Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Five


I have been watching the clock ever since I walked back through my front door. Who am I kidding? I was watching my watch the second I walked out of the diner in town. I am beyond nervous. This isn’t me, not the old me, but I guess the new me cares what people think of me. I have been asking myself how Kim would handle this situation but that hasn’t done me any good either. I mean, I didn’t then nor now know my sister that well. All I know is she never seemed nervous in any given situation and she always looked like she was so put together even if she was in just jeans and a t-shirt. I, on the other hand, always look like I am wearing somebody’s hand-me-downs even though all my clothes are new and bought for me. Trask said casual, and it is cold outside, so I decided to go with jeans and a nice sweater. I put on my cute boots, so I fit in with everyone around here. I have left my makeup to a minimum. I don’t like to cake a bunch of that stuff on my face so a light coat of mascara and some lip balm it is. My hair I put in a French braid around my head and then pulled to the side. Braiding hair is the one thing I am good at. I have my jacket laying on the back of the sofa and I have been pacing the floor. What if these people can see right through me and don’t like what they see? I should have thought about this a little more before I said yes. I mean, I want to meet people and interact with them before I drive myself crazy in this house but I’m beyond nervous. What if I mess up and say more than I should? I am not good at crowds. How many people could be at a cookout? Maybe I should call Trask and cancel. Damn, I didn’t get his number. That’s out. I look out the window one more time and I see a truck coming up my driveway. It’s a nice truck. It looks like something Trask would drive. I run and look at myself in the mirror again, but it’s too late to change anything now. I grab my jacket and step out on my porch to wait on Trask to get in front of my house. I’m not sure I want anyone in my private haven just yet. I wait and hold my breath. I want to run but I need to do this. I know Kim could do this and I am going to be strong.

Trask stops a little way from the house, and I don’t give him a chance to get out before I start to his truck. “I would have come and knocked on your door like the gentleman I am, but I need to say I like it that you are excited to see me.” Trask goes right into his flirty ways.

“No need to get out. I saved you a few steps, handsome.” That makes Trask smile just a little bit bigger. Trask gets out of his truck and walks around and opens my door for me. This is nice. No man has ever done that for me. I look at the distance from the ground to the truck seat and I realize that this is no normal truck. It must be lifted or something. I guess Trask sees me looking.

“What’s wrong, darlin’? Have you never been in a four-wheel drive before?” Nope, never have but it answers my question on why the truck is so tall.

“I have mostly lived in cities. I’m not a country girl. This is my first try at country living and I’m guessing there is no use for a four-wheel drive in a city because this is the first one I have been this close to.” I can see the amusement in Trask’s eyes.

“Oh, darlin’, I have so much to teach you.” Trask laughs. I laugh with him even though I have no idea why. “You see that bar right there.” I follow Trask’s finger and I see the bar right inside the truck close to where the window would be if the door were closed. I shake my head yes. “If you don’t want me picking you up and putting you in the truck, just grab a hold of it and pull yourself up into the seat.” I look at Trask closely and I don’t think he is making fun of me. He puts me at ease by winking at me. I grab a hold of the bar and I pull myself up into the truck. It was easy. I smile at Trask. “I would have preferred picking you up, but I thought you might have an issue with it since we just met. Now buckle up. Safety first and you are precious cargo.”

I feel warm all over with the kind words that Trask gives me. Calm down, girl, this man is a player, and all players are the same. They only want one thing and right now I am his shiny new toy, but I’ll play along for now.

“Aren’t your friends waiting on us?” I ask Trask.

“They are but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy the view just a few more minutes. I like the way you look in my truck.” I feel my face heating up. Since when do I blush? I’m not some innocent little girl who blushes when a man pays her a compliment, not that I have gotten that many in my life. Trask does funny things to me. He has made me blush a few times today. Keep your head on straight, Kelly. Kim would not let a hot guy change her whole way of thinking and neither will I.

“Alright, handsome, you promised me an enjoyable time tonight, so quit staring and let’s get on the road,” I tell Trask with a hint of flirtation in my words. I don’t want to go overboard and make him think I am easy.

“You just don’t know the restraint it is taking me not to kiss those freckles across your nose and then devour your pouty lips.” I see the want in Trask’s eyes. Damn, this man is going to break my resolve to be good. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I said I want to, not that I am going to. Good things come to those that wait and I don’t want to rush things with you for some reason. Damn if I know why, but I never want to rush with you.” I lick my lips because they seem awfully dry. Trask watches me closely and I think I hear him growl. Interesting. “You’re hard on a man, darlin’, but we need to get going.” Trask shuts my door, and I put my seatbelt on.

I see Trask adjusting his jeans as he walks around the truck. That would usually disgust me, but I like the idea that Trask wants me, and not because he knows I’m easy or will give him what he wants for a few drugs. Trask wants me for me. Simple and easy, the way it should be between a man and a woman. I never thought that I would have this chance and you can bet I am not going to ruin it for anything.