Legacy by M.A. Foster




“You ready to go, babe?” Dylan asks.

My eyes dart to his reflection in the mirror as he casually leans against the doorframe behind me. He’s dressed in navy board shorts and a white T-shirt. It’s Fourth of July, and we’re headed to Zach and Jay’s for a family barbecue.

I pull my hair into a ponytail, then turn to face him. “Do I look okay?”

His smile is loving. “You look gorgeous as always.”

I turn back to the mirror for one last glance at my outfit: white shorts and light blue tank with the American flag printed across the front.

“Make sure you put some sunscreen in your purse. You want to keep your tattoo protected.”

Before Vanessa and Liam’s wedding, I went back to Zane and had him add the color. I chose a blush color, which was inspired by the dress I picked out for Vanessa’s wedding.

I slip my feet into a pair of sandals, then grab my purse and follow Dylan out of the bedroom.

I spent the last month gradually moving into his place. Ever since the bobcat incident, I’ve been scared to step outside my loft.

Dylan has a small patch of grass between the garage and the entrance to his apartment, and he built a temporary but safe cage for Rocky. I hate that I can’t just walk outside and sit with him, but Dylan promised to tweak the remodel plans to include a screened-in patio, and a large bookshelf for all my smut.

* * *

The smell of grilled meat lingers in the air, making my mouth water. I had a light breakfast this morning so I could save room for barbecue. Dylan leads us down the driveway toward the back of the house. Jay’s backyard has been transformed to look like a carnival. A man stands at a large smoker next to a tent. Inside the tent is a long table decorated in red, white, and blue, surrounded by white plastic chairs. In the middle of the table is a bucket filled with fireworks.

Laughter and collective chatter echoes from a larger tent. Carnival games are scattered across the back and along the sides, including a dunk tank, ring toss, and bottle toss.

I wish Vanessa and Liam were here. It’s the middle of baseball season, but I’m counting down the days until Dylan and I fly out to California for the birth of their daughter.

“Kadee,” Willow calls as she runs toward me.

“Traitor,” Dylan murmurs, and I laugh.

Willow’s hand is clasped with Logan’s daughter, Zoe’s. Both are dressed in a red T-shirt with a jeweled American flag on the front and denim shorts under a red, white, and blue tutu.

“Look at you,” I croon. “I love your outfits.”

“JJ buyed them,” Zoe tells me with a toothy grin.

She’s so cute with a big red bow fastened in her curly blonde hair.

“Where’s your bow, Willow?”

“I don’t like bows. They hurt my hair.”

“She’s tender headed,” Harper’s voice cuts in as she makes her way toward us. “Brushing her hair is challenging enough,” she adds, pulling me into a hug.

“Hey.” Jay huffs.

Her normal glow is missing, and she looks pale.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dylan asks.

“Nothing.” She swipes a hand over her forehead. “I’m just hot and hungry.”

“I’m starving,” Dylan says. “When is the food gonna be ready?”

“It’s ready.” She turns to Harper. “Will you tell everyone the food is ready?”

Harper nods. “I’m on it.”

Jay waves a hand toward the opposite tent. “Let’s go.”

We make our way inside the tent and over to the long table along the back set up buffet style.

“It’s cooler in here.” I point to the fans fixed in the corners.

“I’ll feel better once I get some food in me.”

After we make our plates, we move over to the table as the rest of the family trickles in. Once everyone is settled around the table, Zach stands up.

“Is everyone here?” He scans the table before looking down adoringly at Jay. “Do you want to tell them?”

Jay shakes her head before shoving a chocolate-covered strawberry into her mouth. I swear her eyes roll in the back of her head.

Zach continues, “We wanted to wait a little bit to tell everyone, but nothing is sacred in this family.”

The whole table erupts in laughter as Dylan leans into my ear.

“Hundred bucks she’s pregnant.”

“Here we go,” someone says through a cough.

“My beautiful wife is pregnant.”

The table erupts with cheers and applause. My eyes dart to Emerson to see her smiling, her eyes filled with tears. My guess is she already knew.

“Well, that took longer than I thought.” Mimi’s quip echoes over the boisterous chatter.

Zach smiles down at his wife. “With twins.”

* * *

“What are you thinking?” Dylan asks as he drives us home.

“I’m thinking I love your family,” I reply as I stare out the passenger window. “I’m also trying to picture Zach and Jay with twins.” I snicker.

Dylan laughs. “She looked a little green today.”

“Do twins run in your family?”

“Not that I’m aware of. Why?”

“I’ve heard twins come from the mother’s side?”

“Hmm.” We ride in comfortable silence for a few moments before he speaks again. “Can I ask you something? It’s more out of curiosity than anything.”

I turn my gaze from the window. “You can ask me anything.”

“What’s the process… you know… for having a baby?”

“Are you getting baby fever, Dylan?” I tease.

“Not yet. I’m just curious how it works.”

“I still have my ovaries so I can produce eggs, but as for the actual process… I don’t know all the specifics. I never asked. I…”

I didn’t think I wanted anymore kids.

I didn’t think I’d find anyone who would want me.


“I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d find anyone who would want to go through all of that.”

He reaches over and places his hand on my thigh. “I’ll go through it as many times as you want. You deserve everything, and I want to be the one to give it to you.”