Legacy by M.A. Foster




Liam proposed to Vanessa today on the pitcher’s mound. Of course she said yes. After the game, we all flew to Vegas for her surprise wedding. I’ve got to give Liam the credit he deserves. He planned the entire wedding, giving Vanessa a do-over. I’m quite a fan of do-overs.

We’re all currently gathered in the lobby of the Bellagio, waiting on Liam to check us in. Dylan curls an arm around my waist and leans into my ear. “Are you okay?”

I tilt my head to look up at him and smile. “Yeah. Why?”

His eyes flick over my face. “You seem distracted. Is it the wedding stuff?”

I can’t help but laugh. “We’re in Vegas, babe. I’m just trying to take it all in.”

Aiden steps up beside Dylan, his attention on his phone. “I’m going with the guys, right?”

“Yeah, of course,” Dylan replies.

Aiden drops his head back. “Thank fuck.”

I stifle a laugh as Dylan snatches Aiden’s phone from his hands.

“Yo!” Aiden shouts.

“Yo, watch your mouth.”

“Okay, Dad.” He rolls his eyes and holds out a hand for his phone. “Bro, I’m fifteen. I’m not a little kid. Everyone in this family says ‘fuck,’ even Mimi.”

“You’ve been fifteen for all of five minutes,” Dylan argues.

“Katie,” Vanessa calls to me from across the lobby, then gestures toward the elevators.

“I’ll get us checked in,” Dylan says before pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. “See you later.”

* * *

“Oh my God, he remembered,” Vanessa squeals as she waves the plastic key over the sensor.

The lock clicks and she grabs the handle, pushing the door open. We follow her into a small foyer, and the first thing I notice is a media stand in dark wood and the striped carpet in various shades of browns with bold orange stripes running through it.

The designer in me is curious to see how this insane carpet fits in with the rest of the décor. Leaving my suitcase in the foyer, I move farther into the room, taking in the open space and the kaleidoscope of bold colors. It’s very art deco, which is fitting for a Vegas hotel room.

Vanessa leads us around to the other side of the tall media stand. A king-size bed is centered in front of a wide window, stretching almost the entire length of the wall. The four of us climb onto the bed. Vanessa and I lie in the middle, Kennedy scoots in beside me, and Gabbi takes the other side of Vanessa.

We can see the fountain below, and in the distance is the Vegas Eiffel tower.

“I can only imagine how beautiful the view is at night,” Kennedy says.

“I’m sure it is,” Vanessa replies with a laugh. “I never saw it. I passed out in the elevator before we even made it to our floor. I didn’t even have sex on my wedding night.”

“Lame,” Gabbi drawls.

“This bed is comfy. Do you think we have time for a nap?” Just as the words leave Vanessa’s mouth, there’s a knock on the door.

“I’m gonna say the answer is no.” I laugh.

“I’ll get it.” Gabbi rolls off the bed and heads for the door. A moment later, female chatter fills the room.

“Wow. This is a lot of red,” Jay says, making me grin.

Kelly walks into the room carrying several garment bags, followed by her daughter, Piper, then Jay and Harper.

“Did you guys get checked in?” Vanessa asks.

“Yes, and—” Jay reaches into her back pocket and pulls out an envelope. “—Dylan said you might need these.” She passes me the envelope with a room number written on the outside. Inside are two room keys. “You have a two-bedroom suite, so I assume you guys are sharing.” She shrugs as she plops down on the chaise next to Harper.

“Come try these on, Vanessa,” Kelly calls from the doorway of the bathroom.

Vanessa pushes to a sitting position and scoots to the end of the bed. “I’ll be back in a minute. You guys can start getting ready in there.” She points to the other bathroom closest to me before disappearing behind the door with Kelly.

“What room are you in?” I ask Jay.

