Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



I COULDN’T STOP thinking about us naked all day, then Roja asked why I wasn’t visiting Ryder tomorrow. Fuck, my horny mood plummeted. Just thinking about missing my visit with him was a dagger in my chest.

I parked my truck behind Tara’s car. “You’re quiet, Roja.” I lifted our joined hands and kissed the top of hers. I didn’t want any tension between us. “Did that second margarita make you tipsy?” I teased her a little.

“Tequila always makes me horny, big guy.” She gave me a sassy wink.

I shot her my best cocky grin. Those were just the words I needed to hear to know we were okay. “Then let’s get the fuck out of the truck.”

She pushed open the door and ran.

I hopped out and followed her to the porch. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt like this… playful and excited. I took the keys from her hand, opened the door, and motioned to go in.

Tara threw off her coat and set her bag down to greet Luna. The little furball was where we’d left her this morning, perched on the arm of the sofa.

“Hello, my baby.” She picked her up and cuddled her. Luna meowed as if telling Tara about her day. It was freaking adorable.

I came up behind her, encircling her waist with my large hands. Luna peered up at me curiously. She liked me. What wasn’t to like? I was a fucking awesome biker who played with her every day. I rubbed between her ears simultaneously as I kissed my woman’s neck, teasing her sensitive skin with my tongue.

Roja let out a soft moan. “Stop teasing me.”

“Feed her, baby, so we can get down and dirty.”

She exhaled an aroused breath. “Okay…”

I tracked her every move as I removed my jacket, cut, and shirt. The second Luna was happily eating, I attacked my Roja. I lifted her off the ground so she’d wrap her legs around my waist. Our lips crashed together, carrying her to the bedroom.

She ran her hands over my hot skin, caressing my muscles. Her touch turned me into a weak man. Did she know she had me by the balls? Probably.

Putting my woman onto her back, I covered her body with mine. Smashing her into the mattress. She felt fucking fantastic under me. Made just for me. As I was for her.

“Hero,” she whimpered into my mouth.

I ground my rock-hard cock into her pussy, needing more. I’d always need more of her.

“Fucking missed you today, mi vida.”

“I adore when you call me my life in Spanish. Never stop.”

“Never, mi vida.” I repeated the words for her. Anything to make my woman happy.

I kissed along her jaw, marking a trail down her neck, and lifted her sweatshirt. Only abandoning my journey to remove it. Not a second later, I slid my hands under her back to unhook her bra.

A radiant smile adorned her pretty face. “Your dexterity is impressive.”

I gave her a slow wink, tossing her black lacy bra aside. “So perfect.” I palmed her breasts, boring my gaze into hers, claiming her soul. “I need to tell you something. I don’t want you to freak out.” I didn’t want to ruin our time together, nor did I want to make love to her knowing I was leaving and she didn’t know.


“Promise you won’t freak out.”

“No.” She raised onto her elbows, narrowing her eyes.

Grabbing her head between my hands, I pressed our foreheads together. “I need to go up to Canada tonight.” I kissed her, praying she didn’t freak the fuck out. She’d been doing so well. I didn’t want any setbacks because of me. “Just one night. I’ll be home by supper, maybe earlier.” I pulled back to make eye contact. “I’m coming back, mi vida. I promise you, I am coming back.”


“I told you at Casitas, club business.”

“That means I’m supposed to be the obedient old lady now, right?

I raised her left hand, showing her my name on her fingers. “Yes.”

She growled. “I hate being in the dark.”

“You knew what you were signing up for, baby.”

“I know, I know. You’re damn lucky I like you as much as I do.”

Like? I knew she loved me. I loved her too. Not sure why we hadn’t given each other the words.

“Me, Raul, Track, and Dodge are going.”

“Can’t someone else take your place?” She jutted out her bottom lip, breaking out her damn doe-eyes. “It’s almost Thanksgiving.”

My chest ached, hating that I had to leave her again. “I know, baby. I don’t like it either, but it’s my job. I’m in charge of our dealings up north. It’s just one night.”

Ciro Remotti had postponed the meeting Storm had mentioned weeks ago. I’d hoped it’d get canceled, but no dice. Stephen had called this morning, requesting we meet with the Remottis tomorrow. I didn’t appreciate the short notice one bit.

