Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



MY HEAD. I reached for it, feeling woozy and nauseous. What happened?

Where am I?

It felt like I was levitating… Like when I was a child, floating in the clouds, humming along with Daddy as we played his game.

My hands and feet weren’t bound to keep from moving and ruining his masterpiece on my body. No, I was free.

My limbs were heavy, weighing me down like when I had sex for the first time. Flying high on whatever he gave me, but aware of everything happening. Never complaining even when it hurted.

I felt locked in my head, my mouth unable to move. A little foggy as I came to like when I was kid...

Attention was all I had sought.

Affection was all I craved.

Whether painful or not. Anything to fill the loneliness and void in my life.

I shook my head. No, no, no. Pain didn’t equal love.

But I’d confused the two for so long. Rough sex was all I wanted. Tenderness was foreign to me. I didn’t know how to process love.

Until Hero.

Hero treated me like I was priceless and worthy of respect and love. When we were together, I didn’t seek pain and humiliation. I only wanted to be wrapped in his protective, loving arms.

“Miss Walsh, I want to go home,” a small frightened voice whispered.

My eyes flashed open. I struggled to turn my head and make my mouth work. “Br, Brad? Wha… what happened?” My heart pounded with such force I was sure it would burst out of my chest.

Why was Brad here? Where the hell was I?

Blinking several times to focus better, I scanned the area, recognizing my classroom. None of this made sense. My mind was fuzzy, reminiscent of when I was with my dad.

But it was only me and—

A hand gripped my student’s arm. Brad was shoved and fell onto the floor. He sobbed, the fear of the boogeyman on his face. It broke my heart. Who would hurt a child that way?

“Hello, Dorothy. Glad to see you’re awake. I wasn’t sure how long you’d be out as an adult. When you were a little girl, it could be hours.” He squatted beside me, churning my stomach with his pungent odor.

It was then that I realized I was splayed out on a table. I willed my body to move. Get up and fight. Protect innocent Brad from whatever was happening.

Move dammit, I screamed in my head.

Move. Fight. Move.


“Dad?” I needed to play this carefully with Brad in the room. Make like I was happy to see the demented bastard. Feign joy and love.

“Dorothy, you know better than to call me anything other than Mr. Wizard.”

Bile crept into my throat as I studied his filthy, haggard appearance. Deep creases were etched at the corners of his brown eyes, thick lines stretched across his forehead without furrowing his brow. His red hair was matted down by ten pounds of grease. Straggly clumps fell around his long, boney face. A wiry beard hid his pointy, devilish chin.

The wizard was revolting.

Worse than I’d ever seen him. I couldn’t tell what drugs he was on. Cocaine made his eyes dilate. I recalled how he’d breathe rapidly doing his lines on the coffee table.

Just one more, he’d sniff through the straw. I mean, just one more, he’d repeat scraping a razor blade on the wood, forming the white powder in long, even lines.

But those signs of coke weren’t visible now.

The muscles in his face twitched. It reminded me of when he’d hallucinate on magic mushrooms. When he’d try like hell to take us back to the Emerald City where he could perform his wizardly acts.

Dorothy, he’d hiss, click your heels.

I’d clicked them countless times. Not once had it worked per his insistence, warranting me a firm punishment.

“Mr. Wizard, what do you want? How long was I out?” If there was any chance of getting Brad and me out in one piece, I had to play this sick, demented game. Pretend I’d do anything he said to please him.

A crooked smile appeared, displaying missing teeth and caked-on plaque. “An hour, I think. Maybe less. Or longer.”

“Longer?” And no one had come to rescue us yet? Maybe they didn’t know.

Don’t be stupid. Storm would’ve found out when he picked up Maddy.

“Or less,” he hissed, eyeballs bulging as he glared at me.

I froze, sealing my mouth shut.

“Earth sucks balls, Dorothy. Ever since your mother passed, a piece of my soul has been missing. I can’t take it here anymore. We need to join her in the Emerald City.”

Christ, I could vomit. He said the very same words right before he left me at Grandma’s house. Ten years it’d been. All this time, I’d wanted to believe he’d abandoned me, tossed me away. But he’d been in prison for murdering Momma.

Rage ignited in my belly, spreading through my arms and legs, making them tingle. The fog in my head slowly dissipated. Clarity replacing it all at once.

