I think she’s more worried about disappointing your grandfather if she quits.”

“I’m sure Mac would support her decision either way.”

“I agree.” I pause. “Don’t forget we’re meeting with the contractor at two.”

“I’ve got it.”

“I’m pulling up to Vanessa’s now, so I’ll see you shortly.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks. Bye.”

I park my car, then take the steps up to the front door and ring the bell. A moment later, the door opens revealing a very teary-eyed Vanessa.

“Aww, V.” I take a step forward and pull her into my arms. “What can I do?”

She moves back. “Come talk to me while I pack.”

Closing the door, I follow her down the hall to her bedroom. Vanessa disappears inside the closet, and I take a seat on the edge of the bed beside her suitcase.

“I thought you weren’t leaving until Friday.”

Vanessa emerges from the closet carrying a few hangers and tosses them on the bed. “Dr. Mackenzie gave me the time off.” She’s lying. Her voice is weird, and she’s focusing too hard on folding her clothes.

“Vanessa, look at me.”

She shakes her head.

“You called me to come over here, and you won’t look me in the eye. What is going on?”

She lifts her head, her lip quivering. “I’m pregnant.” She covers her face with her hands and bursts into tears.

Pushing up from the bed, I pull her into my arms once again. “Why are you so upset? Are you afraid Liam won’t be happy?”

“No.” She pulls away and wipes her damp hands on her pants. “He’ll be happy.”

“Then why are you so upset? You—” Wait. “Is this about me? Are you worried about me?”

“I just….” She lowers her head.

“Vanessa.” I sigh. “I love you, and I appreciate your concern for my feelings, but you can’t do that. I’m living my life again. I’m happy.” I place my hand over my heart and grin. “Vanessa, you're having a baby.” I do a little happy clap. “How far along are you?”

“Eight weeks.” She winces.

My eyes bulge. “Eight?” I let out a low whistle. “Damn, Liam works fast. I can’t believe you told me before him.”

“I wanted to tell you face-to-face because I don’t know what Liam will do. Everything with us has been moving really fast.”

“Because you’re trying to catch up on the last five years. I feel like Dylan and I are on fast-forward. Though I’m not complaining.”

“When are you going to tell him about Bennett?”

“I don’t know. We’ve only been together a month. It’s too soon to cut ourselves open and bleed out all the ugly from our pasts. We’ve both been through something painful. He knows my scar is from an accident, and that my last relationship ended badly. It’s not like we’re hiding anything from each other. We’re just not ready to expose those parts of ourselves yet.”

A strange look passes over her face, and my brows pinch. “What?” I ask skeptically.

“There’s something I haven’t told you.” She moves to sit down on the edge of the bed, and I drop down beside her. “I’m only telling you this because you’re my best friend and there are no secrets between us.”

My heart drops to my stomach. “You’re freaking me out a little bit.”

“I don’t know the whole story, because Liam doesn’t like to talk about his family drama, but he told me Dylan was in love with Jade. He said they dated for a couple months before she found out she was pregnant with Willow.”

I blink in shock, and after a moment, confusion takes over. I have so many questions.

Dylan’s words flash through my mind. “I won’t push you to share your story. When you’re ready, I’ll share mine. Then maybe we can heal together.”

An ache spreads across my chest. We both lost someone that day. If I want answers, I’ll have to tell him about Bennett.

“Are you mad that I told you?” Vanessa asks sheepishly.

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m just processing.”

“It’s a lot, to be honest.” She exhales a puff of air through her nose.

Needing a change of subject, I bump my shoulder against hers. “I still can’t believe you told me you’re pregnant before Liam.”

She grins. “Because I know Liam. He’s going to call his parents, and Mimi will tell everyone. And also, I felt like I needed to tell someone, because Mia was the one who gave me the test, and as much as I love her, it feels weird that she knew before my friends or Liam.”

I shake my head, amused. “You’re insane. What about Gabbi?”

“I’ll call Gabbi and Kennedy on FaceTime after Liam shares the news with his family.”

“What time is your flight?”

“A little after six.”

“Dylan and I have a meeting with a contractor at two. I should be done by four if you need a ride.”

She waves a hand at me. “I’ll get Gabbi to drive me.”

“Do you think you’ll make it to the airport without telling her?”

“Of course. Like I said, I wanted to tell you to your face before you found out from Dylan. Mark my words. Liam will be calling tomorrow.”

* * *

Dylan sets his glass down on the edge of the jacuzzi pool and picks up my foot, working his fingers into the arch.

I hum, closing my eyes. “That feels good.”

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what Vanessa told me earlier. I appreciate that my friends are loyal and honest, but I think we should probably revisit the “tell each other everything” rule. Now when I look at Dylan, all I see is a man who lost the girl he loved.

Is that how he’ll see me? The woman who lost her child?

Get out of your head, Katie.

I should tell him.

“Katie.” A splash of water hits me in the face, pulling me from my thoughts, and my eyes pop open. “Where’d you go?”

“What?” I squeak, wiping the water from my eyes.

“Did you hear what I said?”

“No, sorry. I spaced out. What did you say?”

“I said I talked to Jay today, and we’re going to have a farewell party at Mac’s. A private party, family and close friends only.”

“That sounds like fun.” I grin.

“It will be very entertaining.” He snickers. “It’s eighties themed.”