Shadows of Discovery by Brenda K. Davies

Chapter Sixty-One

Lexi battled backher trepidation as she embraced her aunt.

“I left an extra bottle of your birth control potion on the kitchen counter, just in case you run out before I return,” Sahira said.

“You don’t have to do this,” Lexi said.

“Yes, I do. The Lord has to be taken down, and Orin can help with that. And Cole needs to get the Lord off his back.”

“If, at any point, you think it’s too risky to continue, promise me that you’ll return.”

“I will, but there’s no danger in the travel.”

Lexi wasn’t so sure she believed her. Sahira would never tell her the truth if she thought she was protecting Lexi. More protection and more secrets.

Though, with Sahira, she doubted it would change. The woman had helped raise her; she would always see Lexi as a child whose scrapes and bruises she kissed to make better. Lexi could never change that.

Her aunt kissed her cheek before releasing her. Lexi stepped back to stand beside Cole as Sahira and Brokk disappeared into the portal Sahira had opened to the outer realm they were traveling to. Once they were out of view, the portal closed behind them.

“Now what?” she asked.

“I have to return to the Gloaming soon,” he said as he took her hand. “I have duties I must attend to, but I can’t leave you here alone.”

Lexi stared at the barn as they approached the manor. “I can ask George to stay on to help. I have to make sure Orin knows he’ll be here for a while.”

She’d have to figure out how to pay George. For now, she had enough to keep him on for another week, and by then, Sahira should be back. They could figure it out together as she suspected George might have to become a permanent fixture here.

“I can’t stay away long,” she said. “With Sahira gone, this place will be vulnerable without at least one of us here.”

“I’ll send men to watch over it.”

“Aren’t you concerned about them possibly encountering Orin?”

“As long as he’s not a fucking moron, he’ll be okay.”

“So… yes.”

Cole chuckled. “We’ll make sure he knows George and my men are here. He’s gone undetected this long; I’m sure he can figure out how to keep doing it.”

“I’ll go speak with George now then.”

She squeezed his hand and released it before hurrying away to the barn. Cole’s horse lifted his head to watch her before returning to grazing. He hadn’t traveled far.

When she reached the barn door, she pushed it open and entered the shadowed interior. George was in the tack room, cleaning the saddles she and Brokk used.

He looked up at her, and his weathered face broke into a grin. “Good afternoon, miss,” he greeted.

“Good afternoon, George.”

“The horses are eating their dinner, and I’m about to head home to have mine. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

“No, we’re all set for today, but I’d like it if you would stay working for us for a little while. I won’t be able to pay you much, but we have some extra food you and your family can have.”

He put down the sponge coated with leather soap and wiped his hands on a towel. “I’d like that, miss. As you know, times are tough, and any money and food we can get is always helpful.”

And she would do her best to help him as much as possible. “Thank you, George.”

“Anytime, miss.”

She left the tack room and was almost to the door when the jingle of saddles drifted to her. The hair on her nape rose, and her step faltered. The last time she heard that many riders approaching, they were the Lord’s men.

She practically ran the rest of the way to the door. With her heart hammering, Lexi stepped outside and shaded her eyes against the fading sun. A knot formed in her stomach when she spotted the riders.

The Lord’s white flag with the fire-breathing dragon on it flew from one of the mounts. The horses’ hooves dug into the earth as they kicked up dirt while circling Cole. He stood in the center of the riders as the horses pranced around him.

“King Colburn of the house of the dark fae?” the rider closest to Cole asked.

She recognized him as the lycan in charge when they came to search her manor. He hadn’t seemed like a bad man before, but his loyalty to the Lord made him treacherous.

Cole’s eyes met hers as she approached, but she couldn’t get too close with all the horses dancing around him. He held her gaze as he gave a subtle shake of his head, and she stopped walking.

“That’s me,” Cole said as his attention shifted back to the head lycan. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“The Lord wants to see you immediately,” the lycan replied.

“Tell him that I’ll join him soon,” Cole replied.


The word screamed through Lexi’s head, but she bit her tongue to suppress it. Cole wasn’t one to be summoned anywhere, and the Lord was not someone to be disobeyed. He’d killed the last dark fae king, and he would kill Cole.

“My orders are to take you now,” the lycan said.

“I don’t care what your orders are,” Cole replied.

“Cole, don’t,” Lexi whispered.

When he smiled at her, the head lycan turned in his saddle to look at her. Some of his men followed suit; Lexi didn’t move as they all stared at her.

Ignoring the horses prancing around him, Cole strode toward her. He didn’t have to push his way through the beasts as the horses fell back to get out of his way.

His eyes were a brilliant silver, and the power he emanated crackled the air around him. The horses all knew a predator when they sensed one, and he was most certainly a predator. He stopped before her and clasped her hands.

“Go,” she whispered. “And do whatever the Lord wants. I need you to come back to me.”

“Nothing can keep me from you.”

She strained to keep her terror repressed. “Do whatever he says, please.”

A flash of black crossed his eyes. The effect was so startling and fast she assumed she’d imagined it, but it was almost as if a shadow passed across his eyes.

“I’ll be back as soon as possible,” he said. “I’m going to call forth a crow so you can send a letter to the Gloaming.”

“I’ll be fine; just take care of yourself.”

Cole kissed her forehead before claiming her mouth. When he released her, he stepped back and raised a hand. A crow flew down from one of the branches and landed on his shoulder.

Cole whispered something in its ear, and when he finished, it hopped over to her shoulder. It ruffled its feathers before settling its wings into place.

“Send the letter to Niall. Tell him that I have requested he come to the human realm to stay with you until I return,” Cole said.

“Who is Niall?” she asked.

“A friend. I trust him. Send the letter immediately.”

“I will,” she vowed.

He kissed her again before turning to face the Lord’s men. “Let’s go then,” he commanded as if this was his idea.

Some of the men exchanged agitated looks, but none of them dared to say anything. Cole agreed to go with them, but if he chose to make their lives difficult, he would succeed.

When Cole let out a low whistle, his horse lifted its head and its ears flicked toward him. It hesitated only a second before trotting over to him.

Cole grasped its mane and swung himself onto the animal’s back. When he looked back at Lexi, he smiled before turning his horse away and nudging him in the sides.

When the riders fell in around him, the certainty she’d never see him again hit her.