Crazy Love by MINK



His declaration hits me hard. In all my life, no one has ever said those three words to me. If they did, I was too little to remember. I was three when my parents died, and I’d been put into the system.

All my life, I’ve wanted to grab hold of my parents and cling to them, but I can't. But this man standing right in front of me—he’s offering the love I’ve never had. But … I can’t take it.

This is wrong. I have to remember that I’ve essentially been kidnapped and am being held against my will. Even so, when he looks at me with sincerity I can feel all the way to my toes, it doesn’t seem like a real kidnapping. Not a ripped-from-the-headlines episode of SVU, but more of a … well, I don’t know.

This is all very overwhelming.

He’s crazy. That’s the only explanation for all this. I should have known. You don’t get to be this hot and not be crazy. There’s always a catch, isn’t there? He was too perfect.

“You don’t love me.” I force the words past my lips. I have to fight back the emotions bubbling up inside me. I’m so needy for love that I’m fighting myself not to jump onto this crazy train.

“I do. Why else would I do all of this?” He waves his hand around. “This is your dream, no?”

“My dream?” What is he talking about? How can he know my dreams? The more I glance around the kitchen, something familiar starts to tingle in the back of my mind. I realize there are certain things that are in this house that I’ve always wanted in a dream home.

“To have a family of your own. A giant cabin by the lake.”

I open my mouth and close it.

“I can give you all of this.”

“You want a family?” Why is that what I asked out of everything? What is wrong with me? I should be crying or pleading with him to let me go, but I can’t help but be curious. Maybe he’s not the only one who’s crazy around here.

“I want you. The plans I have for us will most likely lead to a family. You’re not on birth control, and you’ll be ovulating in a few days.”

I don’t think I could be more shocked if I tried. The amount of information this man knows about me is insane.

“Slade!” I shout his name. “How do you know all this?”

“I’m very observant.”

I glare at him. “That’s creepy, and you know it!”

He shifts from foot to foot, actually seeming nervous, which is laughable. I’m half his size, and he’s the one who kidnapped me.

“Okay, I may have read your notes,” he finally admits.

“Notes?” I have no idea what he’s talking about. Then it suddenly hits me. “My diary!”

My face flushes immediately, knowing that I write down my innermost feelings there. Which include my hopes, my dreams, and a hell of a lot of talk about my attraction to him. I didn’t think anything could be worse than being drugged by my boss, then kidnapped by my hot neighbor, but this takes the cake.

He drops his head, at least looking a bit sorry about it.

“Those things are private! What is wrong with you?”

He flinches at my question.

Guilt I shouldn't be having hits me.

“I don’t know what is wrong with me. I only know that I need you. We shouldn’t have secrets from each other.”

“Everyone needs privacy. Are you going to tell me everything going on inside of your head?”

“If you want,” he offers.

I roll my eyes before turning to leave the kitchen. I head to the stupid bathroom to try to find something to wrap his burn. The first aid kit only had a limited selection. When I turn around, I run into a solid chest.

“Go into the kitchen and sit your booty down,” I order.

His lips twitch.

“Don’t you smile.” I point my finger at him.

“Not smiling.” He turns to go back into the kitchen.

“I should let you suffer.” I plop down in the chair next to his.

“You’re too kind to do that.”

“I guess being kind is biting me in the rear end right now.” I get to work covering his burn.

“You need someone to look after you. Others take advantage of you.” He doesn't even flinch when I apply the dressing.

“No one takes advantage of me. Except my boss and you,” I quickly add.

“He does,” he says with such certainty. “Or he did.” Something dark flashes in his eyes. It should scare the crap out of me, but desire lights inside of me instead.

Slade’s eyes drop to my mouth, causing me to lick my lips. “You’re right. I took advantage of your kindness but only to take care of you.” He reaches out, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“No one’s ever taken care of me,” I admit. Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?

“Then why are you fighting this?”

“Because it’s not right. This isn't how dating goes.” He really is crazy. “Is this how you hook up with other women? You kidnap them and seduce them?” I ask.

As messed up as this all is, there is still an inner voice in the back of my head enjoying this to a degree. Slade is obsessed with me. So much so that he got a house he knew I’d like and stole me away.

“I don’t hook up with other women.”

“But you kidnap them?”

“Women? No.” The way he says it has me pausing for a second.

“Have you kidnapped men?”

He shrugs. “A few times.”

“For sex?” I whisper.

“No. I only desire you. I’ve only ever had a desire for you.” He tilts his head to gaze at me.

I try to process his words. “What are you saying?” Is he trying to tell me he’s never had sex before?

“In my old life, desire isn’t something I was allowed to have. Which was fine, considering I never met anyone I truly wanted. Until I saw you. The moment I saw you, I knew you were what I’d been waiting for.”

“Are you a virgin?” I whisper like someone else can hear me.

“Don’t worry. I’ve studied for you. I know how to please you. Even if I’ve never done it before.”

I sit there in shock. I should be questioning my own sanity at this point. Yet, the only thing I can think of is how it would feel to be with him.