Legacy by M.A. Foster




Ipull open the heavy glass door and step inside Inkubus Tattoo Shop. A girl with bright pink hair smiles at me from behind the counter.

“Hi. I’m Katie. I have an appointment with Zane.”

“Yes.” She passes me a clipboard with a pen and an information card attached. “Please fill this out. Zane will be with you in just a few minutes.”


I move over to the brown leather sofa covered in black tattoos, and sit down. Picking up the pen, I begin filling out the sheet, clenching my teeth as I scribble in my date of birth.

It’s today.

I’m getting my first tattoo on my twenty-sixth birthday. Alone. Gabbi offered to come, but she doesn’t know shit about tattoos, and she’d go stir-crazy having to sit for hours. Dylan is the one who should be here, but he fucked off to California over a week ago. No goodbye. No phone call. No text. Just an email letting me know he was out of town and to keep him updated.

Talk about cut and run.


When Max showed up at Legacy instead of Dylan, I felt like I’d been sucker punched. There was no hiding the hurt I felt.

Max offered me a kind smile and said, “Be patient with him. It’s been a long time since he’s felt this way about someone, and you’re different.”

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You’re the first girlfriend Dylan has ever introduced to his family.”

“He mentioned that.”

“He told us about you the day he got back from London. You weren’t even a couple yet and he was already bragging about how talented you are. I hadn’t seen my son that happy in years.” He quirked a brow. “Do you want to know how long it took for him to tell us about Jade? A girl he’d been dating for months? The first girl he ever loved?”

It’s a rhetorical question, so I don’t bother answering.

“He didn’t,” he finished.

I didn’t know what to say to that, and honestly, I don’t think Max expected me to say anything. In his own words, I think he just wanted me to understand how much Dylan cares for me.

I know my connection to the accident that killed his first love brought out a lot of pent-up emotion. Three and a half years’ worth.

Maybe I shouldn’t be pissed, but I am. I knew he didn’t mean what he said, but he hurt my feelings. I know part of it is my fault. Had I just given him my truth to begin with, maybe we could’ve moved past it and healed together, just like he suggested.

Vanessa is back in California and has been keeping me updated. I know Dylan has been staying with Alex and Evangeline, which is next door to Liam and Vanessa, and a certain Italian supermodel has been hanging around. I’d like to believe Dylan isn’t the type to jump into bed with another woman just because things are rocky between us. I’m not an expert on relationships, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Regardless of our relationship status, I still have a job to do. Max and I have been checking on the progress of Legacy, and I’ve kept Dylan updated through email as he requested.

My phone pings inside my purse, alerting me of an incoming text. I dig into the side pocket and pull it out to see a text notification from Dylan. I swipe over the notification and enter my password before Dylan’s text pops up. Happy birthday!

That’s it?

A pang of hurt spreads through my chest as I reply with a simple Thanks.


I lift my head and see a familiar face. “Mr. Carver?”

Shoving my phone back into my purse, I stand from the sofa and walk up to the counter, passing the clipboard to the girl.

“I’m not your teacher anymore, Katie,” He chuckles. “You can call me Zane. Did you bring the sketch?”

Reaching inside my purse, I pull out two sketches—one of the peonies I’d been working on the day Dylan crushed my heart and another I decided on last minute—passing them to Mr. Carver—Zane.

“You look so different.” Different but the same. He’s hella hot. Maybe I should’ve brought Gabbi. She had the biggest crush on this man.

“It’s the tattoos.” He winks, and I snort. “Come on.” He jerks his head to the side and leads me down a hallway past four open tattoo stations. “Did you bring something to change into?”


He stops just outside an open doorway. “You can change in there.” He points to the door on my other side. “Then come in here when you’re done.”

“Thanks.” Slipping into the bathroom, I swap out my T-shirt for a strapless tank. Shoving my T-shirt and bra into my purse, I cross the hall, stepping into the room and closing the door.

“You can hang your purse on the hook, then have a seat.” He pats the tattoo chair.

I hang up my purse, then climb onto something similar to a massage chair.

“You drew this?” He drops down on a rolling stool and scoots up to a drafting desk.

“Yes.” I giggle nervously, and suddenly I’m back in high school.

Get your shit together, Katie.

“Are you an artist?”

“Interior designer. I design nightclubs, bars, cafes….”

He smiles. “I’m glad to see you’re doing well. How is the rest of your girl-gang doing?”

“The Fab Four?” I tease.

“I knew it was something.”

“Kennedy is in New York. She’s graduating from law school next month.”


