Hope on the Rocks by Annabeth Albert



My Thursday shift crawled by, despite a steady stream of patients. I blamed Adam and anticipation for a possible late-night date. After the sheet-scorching phone sex, it was no wonder my brain refused to stay focused on medicine. I managed, though, treating the usual summer assortment of injuries from overly optimistic vacationers ill-prepared for hiking and beach sports. Summer was starting to heat up, and the weekend shifts promised to be extra busy.

But before a weekend spent being Dr. Strauss, I got to be Adam’s boy, a thought that filled me with giddy disbelief. And after our phone call, I was more eager than nervous. The way he used words like “more” and “later” and “next time” further set me at ease. We didn’t have to cram everything into a single hookup, which took the pressure off of me.

Falling into the kinky conversation had been shockingly easy, sliding from small talk to sexy play in what had felt like the space of a few heartbeats. I wasn’t sure it would be that easy in person, but I could hope.

I was eating a late dinner while scanning through medical journal articles when Adam texted. Interesting as the latest MRSA treatments were, I was only too happy to shift my attention to his message.

Think you’ll still be up around eleven? On a quick break here and been thinking about you all day, but doubt I can be out of here much sooner than that.

Warmth spread through my chest. He was so free with his affection, something I wasn’t used to but liked a lot.

I’ll be up. Cute that you think I sleep anything resembling a normal schedule, I replied.

His response was gratifyingly fast. Just checking. Can’t have you falling asleep in the middle of a patient exam tomorrow. Are your days off next week Tues and Weds again?

I smiled at my empty kitchen before texting back. Don’t worry about me. I’ll have extra coffee if I start yawning. And yes.

I told him not to worry, but actually, his concern felt wonderful, a hug I hadn’t known I needed. And his reply made me smile even wider. Good. I’ll try to line up my own time off one of those nights. I can already tell I’m gonna need a repeat and longer than a late-night quickie.

Is that so? I teased, adding the winking emoji autocorrect helpfully suggested. Maybe you should see how the late-night quickie goes first…

His return text arrived super quickly. I don’t need to see. I know.

That last text left me vibrating with extra energy. He better make good on all these sexy promises. Him using a rare break to text with me made me feel special to get a sliver of time from him. As someone who worked long hours, I understood the challenges that arose from being overscheduled.

When his knock sounded shortly after eleven, all that extra energy gathering at the base of my spine made my steps quicker and my hands clumsy on the doorknob.

“Hi.” An unexpected attack of shyness was making it hard to think. Or maybe that was due to how good he looked in his tight black Rainbow Tavern T-shirt. He filled my doorway with a potent presence that went beyond merely his bulky muscles and height. I wanted him so much that I had to wipe my hands against my pants. I wasn’t too sure what the protocol for a late-night booty call was, whether to offer him food first or merely lead him straight to my bedroom.

“You can stop looking so worried. I’m not going to jump you against the door.” As usual, Adam saved me with his directness.

“That’s not without its appeal,” I admitted.

“Neighbors might complain about the noise.” He lounged against the wall, eyes roaming over me, enlivening every cell in my body.

“Considerate of you.” The desire in his gaze made it easier to flirt back, being wanted worked even better than a shot of liquid courage might. “The unit next door is one the owners rent out a lot. I think it’s empty tonight.”

“Good. I won’t feel bad if I make you scream.” Adam’s expression went from primal to devious, smile deepening and eyes crinkling. “And there’s that sexy blush of yours.”

“Glad to amuse you.” I resisted the urge to put a hand to my cheek, see how hot the skin was. All of me felt on fire like I might turn to ash if I didn’t get him soon.

He stroked a broad thumb down my cheek, making me shiver. “The blush plus those hipster glasses of yours make you look all innocent, makes me feel like I’m corrupting the valedictorian.”

He wasn’t that far off, so I had to laugh. “Well, luckily for you, the nerd glasses stay on. I can’t see much without them, and contacts are too irritating for the sort of hours I pull.”

“Oh, you can leave them on,” he drawled. “I’ll clean them myself if need be.”

Gulp.He sure had a way with imagery, and his words transported me back to that breathless state I’d been on the phone.“Thank you.”

I very nearly added the Daddy, and the flare of heat in his eyes said he likely knew it.

“Why don’t you show me your bedroom? I need to see what we’re working with if I’m gonna help you paint.”

As far as pretexts to get in my bedroom went, that was rather smooth, but I didn’t want him to feel obligated. “You don’t have to help paint.”

