Crazy Love by MINK



“Hmm.” I moan as I start to wake up. When did my bed get so freaking comfy? Walter lays beside me, purring in anticipation of his morning rubs. I’ll give him what he wants for a few minutes, and then I’m going back to sleep. This bed is too comfy not to. A familiar smell surrounds me that I can’t place for some reason.

Wait. Wait a second.

I have work. Don’t I? I try to recall what day it is. But my mind seems to be working at a super slow speed this morning.

Then it all hits me at once. My eyes fly open when the memories of what happened last night come rushing back to me. I sit up, pulling the blanket back to check myself.

Did I sleep with my boss? The thought makes me want to throw up. I’m in a giant black baggy shirt that would be way too big on Mr. Foley, for sure. But it’s the only thing I have on besides my underwear. I cup my sex to check, but I don’t have any pain there. Pretty sure I would be sore if I lost my virginity last night.

“Walter?” I whisper his name as I take in the bedroom that isn’t mine. What the heck is going on? If I’d gone back to someone’s place, why the hell would my cat be here with me? None of this makes any sense.

What the hell happened to me that I can only remember up to a certain point last night? I know I was at dinner with Mr. Foley. I had gotten the salmon dish, planning to take half of it home to Walter to make up for coming home late. After that, everything goes fuzzy. I only had one glass of wine, didn't I? I’m not a big drinker, so I wouldn’t have had more than that. Especially while I was around Mr. Foley.

“Walter, what is going on?”

He doesn’t have an answer, of course. He’s a cat.

Fear starts to trickle through my body as I slowly slip off the bed and try not to make a sound. I notice a little staircase leads up to the bed, which I’m guessing is for pets or something. The bed is rather high. For me to get back in, I’ll have to climb in or use the stairs too. If I wasn't freaking out, I might laugh at the idea. But I am totally, one hundred percent, freaking the heck out.

Judging from the size of the bedroom, I’m guessing I’m in a house. The walls are bare, but the furniture is new. It’s modern with a flare of rustic style. It could use a few little touches, but overall it’s nice. I thought Mr. Foley lived in a condo. Something ostentatious. He’s always bragging about his penthouse. I always pictured his place to be cold with black leather furniture and everything glass and clean cut. I pictured him having a giant piano in the living room that he didn’t actually know how to play.

This doesn't help my fear at all. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing that I’m starting to think this palace doesn't belong to Mr. Foley.

The more I try to remember what happened last night, the more I start to think I was drugged. Tears burn at my eyes as I pull open the door to peek out into the hallway. Not seeing anyone, I rush back over to the bed to grab Walter to try and make our escape. Crap, my purse. I have no keys, phone, or money. Never mind the fact that I’m only in a freaking shirt and have no idea where my clothes are.

Still, I have to look around. I need to at least try to find out where the heck I’m at. I slowly creep down the hallway and spot the front door. I rush over to it and try to open it. Seeing it’s locked, I turn the deadbolt and try again. Still, the thing won’t budge. What the heck?

I spot another lock at the top of the door. There is no way I can even reach it, and it looks like it needs a key. Am I actually locked in this house? Who would need to do such a thing? The purpose of a lock is to keep people out, not in. I take a step back and then another. I let out a scream when I run into something solid. Walter bolts out of my arms, taking off. That little traitor probably went back to the warm, comfy bed.

Slowly, I turn around, coming face level with a broad chest. A black shirt like the one I’m wearing stretches against it. I drop my head back to get a look, and to my surprise, my eyes connect with Ted’s. Relief floods me instantly.

Unable to stop myself, I fling myself at him and burst into tears. I don’t know how I got here, but I’m guessing Ted saved me somehow. He lifts me into his arms, holding me close.

“It’s going to be okay.” His hands rub up and down my back, trying to soothe me.

“Where am I?” I ask into his neck. Somehow he makes out what I said.

“My cabin.”

I sniffle, lifting my head. Great. The guy I’ve been crushing on is seeing me look a hot mess. “How did I get here?”

“I drove.” His responses are simple and to the point.

“Did my boss take me home last night?” Maybe that’s where he and Mr. Foley ran into each other.

“No.” Ted's face is tense, making me think I’m irritating him.

“I don’t understand.” I lick my dry lips. I swear for a moment his eyes go to my mouth. Desire starts to rise inside me. I realize I’m now pressed up against him, the shirt I’m wearing having rode up some. Both of his hands are on my ass, keeping me in place.

“I ran into you at the restaurant last night. You seemed out of it. I couldn't leave you that way.” His fingers dig into my ass more in a possessive hold, lifting me slightly.

“He drugged me?”

Ted nods.

I drop my gaze. I’m so stupid. I should have trusted my gut and not gone with him. “I’m so happy you were there. You saved me.”

“I'm not so sure about all that.” He’s being modest. “I had a doctor come and check on you. I was worried. You slept through the night and the next day.”

“What?” I’ve lost a whole freaking day. “I hate that man. I should report him before he does this to someone else.”

“I’ve already handled it.”

“Oh.” I relax more into his hold. “I was really scared there for a minute. I thought I’d been kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped?” He cocks his head to the side, studying me.

“I mean, I woke up somewhere different and not to mention the creepy lock on the top of the door. Why do you even need that?” I try to wiggle so he’ll put me down. He doesn't let me go anywhere. Considering I’m on the curvy side, it must not be easy holding me.

“When you have something very special, you have to lock it away from the rest of the world before someone else tries to take it from you.”

Maybe I’m still in a little bit of a haze, but the way he’s staring at me makes me think he’s talking about me. Which would mean I actually am kidnapped.