Red Handed by Jessa Wilder

Itook a shower the second I got home. A sick feeling coated my skin, and I scrubbed hard until it felt like I took the top layer off.

In the moment, the torture didn’t bother me, but my rational brain snapped back in the time it took to drive to the hotel. Rush, and even Nico, tried to get me to stay with them. Both of their brows pinched together as they looked me over. I understood their concern. I was a mess, but the only person I wanted to see was Beck. I listened for him to return to his room as I put on comfy shorts and the shirt he’d left here the last time he’d stayed with me, and skipped the bra. I breathed in his sandalwood scent, letting it fill my lungs. One breath at a time.

It had been nearly an hour since we arrived at the hotel. The time it took me to shower, blow dry my hair, and get dressed distracted me, but now I was left with my thoughts. An oily feeling coated my stomach at what Beck must be thinking. He’d made it no secret that he wanted to avoid me seeing him like that. That he believed it would change everything.

His last look at me felt like he was letting go, and I wanted to scream at him. I couldn’t force myself to care that I was supposed to be his enemy. I was supposed to hate them. I didn’t, and all I cared about at that moment was he knew that. By the time I completed what felt like my hundredth lap of my room, my patience for him to get back evaporated.

I walked into the hall and banged on the door to the left of mine. I didn’t bother with Beck’s, knowing damn well he wasn’t home. Rush opened the door nearly immediately, gaze tracking over me in concern. His eyebrows pulled together. Not a trace of the normal heat there. He stepped back, opening the door wider for me to enter, but I shook my head.

“Where is he?”

Rush groaned, rubbing both hands over his face. “You need to give him time. He’ll come around once he gets used to you seeing this part of him.”

“And you’re just leaving him to do that alone?” Anger cut my voice, and I struggled not to slap him. Beck was their brother, and he was obviously suffering.

Rush’s eyes met mine. Pain pierced through them. “You don’t think I fucking tried? He wouldn’t listen to me, wouldn’t stay in my vicinity. He needs time, Rae.”

His use of my first name brought me out of the haze of my anger. Rush looked awful. It chewed him up, knowing that Beck was lost. I had to make Beck understand nothing had changed, that he was the same person to me. Not tainted by what he did.

“Where is he, Rush?” I asked, voice firm.

Rush groaned, tugging at his hair, eyes searching mine. He exhaled a long breath. “He’s on the roof. Be gentle with him.”

I nodded, not having the words to respond to that, and stepped into the elevator. My heart skipped with every second it took to reach the roof, not sure what I would face once I got there. When the doors opened, the place was plunged in near complete darkness. The only light provided by the surrounding city. I carefully walked through the lounge area, searching for him.

I spotted a bag right on the edge of the roof. Beck sat on a small ledge jutting out from the side of the building, only a thin bar preventing someone from tumbling over. My heart hammered as I approached. I wasn’t afraid of heights, but I wasn’t an idiot.

Beck’s gaze was pinned on the city. He didn’t move as I sank to my knees behind him. His low voice cut through that. “Go away, Rae.”

What the hell was with these boys using my name tonight? The distance they were trying to put between us was what I should’ve been doing but couldn’t. I placed my hand in-between his bare shoulders and he flinched. My teeth ached from clenching them so hard. I needed him to look at me. Needed him to know we were alright.

“Dammit, Beck. Look at me,” I pleaded.

Beck sniffed, and my fingers curled into his back. “You need to leave me alone. I’m entirely too fucked up to do this with you.”

“Do what with me?”

“It’s over, right?” He took a long sip from the bottle of Jack in his hand. “Whatever the fuck this was.”

“What if I don’t want it to be over?” I felt laid bare, speaking what I wouldn’t admit even to myself.

“I’m a fucking monster. You should be scared as hell of me right now. Fuck, you are scared as hell of me right now.” His back went rigid beneath my palm. He was pushing me away, already on the defensive. He was the one who was scared.

I scoffed. “The only thing I’m scared of right now is the six hundred-foot drop in front of us.”

He inhaled a deep breath in and blew it out. The tension in his shoulders relaxing.

“Look at me,” I said, voice trembling, needing him to see me. That I wasn’t afraid.

He placed the bottle of Jack on the ground beside him and turned toward me, eyes lowered. My heart pounded, and I had to steel myself to say the next words that no member of Mount Summer should ever say to a Gentlemen.

