Owned By the Prince by Tristan Rivers

Chapter 10

Prince Maximillion

She really is untouched. I never even considered the possibility in the million filthy fantasies that have been pouring through my mind since I first laid eyes on her. I can’t do it. Every man in the world would call me crazy right now, but I just can’t. She was ready; she wanted me. I wanted her like I’ve never wanted anyone before. But she’s not mine to have. I’ve paid for her to be here, made it impossible for her to refuse. I don’t have the right to take her virginity, break her in, then keep her as my pet until I figure out what I’m supposed to be doing with her.

I storm into the playroom, sweep all the equipment off the racks, kick at the bondage bench. This wasn’t how things were supposed to work out. I was looking forward to seducing her, possessing each of her sweet holes one at a time, until she was fully mine. But then she made me like her. Outside, in the forest, the two of us walking Fariba, I felt normal, which wasn’t a feeling I ever experienced until I joined the army. When I brought her back here, I didn’t want to play any domination games. I just wanted her.

I feel tricked. Although I can’t explain why any of this is Blair’s fault. But I want to punish her all the same. What I need now is one of my old subs—a true masochist who loves harsh punishment. I clench my fists. But what I want is Blair.

I let out a roar of frustration. I’m going to explode if I don’t get a release soon. Turn into Mad Prince Max. I get changed and go for a run around the grounds to distract myself. It doesn’t do me any good. An hour later, I’m just as wound up. Then I have a late supper in the palace with my father who’s come to discuss my “future role.”

By the time we’re done, I’m in an even worse mood. I’m not interested in any of the figurehead roles he’s been trying to sell me. I had a job that I loved, that meant something. And now that’s gone, I don’t give a damn about anything.

In bed,I lie awake for a long time. Since I’ve been back, I’ve been leaving my windows open and curtains undrawn, accustomed to the circadian rhythms of desert life. The light breeze feels good on my bare chest, and I stare at the patch of moonlight reflected on the ceiling. I wrestle with ideas, casting off one after another. But by the time the patch of light has slid along the ceiling and disappeared, I’ve come up with one, and I fall into a heavy sleep.

* * *

She doesn’t haveany tutorials today. I have her entire schedule since I like to know exactly when she’s available to me. At 11am, James brings a delivery to me, and at 12pm, I call Blair.

She sounds formal, wary. Probably confused as hell about my intentions.

I give her ten minutes to get to my room, and to my disappointment, she makes it in seven. She doesn’t want to play games anymore. She probably doesn’t think I want to play games after last night’s performance. But she’s very wrong.

She seems a little tired, mauve shadows beneath her eyes, making her look adorably vulnerable. She sits on the bed, and I give her the box to open. Her forehead is furrowed as she lifts the lid of the pink and white striped inner box, rummages through layers of tissue paper, and pulls out some scraps of black and white fabric.

“What is it?”

“It’s a maid’s uniform. I want you to wear it whenever I call you here to work for me.”

Biting down on her lower lip, she holds it up. It’s a pervy maid’s uniform, of course, purchased from Londis’s most exclusive supplier of kinky goods. It has a tiny black skirt that kicks out to the sides, a white apron, and a kind of off-the-shoulder blouse. I can tell she’s not impressed. “Go put it on,” I command her. When she gives me a questioning look, I demand, “In the bathroom.”

She stalks off. When she returns, my cock is instantly rock hard. She looks fucking delectable. When I tell her to give me a twirl, I discover that the skirt is short enough to reveal the back of her panties, while the corset thing at the front pushes her tits together, giving her killer cleavage. She’s wearing hold-up stockings, as requested, and she’s fixed the silly cap thing in her hair. In short, she looks like the perfect sub, ready to do my bidding.

“What now?” she says, in the tone of a sulky teen.

“Have you seen yourself?”


“Pretty hot, no?”

“I guess.” She likes the way she looks, I can tell. She probably feels a little humiliated, but turned on at the same time.

“I’m not going to take your virginity, Blair.” Unless you keep looking at me like you need to be taught a lesson. “But I want you to continue working for me as we discussed before. And I’ll discipline you when you deserve it. And”—I pause—“I want you to be my pet.”

She frowns. “What does that entail?”

“It means you’ll be trained. Cherished.”

She screws her face up in distaste.

“In short, I’ll give you what you need.”

“How do you know what I need?”

I come close, dip my head, and kiss her on the lips. “I know you need a man’s touch. To be possessed. Satisfied.”

She’s confused.

“There’s more than one way of possessing a woman.” I slide my fingers in her hair and give a little tug. She gasps, and I can’t restrain a small smile. “You like that.”

Her lips purse, as if she’s trying to keep the truth inside her.

“Answer me.”


I pull harder.

“Ow! Yes, I do.” Her eyes are wide as she tries to grasp the circular logic—the pain has forced her to admit she enjoys pain.

“Do you trust me?”

“What choice do I have?”

In answer, I kiss her harder. “I’ll never do anything you don’t like. This is your safeword: orange. You say it at any time, and everything stops immediately. Do you understand?”

She nods.

“Say it.”


The way her lips look when she repeats the word fills me with a longing to slide my cock between them. Soon, I tell myself. Her pussy might be off limits, but I’m going to take that sweet mouth of hers, and maybe her ass as well.

“Are we in agreement?”


