Shadows of Discovery by Brenda K. Davies

Chapter Forty-Five

A kisson her shoulder woke Lexi the next morning. She cracked her eyes open to discover Cole leaning over her. The first rays of the sun shining through the open window made his eyes sparkle and his hair shine.

The dark stubble lining his jaw made him impossibly sexier, and she lifted her hand to run her fingers over the hairs. She relished the feel of them beneath her fingers. It made him more real.

“You’re really back,” she whispered.

“If you think you imagined what we did last night, then I have failed you and will have to remedy that later.”

She chuckled as she sank deeper into the luxurious pillows and the sheets fell back a little to reveal the upper swell of her breasts. “I do not have that good of an imagination.”

His ravenous gaze raked over her, and he propped himself on his elbow before running his fingers across her forehead.

“I have to go help with the arrangements for today,” he said. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll return before the memorial starts. I’d like for you to be by my side throughout the day.”

Those words caused her stomach to lurch. Cole leaned back as she wiggled up from the pillows and tugged the sheet around her.

“They’ll talk,” she said.

“What are they going to say? That I had my mate at my side throughout my father’s memorial service and coronation? Good. There is no hiding what’s between us anymore, Lexi. I have marked you, you are in my rooms, and my bed… again. No woman can claim such a thing. This is my personal space; I’ve never brought another here. They’re already talking, and they have yet to see my mark on you.”

Her eyes widened at this revelation. He’d never brought another here? She didn’t question him further about it because she’d prefer not to have any more details of his past relationships, but it was intriguing.

“Are you sure about this? It’s going to be difficult enough for you to take over as king without having a half human, half vampire standing by your side. I’m not exactly a combination that speaks of power.”

“I don’t care. The sooner they come to accept you will be my queen, the easier it will be on all of them.”

Lexi gulped. He was so confident in his power and ability to rule. So confident he could make them accept her, and after surviving the trials, he had every right to his confidence, but she was not so sure.

“I didn’t bring anything to wear to events like that,” she said. “I doubt jeans and T-shirts are appropriate for either thing.”

“I’ll send a couple of helots up to make sure you’re attired properly.”

“Can they do that on such short notice?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “This is the Gloaming. It’s a land filled with magic.”

He rolled off the bed and walked over to the window to stand next to the chair there. Before falling asleep, she last saw him sitting in that chair, staring at the moons.

Too worried he might fall asleep while holding her, he refused to lie in bed with her last night. She’d missed him, but she understood. His nightmares endangered her before the trials; she couldn’t imagine what his sleep would be like now.

Pushing herself up, she rested her back against the headboard. “Did you sleep at all?”


“Cole….” She let the admonishing tone of her voice trail off.

“I got a couple of hours of sleep. It was more than enough.”

She had no idea if that was true or not, but he did look better than yesterday. The lines around his eyes and mouth weren’t as noticeable, and his eyes weren’t as remorseless.

“The Gloaming is waking,” he said.

Lexi’s gaze drifted to the window, but she couldn’t see the dark fae realm beyond. Then he turned away and strode back to her. Bending, he kissed her forehead.

“I’ll have breakfast and the helots sent up right away,” he said. “Do you need blood?”

Her mouth watered at the mention of blood, not because she was hungry for it, but because he was so close. She managed to lock away her yearning as she smiled at him.

“No, I’m fine,” she said.

He leaned closer and rested his thumb on her bottom lip. Pulling it gently down, he revealed the tips of her elongated fangs. When he did, his eyes sparked with silver.

“You’re hungry,” he stated.

“I’m not,” she said. “It’s just when you said blood….” Her words trailed off as her gaze fell to his neck. “I’m not hungry, but your words made me think of your blood,” she admitted.

He slid his arms around her and lifted her from the bed to settle her on his lap. “I fed on you last night but never gave you the chance to feed on me.”

She wanted to continue arguing with him, but she couldn’t when he was so close and so tantalizing. The sounds of the morning faded away as the pulse of his heart pounded in her ears. She licked her lips as the lure of that blood beckoned to her.

Sliding her arms around him, she lowered her mouth to his neck and bit deep. The hot rush of blood filling her mouth made her groan. He tasted of fire and power. It was different than before, but the potent combination had her yearning for more.

His fingers dug into her back as he held her closer. Beneath her ass, his rigid erection poked against her. Her breathing came faster as his blood and arousal battered her senses.

Half out of her mind with desire, she clawed at the button on his pants, pulled it open, and freed his cock. Shifting, she continued to feed on him as she straddled his lap and took him into her.

She clawed at his back as his shaft and blood filled her, and she rode them both to completion.