Shadows of Discovery by Brenda K. Davies

Chapter Forty-Three

Lexi couldn’t tearher eyes away from Cole’s silver ones reflecting at her in the mirror. Did he realize how much his control had slipped?

Even if he didn’t, she did as those silver eyes glowed like a fire burned behind them and his claws skimmed up her belly and between her breasts. When he loosely clasped her throat, she sensed the possessive lycan beneath his surface.

He pulled her head back and whispered in her ear, “You’re mine, Elexiandra Harper, and you’re going to watch me fuck you.”

A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. He kept hold of her throat as he pulled her hips back. Though it was strange and a little unnerving to watch herself and him in the mirrors, it was also unbelievably erotic.

Lexi couldn’t get enough of seeing him from all angles and watching as the muscles of his ass flexed. Yes, he was thinner than the last time she saw him, but he was still magnificent. She hadn’t imagined she would ever enjoy something like this, but not only had she never been so aroused, she was also fascinated.

He held her gaze as he guided his cock into her before grasping her hips, pulling her back, and thrusting deep. She gasped at the breathtaking sensation of having him filling her again.

When they were together, nothing else mattered and everything was right. He made her forget all the horror and sadness in the world as he gave her only love, joy, and pleasure.

It had been too long since she’d experienced this wonder, and though she could never forget what it was like to be with him, it was still as amazing as the first time.

Once inside her, he didn’t move as their eyes remained locked in the mirror. He kept one hand on her throat while the other flattened against her lower belly. They simply stared at each other until he pulled slowly back before plunging deep again.

Despite the obvious emergence of his lycan side, her skin prickled when his dark fae power seeped out around them. It crackled the air as his muscles swelled.

She’d experienced this sensation before as he fed on the energy their joining created, but it was far more potent now. Shadows rose to dance and swell around them.

Cole pulled the shadows closer until they slid over her as well as him. Like phantoms seeping through walls, more of them appeared around Cole.

It was magnificent and frightening, and though she couldn’t feel the shadows gliding over her, they concealed parts of them before revealing more when they moved. It unnerved her a little, but she couldn’t deny she liked seeing how much he enjoyed this.

In response, her fangs lengthened and reflected in the mirror as a new hunger awoke inside her. Cole must have spotted those fangs as he growled.

He pulled her away from the bar and guided her to the floor. When she was on all fours, he wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her up. In the mirror, his face contorted strangely before returning to normal.

He’s losing control of the lycan.

The moons beating down on them wasn’t helping him to keep control. A lycan didn’t require a full moon to change, but they had a connection to the moon and its cycles.

Before, being around a lycan on the edge would have terrified her. An out-of-control lycan was one of the most dangerous creatures in all the realms.

Now, seeing him this way only titillated her. She wanted him out of control.

* * *

Cole turnedhis face into Lexi’s shoulder and breathed deep. Though it normally calmed him, the scent of her only provoked the lycan more while the dark fae feasted on the power their joining emanated.

The fae was being sated while the lycan was growing increasingly out of control. He fought it even as the lycan howled to claim its mate. The moons weren’t helping; he shouldn’t have stayed in this room with her.

He should pull away, but he couldn’t let her go. His mind spun as his thoughts became more chaotic.

Claim her. Claim her. Claim her.

He tried to reassert control over the wolf for fear it would injure her, but his fangs lengthened as his body swelled. The shadows retreated when the lycan shoved aside the dark fae to take control. When he met Lexi’s eyes in the mirror again, he barely recognized himself.

He’d expected to see terror or revulsion staring back at him from her, but instead, he saw only love and desire. Between the shadows and the lycan, she should be petrified, but she wasn’t.

She accepted him completely, and she would not run from him, no matter what happened.

That realization caused the last of his restraint to shatter. He wasn’t in control; the beast was.

When he sank his fangs into her shoulder, she jerked beneath him as he claimed her in every way possible. The throbbing in his fangs intensified as they filled with the serum a lycan used to mark their mate.

And then, it released. As the serum filled her, she cried out as she came. He thrust into her again and emitted a sound that was completely animalistic as he found his release.

* * *

Warmth spreadfrom Cole’s bite to fill her veins and pulse through the rest of her body. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation; not even the bite felt bad. In fact, it felt good as the heat entwined around her heart before slipping into her stomach.

He’s claimed me.

She’d heard that lycans bit their mates when they claimed them, but he’d also released something into her.

His eyes still burned with silver fire in the mirror, and he didn’t release his bite on her. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from his as he started to move inside her again. He’d already fucked her harder than he ever had before, but she suspected he was just getting started.

The lycan was unleashed, and it was an insatiable beast.