Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Seven


I am still nervous as Trask and I walk up to the house and he knocks on the door. Trask has tried to put me at ease, but it’s hard to relax. I guess Trask is right, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I can do this. This is what Kim would do. She would own this cookout, and everyone would love her by the end of the day. Surely, I can gain at least one more friend. I’m determined and my expectations are small.

“I thought I was going to need to come and find your ass. Get in here and help me. Lyric is going crazy,” the big man that opens the door says to Trask. “Who is this?” The man looks like he’s trying to dissect my inner thoughts, but his eyes look nice and he isn’t making any hairs stand up on my neck, so I think he’s safe. I think Trask will keep me safe. What was I thinking getting out like this?

“Chill out, Botie, you’re scaring my girl.” Trask laughs but he latches on to my hand. Did he say his girl? “What’s wrong with Lyric? That girl is never out of hand. This is my girl.”

“I’m his friend, Kelly,” I tell the big man. He smiles at me and I know the man is just concerned for his wife and not a threat to me. I relax a little more.

“Are you his friend or his girl?” He looks at Trask. “I think he said you were his girl and Trask hasn’t had a girl in a long time.” I see he’s trying to get a dig in at Trask and it makes me like the man. “Lyric is just nervous and micro-managing everything. I keep telling her this is like any other get-together we have been to. We are just sharing good news with everyone.” I wait for him to quit talking. “I’m Botie, this guy’s best friend, he’s so rude.”

“I don’t think that Lyric is the only one wound up. Take a breath, man, before you hyper ventilate,” Trask tells him. “Back up so we can get in the door or am I supposed to help from out here?” Botie backs up and lets us in the door.

“By the way, I am a girl and Trask’s friend. Do you think I could give your wife a hand with something?” Botie laughs.

“She’s a smartass just like you, perfect. I like her. Keep her around for a while and yes, thank you. I think you helping Lyric would help. Come on in and I will introduce the two of you so Trask and I can get the food started.” We follow Botie into the kitchen. I love this house. It’s an older country home and the inside of it looks homey but not overdone. “Honey, where are you?” Botie yells out as we walk into the kitchen. I hear a noise over behind a door. I am guessing it’s a food pantry or a closet. A woman that looks about my age walks out the door with a jar of mayonnaise in her hand.

“I’m here. I just needed to find a new jar of mayonnaise.” She looks up and sees us. “Hello, Trask, it took you long enough.” I can tell by the tone of her voice that she isn’t mad just impatient. “Hello,” she says, looking at me.

“This is Lyric, my wife. Lyric, this is Trask’s girl slash friend, Kelly.” Botie smiles as he says it.

“Hello, Kelly, are you new around here? I don’t think I have seen you in town before.” Lyric puts the mayonnaise on the counter.

“I have been renting and living in Mrs. Lamb’s farmhouse for a few months. I don’t get into town much. I’ve been keeping to myself. Trask is my first friend in town,” I tell Lyric.

“I’m glad Trask invited you today. I could use a friend that wasn’t born and raised here. Comfort is a lovely place, but it’s hard to make friends here if you’re a new person in the community. I have been the new person for a while now. Thank goodness there is someone else that is new.” Lyric seems nice. “You two need to get cooking. Haddie and Nick will be here soon, and I don’t want them two doing all the work.”

“Kelly, don’t let Lyric’s bossy ways rub off on you. I like you, beautiful lady, just the way you are with your sweet disposition. No one likes a bossy grump,” Trask says smiling. He is so full of it.

“Trask, I thought you loved me just the way I am,” Lyric says to Trask, acting offended.

“Oh, darlin’, you know I do but I don’t want to show your husband up. He’s the one that said you were freaking out. I can’t be showing my best bud up in his own house, now can I?” Trask asks, laying it on thick. Trask is a natural born flirt. Lyric just shakes her head as Botie and Trask go out the side door.

