Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Twenty-Two


I have been a wreck all week. The thought of leaving Trask has me in a state of terror. One minute I am happy and lying in Trask’s arms but when he leaves me to go to work, I know I am living on borrowed time. I have been looking at my predicament from every angle. I just don’t know what to do.

The old me, the self-centered spoiled side of me, wants to run. Run from my responsibilities and the love I feel for Trask. Forget it all and find a fast fix. The drugs would wash away any memories of a happily ever after for me. They always made my mind shut down and I could just forget. I’m an addict and I know this is my addiction calling to me, but I can’t do that. I am stronger than that. I can’t let myself fall back into my old habits and grasping onto those vices would be erasing all the work I put in to getting clean. I can’t get the thoughts out of my mind when I am by myself. I crave that high and the release from my thoughts. I’m not comfortable in my own skin today. That is the reason that I agreed to meet Lyric and Haddie for lunch. I need the distraction.

Haddie wants to discuss the arrangements for Lyric’s baby shower. Haddie and I are hosting. I feel guilty for not telling them that I won’t even be here when it’s time for the baby shower. I can’t tell them that though. I’m going to meet them just for the distraction before I climb the walls of this house.

I look in the mirror one last time before I go out the door. I can see the dark circles that are starting to form under my eyes. I don’t know how long I can hide this from Trask. I don’t know how long I have to hide this from Trask. I’m not used to these guilty feelings. I need to just tell Trask the truth and be done with it. I look at my reflection and hate what I see. It’s like I should have liar stamped across my forehead. This is killing me from the inside out. This is as good as it is going to get. I put my jacket on and grab my keys and purse.

The drive to town is uneventful. I don’t even remember half of it. It’s like my body is on autopilot and I’m not seeing anything around me. The next thing I know, I am parked in front of Haddie’s bed-and-breakfast. I see Lyric’s car is already here, so I get out and walk up to the house. I love the wraparound porch on this place. It’s beautiful even on a day as cool as it is today. I’d love to sit out here and watch the cars go by.

“Get in the house and get warm, Kelly,” Haddie says, opening the screen door of the house for me.

“I wish it were warmer so we could sit on the front porch. It’s beautiful out there,” I tell Haddie.

“That’s my favorite part of this house,” Lyric says, coming up behind Haddie.

“Thank you, both. I do get a lot of compliments on it. I have spent a lot of time out there. If my rocker and that swing could talk, they would have a lot of tales to tell,” Haddie says laughing.

“I bet they could, especially about you and Nick out there talking every night,” Lyric says with laughter in her voice. I raise my eyebrow at Haddie.

“Oh really, do tell.” Haddie swats at Lyric’s butt with the dish towel in her hand.

“Don’t be silly, missy,” Haddie says but her face gets a little red. I think there is a story there. “My little talks with Nick are harmless.”

“It’s Nick now is it? I believe if my memory is right, when I first moved here, the only thing that you called Nick was Mr. Styles.”

“That was a misunderstanding that we cleared up and that is the end of that. Shall we all go into the dining area so we can talk baby shower plans? We need to get you registered at a few stores.” Lyric is still smiling when we walk into the dining area. There are a few guests having their lunch, but I don’t pay any attention to them. I just follow Lyric and Haddie to our table. We sit down and Haddie already has our sandwiches and drinks set up.

“I didn’t know how long you ladies had for this afternoon, so I had an assortment of sandwiches made up,” Haddie tells us.

“Well, this pregnant woman is starving, so thank you. I have all afternoon. Botie and Trask are busy on their private project for the baby after work.” I smile at that. Trask told me last night that he and Botie are building all the furniture for the nursery. It’s a sweet thing to do and I hope I am still here to see all the things that they have planned to build. “Botie did say not to order any furniture because he wants to go with me to pick that out. It all needs to have Dad’s seal of approval. The colors, bedding, and design is all up to me but the furniture he wants to help with. He also said he would take care of any painting that needs to be done and just to let him know the colors that I decide on.” If she only knew about her surprise, she would be over the moon. That’s how I would feel, anyway.

“Kelly, I need to speak to you.” I know that voice and it’s not one that I have heard in a while. I swing my head toward it and my heart feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest. Sage Mayson. No, this can’t be happening, not today, I’m not ready, not yet. So many things rush through my head. I am on my feet before I can think about it. I need to run. No, I can’t. People are watching me. My friends are watching me. My past is going to collide with my present and it is going to ruin my future. I try to collect myself and get it together.

“Sage, what are you doing here?” I ask.

“You’re the one that needs to answer questions, not me.” I look at Lyric and Haddie. How do I explain this?

“Haddie and Lyric this is an associate of mine. I am going to need to reschedule for another time. I didn’t know he was going to be in town so fast. I’m sorry, ladies, I really need to go so we can take care of the business he came for.” I notice another man behind Sage. I still have my jacket on, so I grab my purse.

“This won’t take long,” Sage says with venom in his voice. I deserve that. I deserve all of Sage’s hate.

“Are you sure, honey?” Haddie asks me, picking up on Sage’s attitude. “You can take a table somewhere else or go into my den and talk. These gentlemen are staying here a few days and my den is private. Whatever business you have won’t be overheard.” I see the concern in Haddie’s eyes.

“The closer the better so we can get this over with,” Sage interrupts.

“Alright, that sounds good,” I tell Haddie. I just hope that Lyric doesn’t call Trask. Haddie gets up and walks toward the front of the dining room. I don’t even look at Sage or the man following him. We go through the front lobby and Haddie opens a side door and walks in. We follow. Haddie turns and looks at us.