“I’m aware. But projects keep me from going stir crazy missing Ramona and Teddy.”

“That’s good. I know how that goes.” I tried to keep my tone from going too wistful. “I’ve tried and discarded more hobbies in the last two years than in all my years prior.”

“Anything stick?” Adam followed me to the stairs that led to the second floor.

“Cooking. I have an on/off relationship with my blog for healthy recipe photos. And walking on the beach, cliché as that sounds.” As I headed up the stairs, my cheeks heated, and my words sped up. “But I like long walks, and combing for washed-up treasure gives my meandering a purpose.”

“That’s cool. You can show me what you’ve found. Later.” He paused near the top of the stairs, eyes shifting from hungry wolf to something more thoughtful. “I should drag you hiking sometime. I hunt, but even off-season I like getting out there, camping and fishing.”

Huh. Not that I had a lot of experience with casual sex arrangements, but all Adam’s talk about painting and hiking certainly made it seem like he wanted to be friends, not simply an occasional booty call. Which was nice, but also skirting dangerously close to the relationship territory I so wanted to avoid. However, I also didn’t want to shoot down an offer of friendship right before I finally got to kiss the guy, so I settled for a noncommittal noise and absent tone. “Hiking is nice.”

Continuing to feel a little out of my element, I opened the door to my room. My legs felt none too steady as I entered, and Adam’s laugh as he followed me didn’t calm my nerves any.

“We are so painting. This place has all the warmth of a mortuary waiting room.”

“It’s not that bad…” I tried and failed to defend my taste. Adam’s tease wasn’t entirely off the mark, but I wanted him to hurry up and kiss me. Discussing future decorating plans felt decidedly couple-like, and the little thrill his interest gave me was not at all welcome.

“You’re talking to a guy who owns more than ten black T-shirts, and still, I gotta say that’s a ton of black and gray.” Adam gestured, encompassing the dark blackout shades, stark white walls, and black-and-gray bedding, which did give the room a rather dour appearance.

“Okay, okay. You have a point.” I tried to send him please kiss me soon vibes with my eyes. I’d never been very good at initiating sex, and by that moment, I would have agreed to repainting the entire condo if it got us back to our earlier flirting. I needed more of those ready-to-combust feelings and less conflicted emotions over a possible friendship. “Maybe redecorating would help my sleep.”

“So would letting me wear you out.” His feral look was back, and perversely, that was what finally got me to relax. Lust was easy. Lust, I understood. Forget nervous knees and sweaty palms. The thrum of desire as Adam went to sit at the foot of the bed made me feel powerful. Sexy.

“You should.” I moved closer, biting back a yes, please, Daddy. He so looked the part too, all hot ginger lumberjack Daddy, raking his gaze over me as he tugged me to stand right in front of him, shins brushing.

“I will,” he said wolfishly. “Come here.”

Ignoring my startled noise, he hauled me into his lap. His big, comfortable, almost overwhelmingly sexy lap. He smelled good, woodsy, like his sheets and soap and his chest that was solid against my side.

“Oh. Uh…hello.” I struggled with the urge to sink into him completely, afraid if I did, I might never want to leave his embrace.

“Hi.” Adam chuckled at my ridiculousness and brushed his face against my temple and hair. “Knew you’d fit perfectly.”

“Thanks.” I exhaled hard, that need to let go winning. Hours of tension left me in one gust. His sturdy thighs and muscular arms truly were the ideal resting spot. And when he tenderly turned my face toward his, I went easily, awkwardness melting away with the force of how much I wanted this.

“Where do you stand on kissing?” His voice was even sexier now, low and dark.

“I like it.” My answer was perhaps a bit too quick, as if he might rescind the offer if I took too long deciding.

“Good.” He brushed his mouth against mine, the tickle of his beard contrasting with the soft fullness of his mouth. Earlier, when he’d threatened to make me scream, I’d expected a headlong rush into hot and heavy, the quickie he’d promised.

But this wasn’t a quickie.

No, this was a damn banquet of sensation, a slow feast. The press of his mouth made me tingle all over, heartrate doing that tachycardiac double-time beat, every sense heightened. The way he held me meant I could feel his heart pounding with that same dizzying rhythm. Delicately, he traced my lips with his tongue, a whisper of a tease, none of his usual brashness.

