Owned By the Prince by Tristan Rivers

Chapter 11


Ifeel as vulnerable as all hell, but more turned on than I knew was possible. Spread, exposed, and so wet it’s embarrassing. And then he puts his arms around me.

“You’re going to enjoy this,” Prince Max whispers, his breath warm in my ear. Standing behind me, he cups my breasts, gently tweaking my aching nipples, and I let out a ragged moan. I want him so bad. I want him inside me. That big cock that’s been straining against his pants more or less since I first saw him at the party. But he refuses to take my virginity, and it’s all so confusing.

He steps back, and I hear a rustling of fabric, a clink of a belt buckle, then more rustling. Is he getting undressed? I turn my head to try to see.

“Eyes front, or I’ll blindfold you,” he barks. I flinch. I think I would hate being blindfolded. I stare at the black wall straight ahead, but in my peripheral vision I see him going to the racks of whips. He selects something and returns with it. It tickles my ass, and I know right away from cleaning it that it’s one of those whips with a thick handle and lots of leather tails. He swishes it over my back, my thighs, and my ass, leaving a trail of goosebumps. I want more. I’m not sure why, but I yearn to feel its sting on my flesh.

“This is for getting me all worked up. But being off-limits,” he says. The whip whooshes and burns against my ass. I cry out. It lands on my other cheek, my left shoulder blade, and then he rains a whole series of blows the length of my back and all over my ass, getting closer and closer to my pussy with every stroke. I cringe at the thought of him hitting me there, but I want his touch so bad that I could probably take it.

At last the whip swishes between my legs, a gentle kiss that tingles. Max presses against me again, his bare flesh slick against mine, his hard cock pressing into the small of my back. “Good girl,” he murmurs. His hand cups my pussy and his fingers slide inside. Immediately I clench around him. He feels so much better than the hairbrush that I shamefully admitted to using. Especially when he begins to slide in and out. His fingertips are deft and skillful, stroking my insides. I start to shiver, my knees tremble, and the telltale tremors of a climax start deep in my belly. His fingers fuck me faster and faster, while my hips jerk back and forth, and then I come, spasming hard around his fingers.

“Oh, god,” I moan, slumping in his arms.

“Easy,” he murmurs. Supporting me, he unfastens my ankles, then my wrists, and he lifts me right off the ground, carrying me in his arms.

He brings me into the other room in the playroom, the recovery room, and deposits me on the bed.

“And now you thank me for disciplining you,” he says. He kneels on the other side of the bed, knees apart, holding his big, thick cock in his hand like a tool. “Come here.”

I crawl across the bed on my hands and knees until I’m inches away from him. He takes my head in his hands, chafes my lips with his thumb, and holds me still for a while, observing me. “Open your mouth,” he says and brings his cock to my lips.

It’s way too big to fit in my mouth at first, and I swirl my tongue around the end, enjoying his slightly salty taste.

“Relax.” He raises his hips a little, pushing, and I’m forced to open my mouth wider and wider as he slides in slowly, slowly. When I cough, he eases back, then pushes again. Back and forth until gradually he’s at the back of my throat. “Look at me,” he commands, and I do; I gaze up at Prince Max’s handsome face as his cock fills my mouth. He holds my head still and begins to thrust. “Because I can’t fuck your pussy, I’m going to fuck your mouth,” he says, a wicked look in his eyes. It’s hard to breathe when he pushes in deep, and every so often, he pulls out and I gasp for breath. “Good girl,” he murmurs. “You suck like a pro. Like a slut.” I flinch in distaste, but my pussy spasms. It’s hot being called that dirty name. And it’s hot having my mouth used like this. Hardly knowing what I’m doing, my hand snakes down to my clit and I start rubbing it, desperate to ease the burn of my desire.

Right away, Prince Max’s fingers sink into my hair and he tugs hard, pulling me off him.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” he demands.

“No,” I say in a small voice.

“No, what?”

I frown in confusion.

“No, sir.”

“No, sir,” I repeat.

“You never do anything without my permission. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

He picks me up and throws me down hard onto my back. Then he pushes his cock deep into my mouth again. He’s facing the other way now, and I don’t have any control in this position. I start to panic until he leans forward and something soft and wet runs the length of my labia. Wow. He makes a mmm sound, and I feel his tongue slide all over my pussy, from my clit to my entrance and back again, before it settles on my clit. His lips suck while the tip of his tongue flickers back and forth. The sensation is unbelievable. I suck him harder, able to go deeper than before, and he thrusts gently while his mouth drives me crazy. When I think I can’t take any more, his fingers slip inside me. After no more than three strokes, I explode again in a deep climax, detonating in waves all over my body. A moment later, he makes a low, primal sound, and hot, salty cum bursts over my tongue and down my throat. I swallow fast, trying to keep my mouth on him until he’s done.

“I’m sorry, that was a lot,” he says, muscles in his massive thighs tensing as he climbs off me.

“It’s okay. I liked it,” I say honestly. It didn’t taste so bad, and I loved having him come in my mouth.

He settles down beside me and draws me into his arms. I stifle a sound of pleasure because it really feels incredible being held in his embrace. “You taste amazing, Blair,” he murmurs. “Like peaches on a perfect summer’s day.”


“I could go down on you all day long.” He sounds soft, almost dreamy.

We doze a little,or at least I do, and when I wake up, he’s gone and a light perspiration has chilled on my body. Dazed, I get up and walk through the playroom back to his rooms. He’s sitting at his desk, dressed, looking serious.