“Kelly, if you want me to stay, I will,” Haddie says, looking at me. It’s like she’s trying to read my mind, but I can’t let her hear anything that Sage has to say to me. I know Sage Mayson will not physically hurt me but that doesn’t mean he won’t completely trash my life. I chance it and look at the two men. The taller guy has a blank look on his face. Sage, though, I can see the fury in his eyes. This isn’t going to be pleasant, but I need to get it over with. I just hope this morning when I kissed Trask goodbye, it’s not the last time I feel his lips on mine.

“It’s alright, Haddie. I was just surprised. Everything will be fine. Please, take notes for me so I can catch up later on the baby shower.” Haddie looks at me and then she pulls me to her and gives me a big hug.

She whispers in my ear, “I’m just a yell away. You look like you need a hug. I can call Nick and he will be here in a matter of minutes if we need some muscle.” I laugh out loud. Sage’s eyes come to me.

“We’re good, Haddie, but thank you, I tell the woman I have come to think a lot of. Haddie walks out the door, and no one says anything until the door clicks shut.

“What kind of games are you playing, Kelly, and why are you alive and walking around when my woman, your twin sister, thinks you are dead?” Sage asks in a deep angry voice.

“Calm down, Cuz,” the other man says.

“Sit down. This is a long story which I am sure you already know part of,” I say in a soft voice. I don’t want to piss either of these men off further. The other man goes and stands by the door. Sage starts to pace the floor. I sit down before I fall. I feel so tired.

“I almost did die, or that was what I was told. I helped the girl that was taken the best I could and the next thing that I knew, I woke up in a hospital. I was given the choice of going to jail or testifying about some things that I had overheard and seen when I was with the man that kidnapped me and the other girl. The man thought I was too doped up to remember anything. I was scared and acted that way on purpose. The man was crazy. Special Agents Kace and Torres made sure I was put in witness protection. I couldn’t tell anyone the truth.” I tell the two men what I remember.

“Kim has been through hell thinking the last thing she told you was she hated you and that you thought she was using you.” I knew Kim would take this hard but there was nothing I could do to help that. I didn’t have an option.

“I knew she would, Sage, but I had no options if I wanted to stay alive and out of jail. I’m sorry about the way I acted toward Kim. I’m sorry for trying to steal your wallet that night in the club. I’m sorry for a lot of things I have done in my life. I am trying to make up for them by doing the right thing, but you can’t tell Kimberly that I am alive.” Sage stops pacing in front of me.

“I’m supposed to keep a secret like this from the woman that I love and who is my life for you? To keep you breathing? How do I know that you’re not going to change your mind and run again and then try to contact Kim? I don’t lie to my woman. We aren’t you, we tell each other the truth.” That stings. It’s the truth, but it still hurts. “That other woman that was taken was my cousin.”

“If I don’t testify, then the men they have locked up now will walk. I have changed or I’ve tried to, and I can’t let that happen. They will take more women. If I hadn’t run when I did, they could have targeted Kim. That’s what the man threatened. A set of twins on the black market would bring a bigger price. I did what he said, and that was to leave and go with him. If you don’t believe me, then contact Kace and Torres. They are still my handlers.” Then something occurs to me. “How did you find me? If you can find me, then so can the people that want to kill me.”

“We’re here on a case and it’s not linked to human trafficking or your case,” the other man says.

“We don’t owe her any explanations, Jax.” He walks across the room and sits down.

“What kind of scam are you running on this Stillman man that you have hooked up with? Are you drugging him or is he another john?” Sage asks.

“You better explain what the hell you are talking about and apologize to my woman!” I look up and see Trask and Botie standing in the doorway. It’s over. Life as I know it is over with. Trask looks like he could kill someone. He is over and in Sage’s face.

“Maybe you should ask your woman?” Trask looks at me. I fight back the tears.

“What’s he talking about, Kelly? Do you know this man, or do I need to show him some down-home hospitality?” I feel exhausted. What can I say? I could deny it all but what good would that do? I need to go. I need to get out of here and to do that I know what I need to do. I take a deep breath and hope I still keep everyone safe without losing my own life. I grab my purse and look at Trask or I should say I look through Trask. I am numb and I don’t see anything or anyone. I am trash and it’s time to dispose of me.

“This is Sage Mayson, and he has every right to be mad at me. Everything he has accused me of is true.” I keep going even if I don’t know where I get my strength. “Sage is married to my twin sister, Kim. Before they were married, I tried to drug him and steal his wallet so he didn’t like me. But he hates me because my sister needed a kidney and I skipped town so I wouldn’t need to give it to her. I am a bad person and I use people. I am a drug addict and I have used my body to get the drugs that my body craves. I’m sorry, Trask, but I am no good and you are better without me.” There, everything that I can tell them is out.

“You got that shit right,” Sage says. Trask is on him, but they are evenly matched. Botie and the other guy, Jax, try to pull them apart. I take the distraction as a time to run. I get outside the door and Haddie catches my hand and I look at her.

“Kelly, I don’t know what is going on, but I know that the person you just described isn’t the woman I have come to love as a friend. You need to forgive yourself before anyone else can forgive you. Just remember that. You are a good person and the pain in your voice when you just spilled your guts in there runs deep. Learn to love yourself, sweetheart. Now go. I know you need some alone time. This will all sort itself. Get yourself together because that man in there loves you and he is going to come find you.” Haddie pulls me to her and hugs me. Lyric is standing there, and I look at her.

“Everyone is running from something at one time in their life. I was running from my family when I first came here. It’ll be alright. You’re a good person,” Lyric tells me. I wish she were right. I run out the door and don’t look back. I can’t look back. I head for the interstate and send my distress text to Kace. I have a pickup time in San Antonio and now I just need to get there in one piece. The tears start and I don’t know if they will ever stop. My heart is shattered.