“I trust you.” My voice wavered, but I got the words out.

His eyes searched mine, some of the hazel returning. He scanned over my face, his voice rough. “You shouldn’t.”

Fuck. I’d always believed you should listen to what people tell you about themselves. That when they warned you, they were telling the truth, but I couldn’t be afraid of him. Not for what he’d done.

“I trust you.” This time my words came out strong. No room for doubt.

Beck lifted onto his knees, his foot clipping the bottle, sending it rolling to the edge. His hand darted out, catching it at the last possible second.

A shudder ran through me at the thought of anything tipping over. Beck followed my gaze to the city below us. “You can’t tell me you’re afraid of heights.”

I laughed. “It’s not the heights parts that scare me. It’s the plummeting to my death part that has me thinking twice.”

“You’re telling me that the thief who scaled four stories, doesn’t want to get close to the edge?” Beck’s eyes lightened with every word, and the corner of his lips tipped up. He wrapped both hands around my ankles, where I sat behind him, and slid me toward him.

“What the hell are you doing?” I laughed, kicking off his hands.

“You trust me?” he asked, gaze landing on my mouth.

I licked my lips, and his eyes hooded over. There was an electric undercurrent to the conversation, and I felt it pulling me under. “Yes.”

Beck pressed his forehead to mine, and his hands slid up the back of my legs, tightening around my thighs. “Prove it.” He pulled me onto the ledge until he knelt between my legs.

My body shook, adrenaline sparking down my nerves. Surrounded by open night air, my fingers trembled as I choked on fear, unable to take in breaths, panic setting the pace of my pulse.

Beck’s body moved in front of mine, blocking out my view of the city beyond. I stared at him, like he was the only thing tethering me to this earth. He lowered his head and ran his nose up the curve of my neck, humming in his throat. I closed my eyes and tried to block out my surroundings. My gaze snapped open when it felt like the world moved from under me.

“Do you know why I’m so good at what I do?” Beck’s lips grazed my ear, pulling my attention back to him. His tongue traced the sensitive shell and he bit the soft lobe, turning all the pinprick energy into flames. My hands dug into his hair as the adrenaline from fear mixed with the heat his touch poured into me.

He moved his mouth so close I could feel each word on my lips. “Because I know exactly how much a person can take.”

His mouth crashed into mine, demanding I open to him. Fucking gladly.

My fingers tightened in his hair, and I deepened the kiss, pulling him down on top of me. He smiled against my lips, hips pushing into me, and grasped both of my wrists in one hand and held them in place. The other hand gripped my jaw. Not hard enough to hurt, but he had my full attention.

“Do you really trust me?” he said, hazel gaze hovering over mine.

I nodded and said, voice raspy, “Yes.”

“Good.” His voice was rough, and he descended, placing one gentle kiss on my lips. His hand reached down to the bottom of my shirt hem, slowly shifting it up, exposing my naked breast. I arched my back, giving him room to move my shirt up. He rewarded me by pressing his hips harder against my core. We groaned in tandem as warmth soaked between my thighs.

I tugged at his hand holding my wrists as a consuming need filled me, but he held me firmly in place.

Beck lifted his body from mine. Instantly, cold air pebbled my skin. He pulled the shirt over my face until only my mouth was exposed. I was plunged in darkness, and icy hot fear pushed through me, my heart hammering in my chest when he didn’t move to remove it further. He’d blindfolded me, trapping my arms with my own shirt, and secured it above my head.

I trembled, exposed to him. The air did nothing to cool my heated skin. His lips grazed over mine.

“Are you okay?” He placed soft kisses along my neck, drawing all my attention to the only place we connected.

Was I okay? I was several hundred feet in the air, blindfolded, and held to the point where I was helpless to him. It felt like the world shifted below me, with no way to sense where I was. A shiver ran through me as his hand ran up the tender skin of my side, barely grazing my breast. I was more than okay. He was driving me mad, and I hadn’t been lying. I did trust him.

“I’d be better if you were touching me,” I said, voice rough with want.

He chuckled, and his body pressed into me. His burning skin replaced the cool air of the night, and I moaned when his lips took mine in a painfully gentle touch. I writhed beneath him, wanting to take control, to set the pace, but I was firmly held in place.

