Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Twenty


Trask left early this morning because he wants to show me a surprise later today. I can’t imagine what it could be. The last few days have been like dancing on a cloud. I am waiting for that other proverbial shoe to drop. It can’t. I have a life that I want. I don’t dread waking up every day anymore. I’m happy. For the first time in my life, I am genuinely happy.

It’s not just because I have Trask, though he is a big part of it. I have friends. Not many but it’s a start. I have my own business online. I’m not rolling in the dough, but I have what I need, and I am making a living on my own. I’m not ripping people off. I’m proud of the improvements that I have made on myself.

Then there is Trask, and he loves me. He’s not using me and there is nothing he wants from me. He loves me for me. He’s a good person.

I have made a life for myself that I can be proud of. Kim would be proud of me.

I’m brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I don’t even think, I just open the door and my old life comes crashing back down on me.

“I’ve told you not to just open the door,” Special Agent Torres tells me. “Always check the peephole.” I laugh at that.

“I keep telling you that my door is too old to have a peephole. See?” I point to the door as I step back and let the two agents in.

“We have news about the trial,” Special Agent Kace says, ignoring what I just said. That gets my attention.

“The trial has been moved up. We will be moving you in two weeks back to Tennessee. The special prosecutor wants to prep you for trial. Anything that you have here that you want to take needs to be ready to go when we get the okay,” Torres says.

“I can’t just leave. I have a life here. I met a man, and he loves me. I won’t leave.” Torres and Kace look at each other.

“We warned you not to make lasting ties. You don’t have a choice in this. If this man is in love with you, then he is in love with your cover and not the real you. It’s better to walk away and make a clean break,” Torres tells me. I don’t want to believe it. It can’t be true. I love Trask and he loves me. No, Trask has a big heart, and he knows the real me. The me inside. The me that loves him.

“If you don’t fulfill your part of the agreement in place with the justice department, then you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Like Special Agent Torres said, a clean break is better,” Kace tells me and I know my dreams with Trask are gone. No, that’s too painful to even entertain the thought.

“Even if by some chance the justice department decided not to prosecute, you still have some bad men on your trail. You walk away and then you don’t have the protection you have now. You could end up dead just like they tried before or worse.” I know what Torres is talking about. I could have ended up in that human trafficking life. I know too much for that. I know if the men that want me catch up with me, I will be dead. I need to think. I need time.

“I got you. Pack up and wait for your next move.” The two men look at each other and then back to me.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Kelly. There’s too much at stake and too many things could go wrong. You don’t want any innocent bystanders getting hurt.” Kace’s words send a chill up my back. No, that can’t happen, but I will find a way not to lose Trask. The two men leave and I feel like my world just crashed and burned. No, I’m happy and I will not let this destroy what I have with Trask.