Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Thirteen

“Why?” Thanks to Dirkin’s blood, Reggie felt stronger than ever before, hellishly horny, and he’d reached the end of his tether with his so-called friend. He didn’t care that Fox was dangling from Balthazar’s hand around the back of his neck, he totally ignored Balthazar’s scowl that threatened to strip paint off metal. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. “Why the fuck did you go all mental on me, humping me one minute and trying to rip my fucking throat out the next? What’s wrong with you?”

“You wouldn’t submit to me.”

“I’ve never submitted to you.” Reggie spread his hands so he wouldn’t fist them. “We met. You said to me you didn’t want no head tilting or bowing shit because you didn’t lead like that. You said you had enough people kissing your ass, you didn’t need your friends doing it too.”

“He only meant that when you were sweet, would never hurt anyone, Reggie. When you were still a minor in vampire terms.” Dirkin scowled at Fox like he’d happily put him six feet under without breaking a sweat.

“Yeah, you’ve certainly changed since you started wading through demon shit.” Fox smirked and it wasn’t pretty. “You’ve done it now, though. Over a hundred people saw you fighting with me, your Leader. I’ll make sure you’re arrested the moment you go back to your apartment.”

“You’re assuming you’re going back.” Balthazar shook Fox like a rag dog. “Lucifer doesn’t take kindly to rude assholes like you. In fact, he’s got a birthday coming up. I might just wrap you up in one big black bow and give you to him as a footstool. Gag optional. Lucifer loves to shine the ends of his boots on uncooperative furniture pieces.”

Reggie got a mental image and pressed his lips together for a moment. When he knew he wouldn’t chuckle, he said, “You still haven’t told me what’s going on, Fox. Right up until the day of my birthday, I thought we were friends. That might make me foolish, but if I’m never seeing you again, I want to know. First the business with Donny. Colluding with Bevan. And why the heck did you keep humping my leg if you’re that disgusted with me. Fuck, I’m surprised you didn’t leave smear marks.”

“You wouldn’t even give me a second look.”

Reggie blew out a long breath. “You told me yourself you thought I was crushing on you.”

“Everyone does and you used to, but then in the last year or so, you stopped. It drove me crazy.”

Fox wouldn’t look at him, and Reggie knew he was lying. “You said yourself, I was a guy looking for forever. You only ever offered a one-fuck and done. So don’t give me that shit. What the hell is going on? What the hell did Bevan tell you that had you going psycho on me?”

The last part was a guess, but Fox’s head shot up. “You’re going to have to watch out for him too. Bevan wanted to bond with you on your birthday. I figured it had to have something to do with dead parents, right? I wasn’t going to mate you – I mean sheesh, I’m not feasting on the same meat every day even if it is prime rib. I like variety in my diet. So, I sent Donny your way which was a total waste of time because you didn’t even notice the pheromones he was pouring out, and in the meantime, you bond with this.”

“What do you know about my parents?” Reggie flicked a worried glance at Dirkin.

Fox huffed. “Nothing. Bevan’s lips were tighter than a nun’s habit. But it makes sense, right? You had to be someone important, or at least coming into major money otherwise he wouldn’t have paid me a huge chunk of change to deliver you to his place on your birthday.”

“Something you didn’t even try and do, because I saw you on my birthday.”

“I was still trying to get you mated to Donny. Look, Donny and I had a deal. He’s a confirmed bottom. You bond with him, there’s nothing stopping me fucking you. I get to tap the virgin ass you’ve been tempting me with for fucking years, then through Donny I get a kickback from whatever money you got coming to you. And I’d totally rob that arrogant shit Bevan of whatever plans he had for you. So yeah. Win. Win. Win.”

“Winning. Right. I wonder what the hell I ever saw in you.” Reggie sighed as he turned to his beloved. “What happens now? I take it we’re in the Underworld. Is this your place?”

“Yep. Our home for as little or often as you want.” Dirkin’s arm snaked around his waist.

“We’ll talk about it for sure. But what about Fox?”

