Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver


“That damned Carlos.” Reggie slammed the pot cupboard door closed and opened the one next to it. “He’s gone and moved my frying pan again.”

It was late, more like early morning. The party was over, but Balthazar and Kyle had stuck around with Reggie and his mate to drink and laugh and share impressions of some of the snootier guests. Feeling hungry, Reggie was in the mood for a fry up. But he couldn’t find his damn frying pan.

“I bought it specially to keep in here.” Reggie slammed another cupboard door. “I get that fancy chefs don’t like laymen interfering with their stuff, but that was my frying pan, paid for with my money, and all I wanted was to keep it in here, so I could cook when I felt like it. Now I can’t find it anywhere.”

“You don’t need a frying pan,” Dirkin said. “We can zap up food with a click of a finger.”

“That’s beside the point,” Reggie grumbled as he gave up his search and came and sat at the kitchen beside his beloved. “Carlos takes it as a personal affront if ‘his king’ eats anything that hasn’t been prepared with his hands. The other day, I swear, I had bought a dozen donuts from that bakery down in town. I put them on the counter, still in their box and went to wash up. When I came back fifteen minutes later my box was gone, and Carlos was cooking donuts. When I asked him where my box had disappeared to, I got some convoluted story about a gust of wind, a rogue dog, and maybe some pigeons.” Reggie huffed. “Any chance of some bacon and egg sandwiches?” He batted his eyelids at his beloved.

“You should be dining on caviar and delicacies,” Kyle mocked gasped. “What would your people think if they knew their king sat in the kitchen before dawn, pigging out on bacon and egg sandwiches?”

“They’d probably want to line up and have some for themselves.” Reggie leaned against Dirkin’s shoulder as a pile of bacon and egg sandwiches appeared. “You are too good to me, beloved. Have I told you I love you today?”

“Only a dozen times. And I love you too.” Dirkin was grinning as he threw a kiss in Reggie’s direction. Reggie made out he’d caught it and then bit into the wonderfully fresh and hot sandwiches. They were yummy.

“So,” Balthazar asked, licking his fingers as he finished his sandwich. “What are your plans now the coronation’s over and things are settling down?

“Nothing much.” Reggie wiped his chin for stray crumbs as he finished his last mouthful. “It’s really awesome having a demon beloved who can take me anywhere at a moment’s notice. But I kinda like hanging around home too. Especially now I have my own office and we have a new media room and a games room.”

“Our bedroom suite has all been redecorated, too,” Dirkin added, “but on a more serious front, Reggie’s set up a homeless center for paranormals where they can get help with housing, food and their own unique needs when necessary. He’s on a first name basis with the local mayor after he offered to help open a pet sanctuary as well. There’s been a very definite increase in paranormal tourists since Reggie’s been in town, all hoping to get a glimpse of the vampire king…”

“And his sexy demon beloved.” Reggie held up a finger. “Those girls who swarmed the car the other day weren’t looking at my pale ass. They wanted you to show off your wings.”

“Sounds like you’ve made a real home for yourself, Reggie,” Kyle said. “It’s like a fairy tale come true.”

“You know you can stay.” Reggie met his friend’s eyes. “This place is as much a home for you and Balthazar as it is mine and Dirkin’s. You don’t have to keep running off all the time.”

“That’s always good to know, man.” Kyle hugged Balthazar’s arm. “But for now, my beloved likes taking me places where he can flex his power and muscles, because he knows it makes me horny. The nomadic life suits us for now, but it’s even better knowing we have a home to come back to.”

Reggie nodded and then looked up at his beloved. “It’s getting late.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Could be time for bed.” He could tell Dirkin was interested from the heat in his eyes. “Are you guys…”

“Wait. Wait,” Kyle said quickly. “Did you say you guys now had a media and a games room? Does that mean you have a karaoke machine?”

Reggie stilled, but Dirkin nodded. “One of the best,” the sneaky demon said.

“Aw, well come on now, Reggie,” Kyle implored. “How often do you get to be crowned king in front of your friends. It’s a perfect way to end the night.”

“It’ll be daylight soon,” Reggie protested, but Kyle was already dragging Balthazar out of his seat, and Dirkin had stood up too. “I am the new king, I shouldn’t have to make a fool of myself with a karaoke machine.”

“It’s the perfect time to do it,” Dirkin pulled him out of his chair. “What is it Kyle here would say? Helps keep you in touch with your roots.”

Reggie groaned. “If Lorenzo catches me singing some cheesy song, badly I might add, I’m blaming you,” he muttered as he head-butted Dirkin’s shoulder.

“Order him to join in,” Dirkin whispered. “And you have a beautiful voice. Remember, I’ve already heard it.”

“Oh, that’s right. That means it’s your turn to sing to me.” Reggie mouthed I love you, as they followed their friends into the media room.

It might not have been a traditional way for a king to spend his coronation night, and there was a part of Reggie that would far rather be in bed with his beloved. But he had a home, he had the love of his life, and he had friends he could trust.

“I’m not singing Careless Whispers,” he cried as he saw what Kyle had cued up on the machine. “Let the demons entertain us for a change.”

“Oh, I like the way you think.” Kyle handed microphones to Dirkin and Balthazar before flopping on a couch. Crossing the room, Reggie joined him, grinning up at his demon.

“Entertain us,” he said with a regal sweep of his hand.

“My king.” Dirkin bowed low, and then he started to sing, and of course he had a beautiful voice and Balthazar wasn’t bad either.

“This is the life, aye, Reggie, man?” Kyle nudged his shoulder.

“It sure is.” Reggie settled into one of his favorite pastimes, watching his beloved.

And somewhere up in their little corner of the Universe, the souls known as Seraphina and Stephano looked down on their only son and knew they’d done the right thing. Their son, conceived in the purest love imaginable, was going to be an amazing king – although the demon consort was a bit of a surprise.


The End

Well, there you go – I do hope you enjoyed this one. I really loved the idea of how someone can see another person and then, just never forget them even after ten years. Sigh… it appeals to my romantic nature, it really does.

As mentioned in my author’s note, I am still working on two other short stories from Stormy’s ManLove Fantasies, in between working on other books. This seems to be working for me right now, working on multiple projects at once. But my idea is to tie up a few of my shorter books/series so then I can focus on the longer ones like the Gods series and the sequel to Illuminate. Thank you for being so patient while I do this

If you did enjoy this story, do you mind leaving me a review? Honestly, they are so helpful to all authors, especially in gaining new readers.

I know as I write this, life is so tough for many of you as this pandemic shows no signs of slowing down. I do hope, wherever you are, that you are safe, and well.

Hug the ones you love (safely),

Lisa xxx