“Oh.” I parted my lips with an involuntary gasp, welcoming the invasion of his tongue like I’d been waiting years for this moment. And maybe I had. I was thirty-five, and I’d never been kissed quite like this. Adam kissed like we’d have decades to get this right, and like learning what I liked mattered. The movement of his tongue against mine returned my body temperature to supernova level, and when he tugged lightly on my lower lip, my cock started to throb. More soft sounds escaped my throat, each one seeming to embolden him further.

He used his lips and teeth and tongue to coax more and more sounds from me as the kiss built and built. I clung to him, literally shaking with how good it felt.

“Wow.” My voice was all breathless.

“Wow is right.” He chuckled before kissing me again, deeper this time. His boldness returned, an aggressiveness to his movements that I couldn’t get enough of. He held me tighter as his tongue swept farther into my mouth. I sucked eagerly on his tongue, making him be the one to moan this time.

“More.” I tried to wiggle even closer.

“We good?” he asked as he slid a hand under the back of my T-shirt.

“Oh, yes.” I wanted him to touch me everywhere, and the more he explored my back, the warmer his hand became, each of us igniting the other. As we continued to trade kisses, I let my hands roam too, over his big biceps, across his shoulders, through his beard, eventually digging my fingers into his back when the kissing became so intense that spontaneous combustion was a real risk.


“What would you like, baby?” Adam stroked my face, fingers featherlight despite the hunger of his kiss moments before. “Tell me.”

Getting to order up my own personal fantasy was such a novelty that I needed a minute to collect my thoughts. Truth was, I’d likely get off from another few moments of kissing, but I had other cravings to satisfy.

“I want to suck you.” My voice was soft but sure. “Like we talked about on the phone.”

“Mmm. You want to be a good boy for me?” It was a question but also an invitation, one I gladly seized.

“Yes, Daddy.” The words had been there all night, and finally uttering them felt so indescribably right that I shuddered.

“Good. Get on your knees.” Hand strong on my back, he encouraged me to kneel between his legs. Dying for it, I reached for his belt the second I was in position, but he stilled me with a hand over mine.

“Nuh-uh. Not yet. Show me how much you want my cock.”

I made a needy sound I hadn’t known I was capable of. With his deep voice and utter command of the situation, he was every Daddy fantasy I’d ever had, but better. I rubbed my face along his thighs, loving the drag of his jeans against my shaved cheeks. Nuzzling at his impressive bulge, I didn’t have to playact my eagerness and desperation at all.

“Please, Daddy, can I take it out?”

“Yes, baby.” He guided my hands back to his belt. “Slow.”

Following orders, I took my time unbuckling him and withdrawing his cock, rubbing his thick shaft through his black boxer briefs before slipping his cock all the way out.

“Fuck.” Sometimes only that word would do. Lumberjack porn, indeed. Adam’s cock was mouth-wateringly thick with a big, plump cockhead. “You weren’t kidding about big.”

“Glad you approve.” Smirking at me, he smoothed my hair.

“I might have oversold my skills,” I admitted. In the heat of the moment, on the phone, deep-throating him had seemed easy, but the actual cock in front of me was rather daunting. “That’s a monster.”

“Try.” Adam was all stern now, guiding me toward his cock. “Show Daddy what you like.”

That was nice, the way he demanded but gave me room to comply at my own pace. Grateful, I explored his shaft with my hands and tongue, jacking it while I lapped at the cockhead. Teasing a little, I sucked only that much, working the tip with my lips and tongue between shallow bobs. He was heavy and salty on my tongue, and I couldn’t get enough. I’d meant it on the phone. I could do hours of this.

“Good boy.” Adam tightened his hand on my head, strong grip belying the praise. “Take a little more.”

“Yes.” The combination of praise and order had me soaring high, grounded only by his hand on me and the cock in my mouth. Too eager, I went too low, too fast, and nearly gagged. Undaunted, I immediately tried again. And again, going a little lower each pass.

“You like that?” he murmured, voice the dirtiest of rumblings. “So full of cock you almost choke, greedy boy?”

I made a happy noise, not bothering coming up enough for a reply, instead going deeper yet and holding, so far down even my chest felt full and breathing through my nose was a challenge. One I fully welcomed, sliding back only far enough to suck in more air before diving down again, swallowing hard around his meaty cock. The stretch made my jaw ache, but that too made me harder, made my cock throb, knowing how big he was and how well I was taking it.

“Fuck.” Groaning, he pushed at my shoulder. “Slow down, baby. It’s been too long, and you’re too damn good at this.”

Secretly, I kind of liked that it had been a long time for him. He talked so easily about hooking up, so not being the only one breaking a long dry spell was nice, made me want to be that much better for him.

