Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Fifteen

Talking could only go so far, and Reggie had lost his ability to speak anyway. Dirkin’s words, hot on the heels of his own pity party, the way Dirkin cared for and comforted him was overwhelming, and yet the actions were incredibly arousing as well. Dirkin had clearly seen him – good times and bad – and while Reggie hoped the whole karaoke thing would never be mentioned again, knowing there hadn’t been anything in the past ten years that had turned his beloved away from him… fuck, what person wouldn’t want to take their beloved and make them feel good.

Even with sex, Reggie knew he didn’t have much experience, but Dirkin didn’t make him feel bad about that either. Reggie’s desire stemmed from wanting his beloved to feel as good as he did, and kisses were a great start. His nipples were hard nubs that tingled as he rubbed against Dirkin’s broad chest. His cock was escaping his unzipped pants, but his balls… “We need to be naked,” he gasped as he pulled away from Dirkin’s lips. The top of his pants was digging into stuff they shouldn’t.

Demon magic was so cool. No sooner than Reggie had spoken when the cutting sensation from his pants disappeared. Dirkin was laying beneath him, every inch of his skin beautifully naked. That was all Reggie needed, his hands and mouth at work, carving trails across Dirkin’s skin. He listened as he went, translating the noises Dirkin was happy to give him – moans meant ‘do that again,’ groans meant ‘oh, right there’. When Dirkin growled and spread his legs wider, Reggie knew he was as keen on the main event as he was.

But there was something he wanted to do first. Reggie had only seen it done in porn a few times and he wasn’t sure Dirkin was even keen on ass play. But as he crouched between Dirkin’s splayed legs, running the tip of his tongue in the gap between his demon’s scrotum and hip bone, he cautiously slid his shoulder under Dirkin’s knee and raised it up, moving his tongue further around and under his beloved’s balls.

“Oh, you sexy hunk.” Dirkin was panting, his face flushed. Reggie felt a shaft of pride – I did that. “Let me roll over babe and you can put that tongue wherever you like.”

Seconds later, Reggie’s view of Dirkin’s back was obscured by a sight he’d never dare dream about. His beloved’s ass wasn’t perky, muscled, or rounded, but it was wide. A wide tempting expanse of flesh with a deep crease in the middle of it that had been opened by the split in Dirkin’s legs. Balls hung heavy in the opening, and Reggie knew if he stuck his hand between Dirkin’s legs, he’d find a hard cock. But he was more interested in what he could taste, especially with Dirkin’s hole sitting right there.

Sticking out his tongue, Reggie mapped out the curve where butt met thigh, going from the outside in, inhaling deeply as he went. One side, then the other, teasing himself with the tight muscle that hovered right by his nose. There was something spicy about Dirkin’s scent – how Reggie imagined old world spices would smell – rich, powerful and so damned intoxicating.

Dirkin was moaning non-stop, wiggling his ass, trying to direct Reggie’s tongue and after he’d had his fill of Dirkin’s flesh, Reggie let him. He had no idea what to expect when he ran his taste buds over his demon’s hole, but the way the skin moved under his tongue was addictive. Burying his nose along his beloved’s crack, Reggie’s senses were overwhelmed with everything Dirkin.

Musk. Spice. The heady scent of male arousal. Closing his eyes, Reggie feasted, lapping, licking, taking care not to let his fangs drop. But Dirkin wasn’t making it easy for him to keep his fangs under control. The demon smelled so good, and the tight muscles around his hole were slowly loosening under Reggie’s mouth. He wanted in there – he wanted to experience every part of his beloved.

The idea grew, and his gum’s itched, and finally Reggie couldn’t stand it anymore – twisting his neck around to an impossible angle, Reggie let his fangs drop down, sinking them into the edge of Dirkin’s butt. His demon bellowed loud enough to wake the dead and the scent of spunk added to the spice and musk.

“Get in there.” Dirkin was snarling and panting. “Magic prep. Get your cock in there now.”

Does he mean…? Reggie blamed the fact he was feeding. Swallow. Slow fang withdrawal. Remember to lick over the holes in the skin. Fuck… will it fit? Kneeling up, Reggie remembered what Dirkin had done for him. There was slick around Dirkin’s hole, and it wasn’t his spit. Feeling daring, Reggie pressed into the tiny opening with two of his fingers. There was very little resistance.