I nod. “Vanessa is a nurse. She just moved to California last week with her ex-husband. They’re back together. You might know him—Liam Mackenzie.”

“Liam Mackenzie. Shortstop for the LA Heat. Excellent ballplayer.”

“He’s a good guy.” I pause. “Gabbi is a realtor. I’m surprised you haven’t bumped into her. She lives across the street.”

“I’ve bumped into her a few times.” His lips pull to the side. “She hates me.”

I frown. “Why?”

A look of regret passes over his face. “Spring break,” he reminds me.

I push my lips together. “I forgot about that,” I lie.

“I haven’t,” he murmurs.


“What about you? Married? Kids?”

“Divorced. No kids.”

“Did you run off and marry Miss Lewis?”

His brows pinch in confusion. “No.” He chuckles.

“Everyone at school thought you were dating her,” I inform him.

“Clearly high school rumors extend beyond the students.” He shakes his head.

“Clearly. How’d you go from being a teacher to a tattoo artist?”

“I actually wanted to be an art teacher. Magnolia Prep was hiring, and I needed a job. I taught for a few years, got a job in a tattoo shop, got some experience, built up my clients, and now I have three locations; Miami, Vegas, and Magnolia Park.”

“That’s amazing. Congratulations on your success.”

“Thank you.” He holds out his hand tentatively. “I’m gonna take a look at your arm.”

I watch as he inspects the scar. “How old is this?”

“Four years this August.”

“Does this injury have anything to do with this?” He holds up the second sketch.

I swallow down the emotion and nod. “Yes.”

He dips his head. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you.”

Three hours later, I’m standing in front of the floor-length mirror with tears in my eyes. The ugly reminder of my past is now camouflaged in a row of beautiful peonies. It’s only the outline—I’ll need to come back for the color—but it’s breathtaking.

“What do you think?” Zane asks from behind me.

Turning, I throw my arms around his middle and burst into tears. “Thank you.”

* * *

Istep inside Allure, a trendy boutique in The Village, and a saleswoman greets me with a friendly hello.

“Hi.” I lift my hand. “I’m looking for my friend.”

“Katie,” Gabbi calls out, waving a hand.

I make my way over to the far wall, which is lined with dresses sorted by color.

“Let me see it,” Gabbi squeals, reaching for the sleeve of my T-shirt.

I swat her hand away. “Wait until we get to the fitting room so you can see the whole thing.”

“Fine.” She huffs, turning back to the wall of dresses.

“What are we looking for?” I ask as she flips through the assortment of gowns.

Liam is proposing to Vanessa next month on the field, then flying us all to Vegas for a surprise wedding and dinner reception.

Gabbi shrugs. “All Liam said was to get a bridesmaid’s dress for a Vegas wedding.”

“Should we get the same color?”

“I was thinking that.” She pulls out her phone. “Let’s call Kennedy. She needs to be included.”

A moment later, Kennedy’s smiling face pops up on the screen. “Hey. Are you with the birthday girl?”

I poke my head in front of the screen. “I’m here, Ken.”

“Hey. How’s your day going? Did you get my gift?”

“I did. Thank you. I’m having a good day so far,” I say. It would’ve been better if I were spending it with Dylan.

“She got a tattoo,” Gabbi tells her.

Kennedy raises her brows. “You did?”

“Yep.” I nod, holding my breath as I wait for the inevitable judgmental comment.

“Can I see?”

“It’s covered up right now, but I’ll FaceTime you later.”

“I can’t wait.” She does a little happy clap, and I blink in surprise.

“Who are you, and what have you done with our opinionated friend?” Gabbi quips, and I can’t help but grin.

Kennedy jerks a shoulder. “She’s moving on with her life. If it makes her happy, then I’ll support her no matter what.”

Emotion knots at the base of my throat. “Thank you, Ken. That means a lot.”

“I got you, babe.” She blows me a kiss. “So, what else is going on?”

“We’re at Allure looking at dresses for the wedding,” Gabbi replies. “Do you have any suggestions?”

“Maybe her favorite color,” I suggest.

“Her favorite color is pink,” Kennedy reminds us.

Moving down to the section of dresses in various shades of pink, I pluck a blush-colored, satin slip dress from the rack and hold it up to my front. It’s mid-length with thin straps and a scoop neck. “What about something like this?”

“Oh, I like that. What do you think, Ken?” She taps her phone, then aims it in my direction.

“That would be perfect,” Kennedy says. “Go try on a few and send me pics. I’m fine with whatever you choose.”

“All right. We’ll keep you posted.”