“I snagged us the penthouse suite with the balcony.” She grins. “For sentimental reasons. My parents eloped in Vegas, so every couple years for their anniversary, my dad would bring us here for a weekend. My mom and I would spend the afternoon at the spa while my dad chilled in the room with his guitar. He’d order us a table so we could eat on the balcony and watch the water show. Unfortunately, there’s no time for that on this trip, but maybe we can come back another time and stay for a few days. Is this your first time in Vegas?”

“It is,” I reply.

“Mine, too,” Kennedy says.

“Same,” Gabbi adds.

“Does anyone know what the plan is?” Kennedy asks.

“Just dinner after the ceremony,” Gabbi replies. “I’m not sure what Liam has planned after.”

I push myself upright and press my back against the headboard. “We should go to a club.”

“I’ve got it covered,” Jay says with a grin. “Bottle service at Chateau.”

I look down at Kennedy. “We have to celebrate your big achievement.”

Kennedy waves me off and shifts to sit up. “We can do that later. It’s Vanessa’s day.”

“What are we celebrating?” Jay asks.

“Kennedy passed the New York bar exam,” Gabbi tells her. “You’re looking at Kennedy Vaughn, attorney at law.”

“Vaughn?” A curious expression passes over Jay’s face, and I don’t miss the look Piper shoots Harper. “I forgot you guys all went to school together. Are you related to Reagan?”

My eyes dart from Jay to Kennedy. It had never occurred to me that Jay had gone to school with Reagan.

Kennedy pulls her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around her shins. “She’s my sister, and I’m very aware of your hatred toward her.”

“Hatred?” Jay’s brows dip in confusion. “I don’t hate Reagan. I mean, she’s not my favorite person, but—”

“Oh, I know,” Kennedy cuts her off with a humorless laugh. “I saw the pictures of her face after you beat her up.”

My eyes widen, and I swear I stop breathing. A flash of hurt passes over Jay’s face before her expression falls flat. Not good.

I shoot a pleading look at Gabbi, because she’s much better at handling these situations, but even she’s stunned into silence by Kennedy’s cattiness.

“Seriously?” Harper chokes out in disbelief at the same time Piper rolls her eyes and says, “Why does that not surprise me?”

“Is that what she told you?” Jay shakes her head and rises from her chair. Harper and Piper stand, too.

My heart is literally racing in my chest.

“What’s going on?” Vanessa asks, and all eyes shift to her.

She looks beautiful in a white maxi dress with a mesh cover-up. The straps are thin and the sides are cinched, accentuating her adorable baby bump. Most importantly, she looks comfortable.

Jay presses a hand to her chest and walks over to her. “You look so pretty, Vanessa.” She gives her a quick hug. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

“Where are you going?”

“To get ready in my room.” Jay plasters a fake smile on her face.

Jay and Harper head for the door, and Piper shifts on her feet. “I’m gonna go get ready with them, if that’s okay.”

Vanessa exhales a heavy sigh. “Of course, Piper.” She waves a hand. “Go with your friends.”

“We’ll see you downstairs,” Kelly adds with a smile. Poor lady has no idea what she signed up for locking herself in a room with the four of us.

Piper hurries from the room, and a moment later, the door clicks shut.

Vanessa jerks her angry gaze in our direction. “What just happened?”

I hold up my hands in defense. “Don’t look at me.” I gesture to Kennedy. “She’s the one who clearly has an issue with your future niece.”

“I’m sorry, V.” Kennedy throws her hands up. “I was trying to be civil, but I saw the disdain on her face when she mentioned Reagan, and I snapped.”

“That wasn’t disdain, Ken,” I argue. “That was strictly curiosity.”

Kennedy sighs. “Defend her all you want, but she’s a bully.”

“I call bullshit,” Gabbi says at the same time Vanessa says, “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that.”

“Me either,” I add.

Vanessa points an accusing finger at Kennedy. “When her mother comes for you, you’re on your own.”

“I understand the need to stick up for your sister,” Gabbi interjects. “But I don’t think she was being honest with you. Honestly, if Reagan got her ass kicked, she probably had it coming.”