“That’s not your cock.”

“Just checking.” Reggie dropped a kiss on the middle of the base of Dirkin’s spine and grabbed his cock in one hand, trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. I can’t believe I’m doing this… finally…

Pressure. It wasn’t easy getting a wide cock head into a small hole, no matter how porn depicted it. There were muscles, two sets of muscles that guarded Dirkin’s insides and even with magic prep they put more pressure on Reggie’s cock head than he’d imagined. He pushed a bit harder, his precome that coated his mushroomed head glistening against the lube Dirkin had magicked up, but oh… when the top part of his dick pushed through, those same muscles clamped around him, just underneath in that sensitive spot Reggie used manipulate by hand.

“Keep going.” There was nothing relaxed in the tight muscles of Dirkin’s back and the way his hands were fisted together in front of him set his biceps off in tense relief. “Move.”

Reggie had a momentary panic. I’m only half in – do I pull out, or push right in? Dirkin had said to keep going, so that’s what Reggie did, resisting the urge to be a porn star and slam right in. He had no way of knowing if Dirkin had bottomed before. I should’ve asked, and he worried his cock would snap if he met resistance. Bracing both his hands on the top of Dirkin’s butt, he pushed in steadily, stopping when he could go no more.

I’m going to fucking come. Reggie curled his toes, biting his bottom lip trying to think of anything else except the most amazing pressure around his length. Dirkin was still, like a statue except for the rise and fall of his shoulders as he breathed. Reggie felt his own lungs move to match his beloved – in and out, in and out, nice and slow – and the urge to climax backed off just enough for Reggie to think.

Dirkin? How do they do it again? Reggie slid one hand around his beloved’s torso, flailing his fingers until he found what he was looking for. Dirkin wasn’t fully hard, but the moment Reggie touched him, the length started to firm up again.

“Babe, you’re going to have to move.” Dirkin’s voice wasn’t as ragged or growly as it was before. “Let go of my dick for now. Just rock your hips back and forth to start with, keeping things slow initially. I’ll match your movements.”

Isn’t this supposed to be instinctive? Reggie supposed it would be if he wasn’t so worried about fucking things up. He could move really fast if needed, so going slow was going to take focus. He tried a little back and forth. He felt Dirkin’s insides flex with him, but his cock barely moved. Trying again, he moved a bit more the second time. Ooh…

Looking down where he and Dirkin were joined, Reggie couldn’t get over the overwhelming feelings he felt at actually – I can’t believe this - penetrating his strong beloved. He was moving, in and out, and under his hands, Dirkin was moving too. Harsh breathing turned to moans, and Dirkin was pushing back against him harder with each thrust.

Reggie got caught up in the rhythm, holding Dirkin firmly, his hip movements getting faster, his mind focused on nothing but the sensations his beloved was pulling through his cock. He felt wild, strong, his whole body primed for the orgasm to come. He knew it was coming; Dirkin was chasing it as well, their bodies in sync as only lovers could be.

Tight balls – Reggie was so close. Giving into instincts he didn’t know he had, Reggie leaned over his mate’s back, dropping soft kisses before he sunk his fangs into the nape of Dirkin’s neck. Dirkin shuddered, climaxing with a roar, and as the blood hit the back of Reggie’s throat, he thrust deep into his beloved’s body, his orgasm hitting him hard.

Soft sucks as Reggie rode out the afterglow. It wasn’t as though he was hungry, but he now knew why so many vampires fed when they were having sex. The combination of physical pleasure from being encased in his beloved’s body and the way Dirkin’s blood changed with the hormones flooding his system – sweeter, deeper, so much more satisfying. Pulling his fangs free, Reggie gave one last lick across the bite mark and then made to pull out.

“Stay there, you’re not too heavy. I want to feel you in me just a few moments more.” Dirkin sounded sleepy. “I’ll clean us up in a minute.”

That’s a damn good idea. Kissing Dirkin’s neck one last time, Reggie slumped over his beloved’s body and closed his eyes.