I wasn’t a little girl anymore.

He was older, withered and brittle. And clearly fucked up.

I could handle this…

“Okay, Mr. Wizard. Let the boy go first.” My stomach flipped like the Zipper at the county fair. I was playing the part. It fucking scared the living tar out of me, but I’d do anything to protect Brad.

A soft whimper on the other side of me drew my attention. I turned to investigate, finding a girl. Could it be the one Brad had mentioned earlier? Beneath her red knit beanie was long crimson hair, the exact same shade as mine. Luna was held against her chest.

“Who’s that?” I lifted my shaking finger as I tried to work my muscles to regain full movement.

He laughed, clapping his dirty hands. “Dorothy, meet Willow, you’re younger sister. She led me to you.”

“What?” My heart slammed into my ribcage. “No, impossible.” My mom only had one child—me.

“Willow’s the reason your momma had to die, Dorothy. Teri wouldn’t let me be part of Willow’s life after she was born. I wanted two families, but your momma wouldn’t have anything to do with Joy and Willow moving in with us. I only wanted a big family, Dorothy.” He teared up, grabbing his head between his hands. Then he steeled himself, sneering, “I had to make a choice.”

Oh God, was he admitting he killed Momma? Even after Hero had told me he’d been in jail, nothing could’ve prepared me for this moment and how much harder it would hit coming out of his mouth. It was disturbing, traumatizing… a nightmare I frantically wanted to wake from.

“So you chose Joy and Willow?” My mind whirled. This man.

“Had to. Teri was a self-righteous bitch,” he spatted the words. “Weak and pathetic. A lot like you, Dorothy. I couldn’t stand her holier-than-thou rants.”

I bit my tongue, drawing blood. Stupid son of a bitch didn’t know shit about me. He didn’t remember those days as I did. Momma was a sweet, mild-tempered, submissive woman. Perhaps my behavior was the polar opposite because she had taken his shit my whole life.

“So you just what? Killed her?” My heart raced, arms and legs feeling like a billion needles were pricking me as they woke up.

Why was I desperate to hear the words?

I needed absolute confirmation of what I believed was true. Then, I’d figure out how to end Mr. Wizard. Remove him from my life forever.

He shrugged as if bored. “She went peacefully. I did love her… a little.”

A shudder ripped through me as his confession seared into memory. Disgust and fury waged war inside me. I wanted him to pay for everything he’d done to Momma and me.

Willow’s crying picked up as Luna wiggled to get loose. It stole the attention, giving Brad the opportunity to crawl behind my desk.

I noticed my tote bag and remembered what was in it. The night before Hero went on the run with Storm and the others, he gave me something…

“I want you to carry this with you always.”

A small bottle was placed in my hand. “What’s this?” It certainly wasn’t a romantic gift, like one of the chains from around his neck.

“I can’t leave you vulnerable, mi vida. If I’m not with you, you need to be able to protect yourself.”

“Protect myself? Isn’t that what Lynx and Copper are for?” I sassed him, then promptly felt guilty for not making things right with Copper. I would soon… eventually. I read the label. “Mace is going to protect me?” I screwed up my face.

Hero tugged me into his arms and spanked my ass. “You and that smart mouth—”

“That you love so much wrapped around your pretty pecker.”

His hand made contact with my bottom again, harder than the first time. It stung a bit through my leggings. Made me yip and wet all at once.

I smiled broadly, pressing my tits into his chest. “Stop turning me on.”

Heat and desire bellowed between us as we stared into each other’s eyes. My heart fluttered, mouth thirsting for his.

When I was with Hero, I felt like I could conquer the world. Battle the scariest monsters. Survive any situation I found myself in. His strength and courage seemed to flow in my veins as if they had always been there. I absorbed the love and support he gave me into my bones. Not once feeling judged for my brokenness.

Because of Hero, I could rise above anything Daddy had done to me.

“Just keep the damn can in your bag, mi vida. I know you’re a badass and can handle anything.” He squeezed my butt cheek. “Fierce and magnificent.” He kissed me passionately, revving me up. “I can’t lose you, baby.”

Love poured out of him. It was in his actions and the way he looked at me. I didn’t need to hear the words. I felt it in the deepest, most hidden parts of my soul. Hero Fuentes loved me beyond words.

