Shadows of Discovery by Brenda K. Davies

Chapter Fifty-Four

Lexi triedto keep up with Cole as he stalked through the palace. When he stopped outside a door, she stood to the side and waited while he banged on it.

She had no idea what to say or do to get through to him, and she wasn’t sure she could. Ever since she’d told him about Orin, his eyes had burned silver fire. The lycan part of him was in control now, and a pissed-off lycan was far from reasonable.

She’d expected him to react badly to her revelation, but she hadn’t expected this distance or for him to think she’d slept with Orin. She winced as she recalled that accusation and the way his silver eyes shuttered over when he asked if she was sleeping with his brother. It was as if she ceased to exist to him.

She’d never imagined he would jump to that conclusion, but she’d also never seen him this livid. She ached to hug him and tell him that she’d never considered sleeping with Orin, but he wouldn’t welcome her touch. He’d probably push her away, and she couldn’t handle that.

And truth be told, she was angry too. She was working to keep it under control, but he’d accused her of being unfaithful when she’d never given him any reason to doubt her.

You kept the brother he’s been hunting hidden from him. A brother who is a good part of the reason his father is dead. That could be why he doubts you.

And that was the only reason she hadn’t told him to fuck off when he accused her of cheating on him. If he continued not to believe her, she’d tell him exactly where to go and how to get there.

She loved him, but she wouldn’t put up with that.

When Cole banged on the door again, it rattled in its frame. A muffled shout came from the other side, and a few seconds later, the door swung open to reveal Brokk. His pants hung low on his hips, and his blond hair stuck up around his handsome face as he glowered at Cole.

“Do you know what time it is?” he demanded.

“Get dressed and meet me outside in five minutes. We’re leaving,” Cole said.

The sleepy look left Brokk’s face, and his shoulders went back as he glanced between them. “What is it?”

“Not now. Meet me in five minutes.”

Cole didn’t wait to hear Brokk’s reply before he turned and stormed away. Lexi glanced at Brokk, who stared after Cole in confusion. Once Brokk learned the truth, he’d be pissed at her too. She was also going to have to face Sahira’s wrath.

This was not going to be a good day.

* * *

“What crawled up his ass?”Brokk asked as he nodded toward Cole, who rode his black stallion fifty feet ahead of them.

Cole’s shoulders were back and his head high. On his back, he wore the fae sword he’d retrieved from a weapon room almost the size of her manor. The metal handle of the sword glinted in the sun spilling down on it.

Lexi shifted on her horse as she tried to think of how to answer him. It hadn’t helped Cole’s mood when she insisted on bringing her horses back with them. He hadn’t wanted to wait while they were saddled and brought to them, but she wouldn’t leave them behind. He might decide she wasn’t welcome in the Gloaming, and these horses were her friends.

“I did something I shouldn’t have,” she said. “No, that’s not true,” she corrected. “I should have done it. I don’t regret it, but I should have told him about it sooner.”

“Can I ask what that something is?”

“You’re about to find out,” Lexi said as her manor came into view.

Brokk didn’t question her further as they rode around the lake and toward her home. Normally, the sight of her manor brought a rush of joy. This was her home; it was where she grew up surrounded by love and laughter, but now it seemed ominous and menacing.

What was Cole going to do when he saw Orin? What was Orin going to do when he saw Cole? She glanced at Brokk and bit her lip. He was far more easygoing than either of his older brothers, but how was he going to react to this revelation?

And then there was Sahira. She didn’t want to see the hurt on her aunt’s face, but there was no avoiding it.

Cole dismounted, removed his horse’s bridle, dropped it on the ground, and left the animal standing where it was before striding up the steps to the front door. The animal didn’t wear a saddle. When Lexi and Brokk rode their horses toward the barn, George hurried out.

When Lexi dismounted, he took her reins. “Do you want me to take them inside?” he asked.

“Yes, please,” she said. “Thank you, George.”

“My pleasure, miss.”

When she turned back to the manor, Cole remained standing by the front door, and his horse was happily munching grass. She suspected it wouldn’t go anywhere without him.

Lexi jogged up the stairs, and when she approached him, he turned away to make sure she didn’t accidentally touch him. The subtle rejection stung.

“What is going on?” Brokk muttered from behind her as she opened the door and entered the shadowed hallway.

“Where is he?” Cole demanded.

“I should get Sahira; she should know about this too,” Lexi said as Brokk closed the door behind them.

“She doesn’t already know?” Cole asked.

“Nobody else knows.”

“What don’t I know?” Sahira asked as she emerged from the shadows of the hallway leading to the kitchen. She dried her hands on a dishtowel as she stopped near the stairs. Her eyes shifted questioningly between Lexi and Cole before settling on Lexi; she smiled. “You’re home.”

Lexi managed a tremulous smile in return. “I’m home.”

“How did it go?” Sahira asked as she crossed the hall to embrace Lexi.

Lexi clung to her aunt. The familiar comfort of Sahira’s warm embrace almost made her burst into tears. Sahira was about to be as angry at her as Cole.

“It went,” Lexi said.

When she pulled away from her aunt, Sahira smoothed her hair back and tucked it behind Lexi’s ear. The familiar, comforting gesture was one she often experienced as a child, and it only made all of this worse.

“So, what is it that I don’t know?” Sahira asked.

Lexi closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and turned toward the library. Her gaze settled on the gray stone fireplace across the room.

“I did something,” she whispered. “And now it’s time to face the consequences.”

She walked over to the fireplace, found the stone to open the passageway, and pressed it.

“Lexi,” Sahira hissed.

No one was supposed to know about the tunnels, but it was far too late for that secret to remain hidden.

“It’s okay,” Lexi said. “This is only the beginning.” She looked back at her aunt. “I’m sorry; I should have told you sooner, but it’s time for you to see what’s below.”

Lexi didn’t look back as she entered the passage. She removed the flashlight hanging from the hook near the entrance and clicked it on. She had no idea how Orin would react to their arrival, and she didn’t care.

As horrible as everything was between her and Cole right now, she felt more carefree than she had in weeks as she led the way through the tunnels. She was glad everything was finally out in the open.

She just hoped no one died today.