“Jesus, Hero.” She fell onto her back and covered her face. Shit, I didn’t want her to get emotional or her anxiety to spike.

“Look at me, Roja.” I removed one of her hands. “You’re my woman. Mine. Only God himself could keep me from coming back to you.”

“Well, don’t go tempting him.” The first tear fell.

I licked it off her cheek. “It breaks my heart to see you cry, mi vida.”

She tugged her hand out of mine, looped it around my neck, drawing us together. “Don’t worry, big guy. I’m sad and a little angry, but I’m not about to push you away.”

“Thank fuck.” I dropped a kiss on her lips. Not that she could push me away if she tried. Like it or not, she was my property now. I’d pull the machismo card because there was no chance this side of hell I’d ever let her go.

“I don’t want you to go,” she mumbled against my lips.

Unlike the big badass biker I saw myself as, I brushed my nose across hers tenderly. “I know. Do you believe me? That I’m coming back to you.” I rubbed my cheek to hers, desperate as all get out for her to trust me.

She melted into me, hooked her other arm around my neck, and buried her face in my chest. Moving aside my chains, she kissed my skin in such a manner, I was sure she was memorizing me.

“Of course, I believe you. But it doesn’t mean I’m okay with you leaving. It feels too soon, ya know?”

“I don’t like it either, baby.” I fisted her silky red hair, staring into her eyes. “Are we okay?” God, please say yes.

“Yeah, we’re okay so long as you return after tomorrow. I warn you, if you don’t, there will be hell to pay, Hero Fuentes.”

“I love your fire.” I kissed her softly at first, then changed to ravenous. “Now, I’ll make my old lady feel real good before I go.”

“If you insist.” Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, excitement filling the space between us.

Hell yeah, I insisted. I raised onto my elbows and slithered down her body, licking her skin along the way. I had one place in mind. Her sweet, decadent pussy. I might love it more than her lips. On second thought, I loved both pairs of lips equally.

I stopped at the scar on her stomach, gave it a gentle kiss, then continued downward. I removed her leggings along with her black bikini underwear. A low growl bubbled in my chest as I spread her legs open and dove right in.

Tara’s back bowed, pelvis thrusting into my face, hands fisting the comforter. It wasn’t any surprise that an orgasm formed within seconds of me slurping up her juices. I was noisy as fuck showing my enjoyment. I dragged my tongue across her opening, through her velvety folds, and around her clit. I loved that she wasn’t bare so I could bury my nose in her red curls. Fucking loved it.

I fingered her tight rosette as I fucked her pussy with my tongue. Giving her what she loved. Nothing pleased me more than making her shatter beneath me.

“Oh God, Hero!” She screamed my name like a prayer. “Yes, Hero. Yes!”

I unfolded my woman, flattening my tongue. In one long langued stroke, I swiped across her entrance, applying pressure. It always drove her crazy when I did.

One, two… “You taste so fucking delicious, Roja.”

Three, four…

“I need you,” she yelled between panting breaths.

Five, six… “Mmm, not yet, my needy bitch. You’ll take what I give you.” I fingered her ass, taunting her like a bastard.

Her thighs shook as she clawed at my head, nearly out of her mind with need. Just the way I wanted her.

“Please, Hero. Please…”

Seven, eight… “Mhm.” She needed to give me the words. I liked her begging for me. But I wanted to hear her say she needed me.

She mewled, bucking her hips, trying to fuck my face for all she was worth. It felt incredible.

Tara told me I was different from the other guys she dated. I was rough and unapologetic. Strong and fearless, just the way she liked. I gave her exactly what she wanted each and every time.

During the nightmare with the Hunters, protectiveness and possessiveness had overcome me when the enforcer tried to rape Tara. I would’ve done anything for her, even died for her. She became mine during that ordeal.

“I want you inside me so fucking much,” she whined. “Please,” she begged. “I need you, big guy. I need you.”

I pounced on her. “About fucking time you said it.” I slammed my cock into her and groaned, fuck.

She gasped as I took possession of her mouth. We kissed wildly. I was sure it wasn’t sexy like in the movies. No, it wasn’t the romantic stuff. It was intense. Needy. Our tongues fought for dominance, teeth clashing. Her juices mixed with my saliva, smeared into my scruff. I loved how tasting herself on my tongue drove her wild.