Not only had Hero given me the mace, but he also gave me a switchblade. If I could only get to the bag…

“Willow, enough,” Paul shouted, stomping toward her. He raised his hand and struck her across the face.

She cried out in pain, releasing Luna to cover her cheek with her hand. “Why are you doing this?” She cowered, terror in her wild eyes.

“You need to learn how Mr. Wizard likes things. There is to be no crying. None. So shut your fucking mouth!”

Oh, God. My childhood roared back on the Crazy Express. I wanted off this fucking train.

He grabbed Willow by the neck and got in her face. Profanity spewed into the atmosphere.

I’d heard it all before. Experienced his erratic behavior and wrath. As much as I felt terrible for Willow, Paul was distracted. This was my chance to get to my bag.




I slide my leg off the table. It wasn’t so bad, though I was stiff for lying in one spot for so long. I threw the other over and made a dash for my bag, just as Paul slapped Willow again. He was so lost in his anger, he didn’t notice me. Totally typical in the world he lived in.

I crawled around the desk to find Brad. He was tucked into the corner, hiding under the blanket I took to my therapy appointments with Dr. Kelly.

“Brad,” I whispered, touching his leg.

He jerked but didn’t scream. Slowly he revealed his tear-streaked face. Oh, my heart. What would his parents think, or my colleagues? Would I even have a job after this? It didn’t matter. I couldn’t think about my career or future. My only concern was getting Brad out of here safely. And Willow and me.

“Everything is going to be okay. I’ll get us out of here, but I need you to stay put. Okay?”

He nodded, blue eyes pleading with me to keep him safe. I would. I would protect Brad with my life.

I nearly screamed when Luna leapt into my lap. My poor baby. I hadn’t seen where she’d run off to. I nuzzled her with my nose, then handed her to Brad.

“Keep her safe, okay?” I whispered.

The corner of his lip curled as he tucked Luna into his jacket. She settled in without complaint, melting my heart.

Willows wails increased. So did Paul’s yelling.

Peering around the corner of the desk, I held back a gasp. He kicked Willow in the stomach, grunting as if it took all his strength. I needed to help her.

Where was Storm and his posse? The Sheriff? Swat team?

Where was my Hero? I desperately needed him.

I heard his raspy voice telling me to take control. You are strong, mi vida. A badass. At this moment, I had no other choice but to be.

With the mace in my right hand and the switchblade in my other, I charged toward Paul, hellbent on making my man proud.

“Leave her alone, you fucking asshole!” I screamed at the top of my lungs to get his attention. When he whirled around, I sprayed him in the eyes.

Paul stumbled back, a feeble cry as he rubbed his face, tripping over his feet.

“Get to the door,” I shouted to Willow as I ran to get Brad.

“I’ll kill you, you bitch,” Paul hollered, more furious than before.

I took Brad by the hand to make a run for it. “Come on.” I pushed him, shielding this body with mine.

Willow crawled to open the door, a look of abject horror in her eyes. I sensed Paul getting to his feet quickly.

“Hurry,” Willow coughed.

I heard the gun go off before I reached the threshold. My knee buckled, blinding pain nearly knocking me over, but I caught myself against the door jam. Warmth spread down my back, my right arm going limp.

“Brad, run to the front.” I fought to keep going. The pain in my shoulder was worse than anything I’d ever felt before. “Run, Brad!”


“Come on.” Willow wrapped her arm around my waist to help me down the hallway. Breathlessly, I kept my eyes on Brad, running for his life.

Another gunshot went off. Willow screamed, tugging me to go faster, but my legs weren’t cooperating. My shoulder felt like it was on fire. My father shot me...

Another round fired. And another.

We were almost to the exit, but I feared we wouldn’t make it as Mr. Wizard blindly shot at us.

Willow huffed, dragging me to safety. Brad was nowhere in sight. We had to make it out too.

So close, keep moving.

Tunnel vision set in. Darkness stealing all the light. Evil trying to tear me down. Break me. Destroy me.

I wouldn’t let it.

“Tara, come on. Keep moving. Please, Tara. Keep moving.”

Almost all the light was gone.


I coughed, gasping for air.


A massive form burst through the exit as I felt my legs give way.