“Have fun. Bye.”

Gabbi and I choose a few dresses, then slip into the larger fitting room. There’s never been any modesty between us, and trying on clothes together has always been our thing. I move to the back of the fitting room and hang the dresses on the oversized hook before lifting my shirt over my head.

Gabbi sucks in a breath. “Holy shit.” She reaches out and traces her fingers over the dermal tape. “It’s beautiful.”

“Thanks.” I turn to the mirror. “Zane did it.”

“Ugh.” She rolls her eyes.

“He said he bumped into you a few times. He’s convinced you hate him.”

A pained expression passes over her face briefly before morphing into irritation. “I don’t hate him, I just….” She shakes her head and continues to undress.

“Gabbi, what did he do to you?”

“You know what he did,” she murmurs. “He screwed me for a week, then pretended I didn’t exist.”

I heave a sigh. “I’m sorry. Maybe he was just scared because he crossed a line that teachers shouldn’t cross.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She waves a hand dismissively. “It’s in the past.”

* * *

After finding the perfect dress, Gabbi treated me to a late lunch in The Village before I headed home.

Pulling into my driveway, I notice a Harley parked to the side. I recognize it as Dylan’s, but I don’t see him anywhere.

Grabbing my things, I climb out of my car, bumping the door closed with my hip before making my way up the sidewalk. I punch in the code, unlocking the door before stepping inside the foyer, and setting my stuff down on the table.

As I make my way into the open space, I notice two gift bags on the counter. The fuck?

I turn my head to the patio door and see Dylan sitting on the outdoor sofa with Rocky perched on his thigh, feeding him treats.

I storm toward the open doorway. “What are you doing in my house?” I snap, scaring my squirrel. He jumps off Dylan’s lap and races toward his tree.

“Waiting for you.”

“Well, you’re going to be waiting forever, so you might as well go back to California, Dylan.”

“What is that?” His eyes widen, focusing on my arm as he gets to his feet. “Is that where you’ve been all day? Gabbi said you were at the spa.” He lifts the sleeve of my T-shirt. “Fuck, Katie. I should’ve been there.”

I jerk my arm away. “Yeah, you should’ve.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were there when I texted you earlier?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to California?” I cross my arms over my chest. “That pathetic email doesn’t count.”

“Because you’re not the only one who was feeling hurt. I only meant to be gone a few days, but Alex and I started working on the tentative booking dates for Legacy next year.”

“What about Gianna?”

His brows dip. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t lie. Vanessa told me she saw you with her.”

“Her hugging me to say hello is not me being with her. I saw her for all of five minutes. Don’t start that shit. I’m not a cheater.”

“I didn’t realize we were still together.” I tilt my head. “My boyfriend would’ve told me he was leaving town.”

“Your boyfriend needed space to pull his head out of his ass. You said I’ll never lose you.”

“That was before you deliberately hurt me. I forgave you the first time because I understood. But then you just took off. You did that to punish me.”

Curling an arm around my waist, he tugs me to his chest. “Katie, I fucked up, and I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight with you. I want us to go back to being that couple that everyone makes fun of. Our problem isn’t because things are moving too fast. Our problem is we’re both trying to keep the painful skeletons of our past locked up.” He taps his temple. “We need to let them out so we can move on and be happy. Do you still want to be with me?”

“Yes,” I breathe.

“Good.” His eyes flick over mine. “Because I’m in love with you.”

I suck in a breath. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” He grins. “I have never been happier in my life than I am with you. I’m sorry for the things I said, and I want to explain, but right now I just want to kiss you.” He dips his head and presses a kiss to my lips. “Happy birthday, babe.”

“Thank you.” I snake my arms around his neck. “I love you, too, Dylan.”

Half a dozen emotions cross his face before he buries it in my neck and squeezes me tight. “I missed you.”

“Don’t ever do that to me again,” I warn.

“How about I make it up to you?” he purrs, sliding his hands down to cup my ass.

“I’m listening,” I tease.

He moves his lips to my ear. “How about I take you upstairs and lick your pussy until you beg me to fuck you?” A moan pushes past my lips and goose bumps pebble over my skin. “Then I’ll flip you over, give you a birthday spanking before I fuck you until you’re breathless and in need of food. Then you’ll put on a pretty dress and I’ll take you to dinner.” He pulls back wearing that devilish smirk I love so much. “How’s that sound?”

“It sounds like the perfect way to spend my birthday.”

The spell is broken by the sound of the doorbell and we both groan. Dylan presses his lips to my forehead. “I’ll get it.”