I went to town fucking her into oblivion. Hitting my head on the wall and not caring if I gave myself a fucking concussion. Being with Tara was everything. Mind-numbing. Sweet nirvana.

I could hardly catch my breath as I lifted us higher and higher… “You’re mine, mi vida. Forever…”

Her big brown eyes turned glossy. My declaration, sending her over the cliff into total bliss.

Christ, if I didn’t make it back after this run, it wasn’t because I didn’t fight like hell to return to her. I knew first-hand tomorrow wasn’t promised, but it didn’t matter. I was hellbent on spending the rest of my life with Roja. No earthly entity could keep me from her.

I drilled into her with so much force, I detonated. “Fuuuck!”

Tara clung to me and moaned, milking my dick for all she was worth.

I’d never come so hard or struggled to catch my breath as I did now. I fucking saw stars, a first for me. Not wearing a condom was a game-changer. Every sensation I felt was elevated. After years of wrapping up my pecker, I loved not wearing one now. Bare for the win.

Sex with Roja was out of this world. Incredible. Phenomenal.

I didn’t want this to end. Didn’t want to be separated from my woman.

But I needed to check the goddamn time. I was sure it was after five. My brothers and I were set to leave at six. I needed to get back to the club. I hated it. Didn’t want to pull out of my woman… out of my heaven.

Dammit, I wanted to stay right here in bed with my Roja forever. She was my future… mi vida. I wanted it all with her, marriage, a home of our own, and kids.

After losing one woman I loved and a baby, I didn’t want to take life for granted. I didn’t want to waste another precious day.

I dropped a kiss on her nose. “I gotta get up. I’m probably running late.”

She made a pouty face, so I kissed her again in an attempt to comfort her.

“I’ll be okay,” she told me through the kiss. “It’s just one day.” She took me leaving a lot better than I did.

“You’re staying at the club.” I braced for some pushback.

She sighed. “I figured.”

“It’s only one night. I need to know you’re safe while I’m gone.” I stroked her temple with my thumb. If her fucked up father hadn’t contacted her after serving time for murdering her mom, I wouldn’t ask this of her. I’d never leave her vulnerable with that whack job roaming the streets.

Understanding swept across her beautiful face. “You’re worried about my dad, aren’t you?”

Was she a mind reader?

“Fuck yeah, I am. I don’t want to take any chances after what happened with the Hunters.”

She caressed my cheek, dark eyes boring into my soul. Calming it. Give me peace that she was in fact, okay.

I exhaled in relief. Grateful she didn’t put up a fight. “Thank you.” I pecked her lips. “Now, we need to get a move on.” I pulled out of her.

She rolled off the bed and stood. “I like when you’re bossy with me, big guy.”

I swatted her ass. “Get dressed.”

She tittered, prancing to the bathroom.

We were outside the clubhouse saying goodbye for the third fucking time. Except this time was different. I was different. Guilt didn’t torment me the way it had a couple of months ago.

“Will you be okay, mi vida?” I whispered into her ear, holding her close. Nobody needed to hear the endearment. It was only for Tara’s ears. “I promise I’m coming back.” I filled my nose with the scent of her strawberry and vanilla body wash.

She squeezed me tighter. “I’ll be here. Just be careful.”

“I will.” I pulled back, cradled her face, and planted my lips on hers. Regretfully, this kiss would have to last us until tomorrow evening.

It didn’t bother me that my brothers were watching. I needed them to see how much Tara meant to me so they would protect her with their life. I trusted Storm and the club to keep her safe. I knew I had nothing to worry about. Claiming Roja at Storm’s party sealed the club’s loyalty to her, but fuck if I worried about her safety anyway.

A throat cleared, Raul. “It’s time.”

Tara and I released each other at the same time. “I’ll call you when I get checked in at our hotel.” I studied her face. I hated leaving her like this. Hated. It.

She smiled, looking adorable with a flushed face. “You don’t have to. I know you’re working and with them...” She nodded toward my brothers.

She was turned on. I could tell by her dilated eyes.

I had a semi, so I was sure she was wet.

I didn’t want to go. Would I always be this way with her? Pussy whipped? Abso-fucking-lutely. Proud of it too.

“I’ll call you.” I pinched her chin and moved in for one more taste.