Dragon Treasure by SJ Sanders

Chapter 8

Drathnor’s tongue flicked out as he scented the air, drawing it deep into his lungs. His nose lifted, and his lungs expanded further. The sweet scent of his female filled the air. His mate-maddened mind latched on to her presence, and a low purr escaped him, rumbling deep in his chest. Massive wings flaring wide enough to catch on the walls on either side of him, his magic pulsed and thrummed with an urgency that matched the painful throb of his cock against his scaled belly.

It throbbed with agony, the swollen, sensitive head brushing against the ridge of scales with every breath. His testicles tightened with each contact, as need clawed through his belly with hissing tongues of fire. Her intoxicating scent drifted ever closer, stirring his mating frenzy to greater heights.

Why did she not hasten to him and end his terrible torment? What game was the female playing with him?

A pained sound escaped him as he stalked around the largest section of his cavern. He was too big to fit through any of the narrow passages. He couldn’t even so much as escape out the main tunnels to retrieve his female.

He wanted to. The deep gouges scored into the rock walls leading from the main chamber into the cave systems above bore testament to his attempts to escape the confines of his net when the tantalizing scent of his mate had become too overwhelming. He had attempted to claw himself free when it became apparent that he could not find the necessary focus to return to his regular size, his frenzy locking him into his guardian form. Drathnor gnashed his teeth against the icy mist threatening to escape his lungs once more.

It was the one thread of sanity that he was desperately holding on to. His mind churned with conflicting feelings and dark thoughts, and there wasn’t enough clarity to know why he was avoiding it. He just knew instinctively that he couldn’t freeze over his nest.

Although he barely felt it through his thick, protective scales there was a spark of awareness that took note of just how cold his rage had made it. The cave walls were already covered in a frost, making the cave cold enough to be unpleasant to most beings who might enter. For that reason alone, he choked back the mist and let out a short coughing growl before he spun away from the entrance and stalked back toward the opposite side of the room on another impatient round.

His muscles bunched with tension, his claws digging in and scraping the floor as he paced, his cock scraping against his belly erotically and his wings rattling with desperate need.

Dark anger thrummed through his blood. Where was she?

Another low hiss escaped, and his jaws opened wide as another furious roar shook the caves. Calling to her. Demanding that she come to him.