Fear slipped into my skin, sending energy ricocheting in me, but he deepened the kiss, driving every thought from my head. Replaced by a need so strong it was quickly becoming painful.

I pressed my hips into his, taking what I could, and he groaned, grinding down against me. His kisses turned frantic as he thrust his tongue into my mouth at the same tempo of his hips. I was lost to him. No other thoughts except the overwhelming need between us. He pulled from my mouth, panting above me, and I lifted my head to suck on his piercing, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. He groaned and bucked harder against my core.

His mouth descended to my neck and sucked hard on the exact same spot as Rush, branding me as his. It should have been painful, but it just added to my complete loss of self to him. Both men owned me more than they should.

His mouth dropped lower, leaving a trail of wet open mouth kisses as he went. He rested his weight against me and cupped both breasts in his hands. Fuck.

I grinned as the ache between my legs turned painful. His wet mouth sucked on my nipple at the same time as his thumb pressed hard over the other. I sucked in a breath, need driving me mad. I whimpered and felt him smile against the sensitive skin of my breast. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. How hard he was pushing me over the edge. He lifted completely and slid my shorts and panties off. Leaving me completely exposed. This time, no fear tinged the moment, only wanton need.

He moved lower. His breath fanning over my aching pussy drove me insane. Groaning, he lifted both of my legs over his shoulders and slowly licked up my slit, sending shivers down my legs. He hummed in the back of his throat and pressed his tongue flat against my sensitive clit.

My legs shook as he worshipped my core with slow laps. Needy sounds came from my throat. I ground over his face, driven mad by the need for more he’d been building in me. Pressure grew, until my body burned with it. Eyes rolling back, I chased my release. He plunged two fingers in me while sucking hard on my clit, and I screamed out with my orgasm.

Beck kissed his way up my stomach. He stopped placing soothing kisses on where my bruises had been and dragged his hands over every inch of my skin.

He reached for my mouth, taking his time with languid kisses. His hips settled between mine, pressed his cock against my overly sensitive clit, and rocked into me. I bit his lip, and he groaned into my mouth.

He pulled my shirt off, uncovering my face, and his eyes bore down on mine. Dark pools of the same desire I felt driving me.

“Are you on birth control?” His hooded hazel eyes bore into mine, waiting for my answer.

I nodded.

He growled in the back of his throat, licking his lip. “Good.” He lifted and pushed his pants off. I bit my lip hard and looked at his cock. He was big. Scream for the heavens big and my mouth watered with need.

Weeks of want had piled on for this moment. His mouth descended on mine, desperate, needy kisses sending heat directly to my pussy. His length slid between my soaked thighs, and a shiver ran through me. I felt like I would die if he didn’t push into me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he nudged at my entrance until I rocked into him.

His gaze met mine, and he smiled against my lips, plunging into me. Fuck, so full.

I could hardly think, overwhelmed by the feel of him. He raked a hand into my hair, tightening his grip until shivers covered my body. He rocked harder, and a spark started between my legs. He increased his tempo and drew out my orgasm until I was shattering, seeing stars against him.

My eyes rolled back when he raised me so he could hit deeper. He drove in harder, tucking his face into my neck, letting out a primal groan as he came. His hips stopped moving, and he kissed the curve of my neck gently.

We stayed still for several moments, trying desperately to catch our breath, before he kissed the tip of my nose and slipped out of me, cleaning me with his own shirt.

I scanned the surrounding skyline. Not an ounce of fear raised to the surface. I looked up at Beck and smiled, but he already looked at me, brows pinched, eyes serious. I sat up, and he cupped my face in both hands, dropping his forehead against mine.

“Thank you.” He placed a kiss on the top of my head and hauled me up so that we were both standing.

We rode the elevator down to my room, and he never let me go. I tucked my face into his chest, letting his sandalwood scent settle my soul. The elevator doors opened and both our doors loomed in front of us. I didn’t want to separate but wasn’t sure how to say that. His hand grasped mine and pulled me toward his room, opening the door with a click. He didn’t bother turning on any lights as he led me to his bedroom. Lifting me from the ground, he placed me on his bed. He tucked in behind me, covering us in blankets, and pulled me safe against his chest.

I fell asleep to the feel of his slow, sweet kisses on my neck.