“And Donny.” Balthazar chuckled. “He’s still tied up.”

“It’s up to you, my mate.” Dirkin’s kiss on his temple was sweet. “We can confine Fox here permanently, or at least long enough for you to collect your things from your apartment. Someone’s probably let Donny down by now. He wasn’t gagged, just tied up. He can yell loud enough to attract attention.”

“You should send Fox back. He can check on Donny too.”

“Are you sure?” Balthazar looked Fox up and down. “He’d make an awesome footstool for my dad. He sure is bendy enough.”

“And you heard what Fox said, precious,” Dirkin said quietly. “If you let Fox go back now, you’ll never be able to go back to your apartment without being banished or arrested.”

Reggie patted the pockets of his tight pants, pulling out his wallet and keys with difficulty. Leather seemed to cling the hotter he got. Opening his wallet, he checked he had his ID card, license, and bank cards. His wallet didn’t want to go back into his pocket, but he tossed the keys into the air and caught them again.

“Are you decided?” He asked Fox one last time. “If you go back, then I can’t. If I go back to my apartment with you in town, you’ll have me arrested or banished, despite our friendship?”

“In a heartbeat. Nobody flings me around and gets away with it.” Fox curled his top lip showing his fangs.

Reggie felt a dull ache hit his heart, thinking about his tiny apartment that he’d set up to be his safe space, the job that he loved, and the friends he’d made along the way. Fox’s town hadn’t been big, but it had made him welcome and after Bevan’s desertion, Reggie had needed that. And then there were Dirkin’s notes from the last ten years, lovingly kept in his dresser drawer along with the small gifts he’d sent him.

I have Dirkin now. I don’t need anything else.

Throwing his keys so that they landed underneath Fox’s dangling feet, Reggie forced a smirk. “There’s nothing in my apartment I can’t live without. I have everything I need on me and as I’m claimed now, Dirkin will make sure I won’t lack anything in my life. Balthazar can send you back and you won’t see me again.”

“Are you sure this is what you want, Reggie?” Balthazar asked.

“Yep.” Reggie threw back his hair. “I only have one last thing I want to clarify. Have you heard of Seraphina and Stephano Forsyth-Willis, Fox?”

Fox frowned. “What the hell? Of course. Any vampire who went to school knows those names. They’re or rather they were the ruling vampire family in Italy. They died a while ago.”

“Hmm. Yes, I know.” Reggie nodded. “Did you ever read that letter Donny mentioned from the Coven Masters that was sent to me?”

“No. Duh. I knew what was in it. The bastards were going to replace me with you because you’re bigger than me which was a joke as I’d always be older.”

“You’re definitely that. You’ll be showing your wrinkles soon. Have you still got the letter?”

Balthazar and Dirkin were both grinning now. Fox was frowning as he nodded.

“Read it when you get home, Fox. If I’m right, then that letter will be to let me know the Coven Masters wanted to know how they could facilitate my return to Italy, all in the interests of fostering positive relations between ruling families. I could be wrong, but I can live with that too.”

“You’re the only son of Seraphina and Stephano Forsyth-Willis?” It shouldn’t have been possible for Fox’s face to get any paler, but it did.

Reggie made sure his grin didn’t waver. “I did wonder if that made me worth keeping around. Now, I don’t know for sure, one hundred percent, but apparently, yep. Bevan seems to think so and Balthazar did some digging, and it turns out it’s true. And now you’ve banished me. Have fun explaining that to the Coven Masters when they get in touch to find out why I didn’t reply to the letter they sent me. I hear they use shifters to ensure you can’t lie under questioning. And one final thing. If by some random chance you do happen to see me in the long distant future, don’t forget to get on your knees. You might not be stuffy about vampire protocol, but I understand Coven Masters and ruling families are sticklers for that type of thing.”

Reggie turned his back deliberately on the man he thought was a friend, and hugged Dirkin close, breathing in his spicy scent until the sound of Fox’s pleas on behalf of their long friendship disappeared.