“You have your hands full with that one. He’s the best, but he is so full of it. Have you two known each other awfully long?” Lyric asks. She acts like it’s an innocent question, but I know she’s digging for information. With everything I am hiding, I know telling the truth is the best way to go.

“Not long at all. A few hours.” That makes Lyric smile.

“You must have knocked him for a loop. That man has never brought a woman to our house before. He’s known for dating a lot, but he keeps that separate from family get-togethers. He must like you a lot.” I don’t know what to say to that.

“What can I help you with?” I ask Lyric.

“Good play, changing the subject. It’s alright, I understand. You’re overwhelmed with meeting the best friend and his wife. I’m sorry but I tend to be straight forward. Trask is a flirt, and he is a womanizer. Don’t get me wrong, I love the big lug, but loving someone in my eyes means seeing their shortcomings along with their strengths. Trask is a good man, so please be careful with him. There, I said my piece, now we can go on like I said nothing. It’s nothing against you, but he is my husband’s best friend and like a brother to me. I protect the ones I love. I’ll get you some tomatoes to slice for the burgers.” I don’t know if I should be offended or not but for some reason what Lyric has said puts me at ease. I know if Lyric ever has a problem with me, she will tell me, and I won’t need to wonder. I also know she cares about Trask and she’s honest about it. That makes me like the woman.

“I’ll just wash my hands, and Lyric, I understand what you mean about Trask and he is safe with me. I just want to make some friends here, nothing else,” I tell the woman to let her know I understand what she means. Lyric laughs.

“Honey, you’ll have your hands full with Trask and he wants a lot more than friendship from you. Just get ready for Mr. Charm to unload on you.” That surprises me. I finish washing my hands and dry them.

“I can handle anything he dishes out.” I take the knife from Lyric and we work side by side getting everything ready for the burgers. Our conversation stays light and I find that I like this woman. She’s easy to talk to and she listens to me like I am worthy of her time. I’ve never really had a friend like that. I think Lyric and I could be good friends, or I hope so. I had an enjoyable time talking to her in the kitchen as we worked. Botie or Trask would come in occasionally. I don’t know if they needed something or made up stuff they needed to make sure we were getting along. A couple of hours later we were finished and had the kitchen cleaned up by the time the first people started to arrive.

I was surprised to see the man from the hardware store show up with a short lady that Lyric introduced as Haddie.

Haddie is a robust lady that owns a bed-and-breakfast in Comfort and she never stops talking. I loved the lady from the start. She came in and introduced herself, then hugged me. This lady gives the best hugs.

Nick was still a bit stiff toward me, but I found out that is just the way he is toward everyone. He owns the hardware store in town and has owned it since the doors first opened. I found out as the night went on that he and his wife raised their family in this very house and that is why Lyric loves it so much. She felt the same way that I did when I first walked in today. This house has a home feel to it and the love these walls have seen has soaked into its foundation. Anyone would be lucky to live here. The only two people that Nick lets his guard down around are Lyric and Haddie.

I also met Cora Lee and found out she owns the local beauty salon. She was quiet at first, but she warmed up to me when Lyric and Haddie kept including me in their conversation.

I met Buford Jenkins and his wife Dara. I had seen Dara at the diner. She and her husband, the sheriff, own a restaurant in town.

There were a few out-of-towners there, as Nick called them. Roger Stanton and his wife Meg. Then there was Lyric’s best friend, Zane Lynch. They were all nice, but they just weren’t as friendly as Haddie and Lyric.

Joseph and Dolly Hillhouse are Botie’s parents and they attended. Joseph is just as big as Botie. Dolly was friendly and gave me the recipe for a broccoli dish that she brought. By the end of the night, everyone was full of the tasty food the guys prepared and ecstatic over the news of the new baby on the way. I have plans to meet both Lyric and Haddie later in the week so we can get to know each other more. Lyric is going to show me how to can food and Haddie is going to supervise. All in all, it was a great cookout and day. I think I might like it here in this small community.