“Sorry. I think I fell asleep.”

He turns and smiles at me. But it’s the smile I’ve seen in magazines, like I’m another anonymous member of the public. “No problem. You seemed tired. I’ve got some things to deal with now. I won’t be needing you again today.” He turns back to his laptop.

Oh.I feel like a balloon that got caught in a thorn tree on its way to the sky. I gather up the clothes I arrived in and put them back on. “Bye,” I say when I’m done.

“Bye,” he says vaguely, not looking at me.

* * *

I spenda lonely evening in my room. Sabine’s been messaging me, wanting to know where I’ve got to, so I make an excuse that I’ve had a family emergency and had to go back to the States for a few weeks. I video call Caleb, too. He looks tiny and pale, but apparently he’s been responding well to some new therapy, and the relief lifts my mood, putting my feelings back into perspective. I’m not here to get attached to Prince Max. I’m here to do his bidding for a month and walk away with the money I need for my nephew at the end.

After that, I work until midnight, figuring that I might as well make the most of all this empty time, and make sure my grades are as high as I can make them.

The following morning,I have another tutorial with Professor Hodge. I’ve thoroughly prepared for it, and he seems impressed by my theories. When it’s over, I settle down to studying, but I’m annoyed to find myself waiting for Max’s call, longing to hear that deep, sexy voice on the end of the phone, calling me over, inventing new ways to discipline me. I miss him. Just the thought of his fingers inside me makes me wet. Yesterday was incredible. But I want more. I want him to take me, fuck me. Take my virginity. But I remember the seriousness in his voice when he said he won’t do it. No, he just plans to drive me crazy for a month, then leave me, unsatisfied.

At eleven-thirty a.m., there’s a knock on the door. My heart beats fast, then I realize it can’t be him. He never comes looking for me. Sure enough, it’s James, and he’s holding Fariba on a leash. She’s scrabbling madly, and James looks terrified. When I drop to my knees and hold my arms out, she jumps into them, trying her best to lick my face.

“His Highness has asked if you can take her on a long walk around the grounds today and keep her with you all afternoon, as he’s indisposed,” James says.

“Sure thing, I’d love to!”

“Very good, ma’am.” James hands the leash to me with evident relief and strides off down the corridor. I make a big fuss of her, delighted to have some company. I bring her in while I get changed. I’m getting antsy and restless as I haven’t exercised properly for too long, so I get changed into a sports bra, T-shirt, leggings, and sneakers, and we head out, following the same route I walked with Prince Max the other day.

It’s a gray day. Typical Anglian weather, but I’m getting used to constant cloud cover, so I don’t mind it so much. As soon as we’re a hundred yards from the palace, I let her off the leash and we start running. Fariba evidently loves bounding alongside me, and the air in my lungs and explosion of energy in my muscles lifts my mood right up.

When we’re done with the familiar loop, we both still have energy, so I keep going, heading farther away from the palace toward the outer boundary.

We run through an area of dense woods, which is fun, jumping over tree roots and ducking under overhanging branches, Fariba’s nose to the ground the whole time, no doubt following the tracks of small animals. At last, we burst out into daylight, turn a corner, and almost collide with Prince Max and another man. I come to a dead stop, and my breath catches in my throat. The other man is Prince Frederick, a cousin, or second cousin of his, or something. I don’t know why I’m so shocked to come face to face with another royal, and I bend over, hands on knees, authentically gasping for breath in an attempt to hide my reaction.

“Blair,” Max calls.

“Hi,” I say weakly, hating that he’s seeing me so red-faced and sweaty.

“I thought we might run into you here. Freddie, this is my new research assistant, Blair, who’s a very smart and capable young woman. Blair, this is my cousin Freddie.”

Prince Frederick gives me a hard look up and down. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says, offering his hand. Embarrassed, I clasp his hand lightly.

“Well, we shouldn’t keep you from your run,” Max says, and nods as if dismissing me. I take the hint. I say goodbye, whistle for Fariba, and carry on running.

“Those assholes,” I mutter to myself. I didn’t like the way Frederick was looking at me, like I was a lower-class piece of trash. There was something creepy about him, as if he could see right through me and knows where I come from. And as for Max, he spoke to me like he didn’t know me, like he didn’t eat me out last night with his cock down my throat. “Those fucking rich, over-privileged assholes. I hate them. And the end of the month can’t come soon enough,” I hiss, as loudly as I dare.

When I can’t run another step, we head back to my room and I take a scalding-hot shower. I’m glad to have Fariba with me all afternoon. She seems grateful for my company and falls asleep fast, exhausted by the exercise. After my inmate’s lunch on a silver tray, I spend a bad-tempered afternoon flicking from one Netflix series to another, unable to concentrate on anything.

Around seven p.m., I finally settle down to work, but fifteen minutes later, the phone rings. I lift up the heavy receiver reluctantly. I’m in no mood for performing ridiculous chores or being disciplined for imaginary offences. “Are you hungry?” Max’s voice is warm again, slow and almost playful.

“Yes?” I say uncertainly.

“Good. I’m taking you out for dinner. Do you have anything to wear?”

“Not re—” I start to say, since my classiest dress came from one of those cheapie stores that seems to exist on every high street in Londis.

“James will be around shortly with a new outfit,” he interrupts, as if he can’t contain his enthusiasm. “Can you be ready in forty-five minutes?”


“Jolly good. I’ll see you outside my rooms.”

The moment I put the phone down, James is knocking at the door, and the outfit he’s brought is truly sensational.