“Good. Now our work can begin.” I cast around, looking for something for her to do. “I want you to color code my books. In a rainbow pattern, starting with red on the top left, and running right through the spectrum.” One of my friends has his bookcases like this, and I’ve always wanted the same thing, but never got around to asking James to organize it for me.

Blair gets to work, and I observe her with satisfaction. It’s a perfect task—very involved, with unlimited opportunities for me to watch her. I’m very happy I’ve given her the safeword, too. Now I can push at her boundaries without the inconvenience of thinking I’m taking advantage of her.

She removes her heels before climbing onto the steps to empty the first shelf. One black mark already. I make a mental note of it, watching the bare flesh at the tops of her thighs and the lovely curves of her arse moving as she reaches down and stretches up. She’s perfect. The most beautiful body I’ve ever seen – slender and athletic, yet curvy in all the right places.

I leave her to work for an hour or so, and then I stretch out on one of my comfy sofas and call her over. “Good work. But did I say you could take your shoes off?”

She looks down at her feet. “No.”

“That’s bad. Do you realize that?”

“Yes,” she says after a pause. But there’s a tug of amusement in her lips. I grind my teeth. She has a lot to learn. A sub needs to understand that the slightest disobedience will result in punishment.

“You don’t put on or remove any of your clothes without my explicit instructions. Is that clear?”


“Now I’m going to discipline you. Bend over my knee.”

She stares at my knees, a battle going on behind her eyes.

“Quickly. Or it’ll be twice as bad.”

She moves fast, standing beside me in two steps, and slowly lowers herself onto my lap. I tip her off balance and lay my hand on her silky-soft arse cheeks. They’re like ripe peaches. She trembles a little at my touch. Good. I slap her a couple of times, but this isn’t how I need it to be. “Take your panties down,” I say in a hard voice. When she doesn’t comply immediately, I land a very hard slap on the little curve between her buttock and thigh. She lets out a yell, and immediately, her fingers scrabble at the waistband of her panties. It’s not an easy thing for her to do in this position, but I lean back, watch her in a leisurely way until they’re all the way down to her knees. I see that the crotch is wet, glistening with her arousal, and my cock instantly gets so hard that it hurts. Preserving her virginity might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Her thighs are slightly parted, and I catch a glimpse of her bare labia beneath. I begin to spank her, starting softly, and building up until her arse is red all over. She yelps and moans and wriggles on my lap, and when I stop, she’s breathing hard.

“Did you like that?”

She makes that Mhh-hmm noise, refusing to admit that she did, but her thighs are slack. I slide my hand beneath them and cup her pussy, and her body jolts as if she’s been shocked. I long to slide my fingers inside her, feel how much she wants me, but I want to know more about her first, how this overtly sexual being has stayed untouched for so long. I stroke her labia with my fingertips, teasing her, refusing to give her what she wants.

“Have you ever had a man’s fingers inside you before last night?” I demand.

“No,” she says quietly.

I grin. She’s even more untouched than I imagined. “Has anything else been inside you? Like a vibrator?”


“Nothing at all? I find that very hard to believe.”

“Um. Just my hairbrush.”

My grin gets wider as I imagine how pink her cheeks must be right now. “Has anyone used their mouth on you before?”


“Has anyone’s cock ever been in your mouth?”


I inhale sharply. She’s too much. I spread some of her wetness on my index finger and slowly trace a line from her pussy to her ass. When I make contact with her little hole, she gasps. “How about here? Has anything been in your ass?” I press my finger in, maybe a quarter of an inch.


“What? Did I hurt you?”

“It feels kind of good.”

I’m two seconds from taking my cock out and jerking off over the lovely, creamy globes of her ass. I need to come inside her. “Get up,” I say brusquely, lifting her off my lap.

She looks dazed, cheeks pink, irises swimming.

“Take all of your clothes off.” When she doesn’t move immediately, I clap my hands together. She jumps, and her fingers move to the fastening at the back of her apron. She takes it off, and the blouse, too.

She’s not wearing a bra, and her round tits with the perky pink nipples soon come into view. She pauses, as if hoping I didn’t mean everything. “And the rest,” I say. I fucking love this. There’s nothing sexier than watching a woman shyly strip for you. She unfastens the skirt, and it falls down to her ankles, then she hooks her fingers into the sides of her panties, takes a deep breath, and pulls them down. “Stockings too,” I say. Usually I love the dirtiness of stockings, but right now, I want her to be completely unadorned. She complies, standing there self-consciously while I run my gaze over her body. I stand up. In her bare feet, she barely comes up to my chest.

“Let’s go to the playroom. I’ll follow you.” She knows where the special book is. As she turns and walks toward it, I see that her ass still bears my handprints. Fucking beautiful.

I open the security lock and make her walk in ahead of me. There’s tension in her shoulders, but I feel like a kid in a candy store, not knowing where to start. My gaze runs from one toy to another, finally alighting on the cross. She was curious about it. I want to show her how much fun it can be. I make her wait in the middle of the room while I retrieve a brand-new set of cuffs from the cabinet. I buckle them onto her wrists and ankles, enjoying the way her body quivers in anticipation. There’s only one thing missing—a collar. But maybe that will come later.

I lead her to the cross and attach the rings on the cuffs to each corner until she’s spread with her back to me. I catch hold of her luxurious hair, inhaling its clean, fragrant scent, then twist it and place it over one shoulder. I stand back and admire the view.