A throat clears, and our attention shifts to Kelly. “I’d like to say something, if I may.” She moves to stand beside Vanessa. “Piper is my only child, and I got very lucky with her. She never went through that ‘rebellious’ phase. She’s always been kind. She never got in trouble. All in all, she was just a really good girl. Piper excelled in high school, or so I thought. She was on the cheer team. She was popular and had a bunch of friends. I thought she was living her best high school life. I won’t go into detail, because I can’t betray my daughter’s trust, but I will tell you this. It wasn’t until Jayla came along and befriended Piper that she realized the friendships she’d maintained for years were toxic. Those girls weren’t her real friends. They were bullies. And that’s all I’ll say about that.” Kelly looks at her watch. “Okay, girls, get moving. We’ve got less than two hours to get ready.”

* * *


We’re all gathered in the VIP lounge for a little pregame before we head over to the wedding chapel. The plan is the guys will ride over together in one van, and the girls will go in the other.

“Maybe I can talk your sister into marrying me while we’re here,” Cam says, his eyes locked on Emerson as she walks into the room with my mother, Mimi, and his mother, Katherine.

“She won’t,” Liam says matter-of-factly.

Cam sighs. “I’m beginning to think she never will.”

“I never thought the day would come when I’d be reassuring my best friend that one day my sister will marry him, but it will happen.” Liam pretends to gag.

“You’re practically married already,” Zach says. “What’s the rush?”

“Says the guy who eloped before he even graduated high school,” I remind him.

Zach shrugs without apology. “I think we can all agree that the last couple years have been a shitshow. Tomorrows are never guaranteed, so why waste today on fears and insecurities? When the love of your life almost dies, it puts things into perspective.”

His words are a direct hit to my chest. Beside me, Liam sucks in a sharp breath as if he’d taken the blow himself. My gaze shifts to Cole. His expression is neutral, but the sympathy is there.

Last year, Jay and one of her friends were attacked in a parking garage by two preppy fucks who had been stalking her friend. Unfortunately, Jay suffered the worst of it. And the preppy fucks basically got a slap on the wrist. It’s bullshit, but that’s what happens when your dad is a politician. That whole day was a clusterfuck. However, it never really sank in just how close Zach came to losing the love of his life. The fear he must’ve felt. Suddenly, I have a whole new level of respect for the kid.

“Facts,” Cam agrees, slapping Zach on the back before walking over to Emerson.

The doors open, and in walks Jay, Harper, and their friend Piper.

All three are stylishly dressed for a night in Vegas, and Jay looks like she’s ready to burn down the city.

“Jesus Christ,” Liam hisses. “Zach, I would tell you to have a word with your wife about her outfit, or lack thereof, but she looks like she’s seconds away from tearing someone’s head off.”

Zach chuckles. “Have you met my wife?”

Levi stops beside Zach and shakes his head. “She was supposed to call when she was ready,” he states before he stalks over and stops in front of Jay. Harper and Piper skirt around them with raised brows and continue our way.

I look over at Zach. “Aren’t you gonna go check on your wife?”

Zach shakes his head slowly, keeping his eyes trained on Jay. “Not yet. I’m waiting for my cue.”

“What?” Cole asks through a laugh.

“Levi is my buffer,” Zach explains. “If she’s as pissed as she looks, he’s gonna get an earful first.”

Sure enough, Levi steps back with his arms crossed over his chest as Jay goes off, her hand stretched out to her side as her head makes jerky movements.

“Damn,” I murmur.

Harper and Piper approach our small group. Cole curls an arm around Harper’s waist. “What’s going on?” he asks.

“She’s pissed off,” Piper says at the same time Harper replies, “She’s upset.”

“About what?” Zach asks.

“Girl drama,” Harper says, and I roll my eyes.

Levi pulls Jay into a hug, then looks over his shoulder at Zach.

“That’s my cue,” Zach says before he walks off.

Liam whistles through his teeth. “Maybe I need to hire a bodyguard for Vanessa.”