I exaggerated my pout, sticking my lip out. “But I want you to come.”

“I can tell.” He ran a thumb across my slick lips. “You’re such a needy boy, aren’t you?”

Fuck. I could get off simply listening to this man talk.

“Yes, Daddy.” Moaning, I licked at his cockhead, taking whatever he’d let me have even as his strong grip kept me from going deep again.

“Need Daddy’s come?”

Yes.” I dropped a hand between my legs, pressing against my aching cock.

“Naughty boy.” His voice was stern, but his eyes twinkled. “Get your cock out. No being sneaky.”

I whimpered. “I might come.”

The restriction of my fly might have been the only thing keeping me from going off like a bottle rocket, and I wasn’t sure I could survive even a single stroke along bare flesh.

“No, you won’t. Not until I say. You touch real slow now.”

“Yes.” I would have gone to Mars for that commanding tone, the snarl that managed to make being allowed to touch myself feel like a fucking gift. The second he released my shoulder, I resumed going deep as I could on his cock, jacking everything I couldn’t fit with my free hand. My fingers brushed against his boxers. I wanted enough hands and mouths to play with his heavy balls too.

But what I was able to do must have been good enough because Adam was cursing a steady stream of praise. “Fuck. Yes. That’s so good.”

I hummed happily. I was dangerously close to slipping over the edge, but playing with fire had never felt so damn good. I sucked and sucked until the only thing I knew was his cock.

“You like when I use your pretty mouth?” he asked.

“Yes.” My cock pulsed against my palm, slippery already, and so, so close. “Please, Daddy.”

“Get me there, and I’ll let you come.”

Not wasting time with a reply, I got right back to work, challenging myself to go low enough to nose at the fabric of his boxers.

“That’s it, baby. That’s it. Close.”

More needy noises escaped my throat, and I pulled back long enough to whimper, “Want it.”

“You take all of that come, you hear?”

Fuck. Each filthy thing he said made it that much harder not to come. But I needed to get him there first. I sucked hard, milking the shaft with my tongue.

“Gonna…oh fuck. Fuck.”

His salty taste filled my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed, trying to follow his order and not waste a drop. Finally, his moans slowed, and I released him with a final swipe of my tongue.

My cock was painful in my fist now, throbbing and harder than I’d ever been.

“Daddy, please.”

“Yes, my good boy, you can come.” He stroked my hair before touching my swollen lips. Fuck. The rasp of his callused finger had my hand flying.

“Thank you. Oh, thank you.”

“That’s right. You are so fucking sexy. Get there, baby,” Adam encouraged, eyes locked on mine. I’d never felt so seen, so powerful and sexy.

“Daddy. Daddy.” I came with a huge shudder, my body collapsing in on itself, star going supernova, coming so much it coated my hand, dripped onto my pants, and hell if I cared for anything but how damn amazing each shudder felt.

“Fuck.” Adam whistled appreciatively as he continued to pet my hair. “You could seriously suck the finish off my Chevy.”

I snorted. “Not that high a bar.”

“Hey, don’t you be knocking my truck. It runs.”

“It has character.” I couldn’t remember ever being this giddy, this high. “Oh, that was good.”

Apparently not caring that I was messy with come, Adam hauled me up next to him on the bed, giving me a kiss on the head before retrieving the towel I’d left on the chair in the corner. He tenderly cleaned my hands before settling back down on the bed, pulling me snuggly against him.

“Come here so I can kiss you a little more before I go.” He tipped my face toward his.

“Uh…” Even with the command, I still hesitated. Adam’s earthy lewdness was far outside my experience. But I liked it. So much.

“Told you. I like messy. Tasting it turns me on.” Kissing me deeply, he showed me exactly how much. I shuddered hard as he released me.

“I liked that.” Strangely shy again, I dropped my head to his shoulder.

“Me too. Fuck. Me too. I’m gonna need more of that for sure. Gonna spend my next three shifts at work replaying that.”

“Same.” Relief coursed through me. His talk about a repeat hadn’t been an empty boast. He really did want me. And that wanting was enough to make me tremble anew.

“Feel free to come by after your weekend shifts.” Adam pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“I’m out on drinking,” I groaned. But when he frowned, I quickly added, “But maybe for food…”

“Good boy.” He found my mouth for a kiss so sweet I couldn’t help my contented sigh. I was so tempted to ask him to stay the night, but I knew I shouldn’t. Letting him go was already going to be hard enough.