Reggie’s Reasons by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twenty-Three

A month later.

Dirkin looked around the huge ballroom, nodding as he watched a half a dozen vampires sprinting around almost faster than the eye could see, tweaking flower arrangements, fussing with bows, and checking the bulbs in the string of fairy lights Reggie insisted on having around the stage where the throne was sitting.

The portrait hanging above the stage showed faces he was familiar with – his and Reggie’s – his mate looking resplendent in the blue robes his father had worn, wearing a heavy crown. Dirkin had drawn the line at wearing robes or a crown. However, he liked to think his bare chest, leather pants and boots and the massive wings the artist had captured perfectly send the “don’t fuck with us” vibe Dirkin was going for. The artist had damn near shit himself when Dirkin had shown up in his “coronation clothes.”

Glancing at the clock, he realized it was almost time. Reggie was in a side room with Lorenzo who was likely filling his ear with last minute instructions. Dirkin, who’d insisted Reggie should be the only one on the stage during the ceremony itself – he would be lurking at the back of the stage. Balthazar and Sy… damn it where are they… were going to stand with him and two of the older vampire guards. The doors opened at the side of the hall and the guests started coming in.

A royal coronation, even for vampires, was a huge event. Coven Masters and other royal dignitaries had come from all over the globe to witness the event. Being a cynic by nature, Dirkin figured a lot of the older vampires had come purely and simply because they wanted an excuse for a trip – and of course, there was always the gossip factor. Vampires from different covens, regions and countries didn’t have an excuse to mingle with others very often. Reggie’s coronation gave them a good reason to do so.

A slap on his naked back pitched Dirkin forward and he glared at his friend. “Where’ve you been?” He hissed urgently. “We’re supposed to be on the stage before Reggie comes in.”

“Kyle keeps him busy,” Sy smirked. “You’re lucky he’s wearing pants.”

“I’m grateful you made the effort. You know how Reggie is about little details like that.” Dirkin grinned. “But what have you done with your vampire? Is he too exhausted to attend the event of the century?”

“My mate is with my dad who decided to attend.” Balthazar pointed down the aisle of chairs and sure enough, Lucifer had commanded a corner section all to himself. Kyle was there, looking happy and brighter than Dirkin remembered him being. But… Dirkin squinted his eyes so he could see better. “What on earth has your dad got with him? Did he bring a dog to the ceremony?”

“That’s not a dog. It’s a Fox.” Sy and Balthazar were chuckling madly, leaning against each other.

“A fox? Why would Lucifer… you mean that bastard Fox is now a fox?” Dirkin’s eyes widened as he realized what he was actually seeing.

“I got hung up on the footstool idea.” Balthazar was still laughing. “I couldn’t help it. And when that bastard hurt my Kyle, I thought what the fuck, I’ll give Dad a personalized footstool. I didn’t call you because I wasn’t sure how Reggie would react, although Kyle thinks it’s hilarious – he sits on that damn stool every time we’re visiting Dad. But anyway, when Lucifer got his invite to come and see Reggie get his crown, he felt it would fitting to bring Fox along, so the idiot could see for himself just what he missed out on, being such an ass to your mate.”

Dirkin couldn’t help but chuckle too. “Let’s hope Lucifer keeps him quiet. I don’t want the mutt howling through the ceremony. But shit, there’s Lorenzo looking like he’s on the warpath. Time to take our places gents. And let those wings out. Let’s remind our visitors Reggie has friends in two realms, not one.”


It was surreal, walking down the long aisle, feeling the collected power of over a hundred vampires filling the room. But Reggie had spent the past month learning he could be of use to the Italian vampires and the other paranormals that called his new country home.

Keeping his shoulders back, and his head high, Reggie strode down the carpeted area, his eyes fixed on his beloved who had positioned himself directly behind the throne. He spotted Balthazar, and Sy, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Lucifer with Kyle in the audience. My found family, he thought with a burst of pride.

Lorenzo was waiting for him, the heavy crown that the family had worn through the ages sitting on a cushioned table beside him. Without hesitation, he stepped up on the stage, turned and sat in the chair that had been carved by an ancestor decades before. Looking out at the varied people in the audience – the leaders of every vampire nation in the world, as well as the local Pack Alpha, and a Fae representative, watching him - Reggie thought for a moment about his father, the last man to sit in his throne. I will be worthy, Father. I will be equal to all of those here and will make you proud.

Reggie didn’t remember much about the service. There were speeches and songs sung. When it came to his vows, Reggie listened intently, determined not to upset Lorenzo who’d coached him thoroughly on what was expected of him. His responses, agreeing to look after his people and all those in his region, were strong and made so that everyone could hear. As the weight of the crown was placed on his head, Reggie relaxed, blowing out a long quiet breath. Closing his eyes briefly, he thought he felt a presence for just one second, a brush of a soft hand through his hair. But then it was gone and when Reggie opened his eyes, and stood to greet his audience, he was king.

If only Lucifer’s dog would stop whimpering.


“How does it feel to be an actual king?” Dirkin teased his mate as he held him close on the dancefloor. Food had been eaten, Dirkin had been introduced to more people than he’d met in one time in his life, and Lorenzo had even convinced him to wear a coronet, very similar to the one Reggie was wearing – an “everyday wear” crown. His wings folded away, Dirkin was ready to have some up close and personal time with his mate.

Reggie glanced around but no one was really paying attention – there was too much food and drink to enjoy. “I don’t feel any different to yesterday,” he whispered. “I just have a dent in my head where that crown was. Damn, that was heavy.”

“I think most monarchs would complain about the same thing in private,” Dirkin agreed. “It’s all part of the pomp and ceremony.”

“There’re so many important people here.” Reggie nodded at someone who was watching them. Dirkin turned his mate – he wanted Reggie’s attention now. “I’ll be glad when most of them go home tomorrow. Having to wear a suit just to go down to the kitchen for a midnight snack was a nuisance.”

“You think you have problems.” Dirkin chuckled against Reggie’s hair. “Lorenzo came in the bedroom this morning with barely a knock and freaking pulled the covers off the bed while I was in it. Apparently, lolling around naked when there were things to be done wasn’t allowed.”

“I’m going to send him on vacation,” Reggie smirked. “He doesn’t know it yet, but when I asked him when the last time was he’d left the estate for something other than work, he couldn’t tell me. He’s an amazing man, the things he gets done, but I’d like to have some time to make mistakes all by myself.”

“You’re incredible, did you know that?” Ignoring everyone else in the room, Dirkin stroked down Reggie’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “It was only a matter of months ago you were just existing…”

“I had my reasons. I was waiting for you. I just didn’t know it at the time.”

“We’re a long way from Miracles and your tiny apartment.” Dirkin shook his head at Reggie’s trusting expression. “I just love you so much and I will never take holding you in my arms for granted.”

“Arms around each other.” Reggie sighed happily. “It really wouldn’t have mattered if my little apartment was all we’d ever have, or if I’d spend the rest of my existence in the Underworld. When I am with you, the world makes sense – my waiting makes sense. I honestly couldn’t be happier. I love you too, with my whole heart and soul, just as my parents loved each other.”

“So…” Dirkin dipped his mate to the polite applause from the crowd and then swung him upright again, “is this a good time to mention that the noisy mutt Lucifer had with him was your old friend Fox?”

“That was Fox howling after I was crowned?” Reggie stumbled, but Dirkin held him tighter. He would never let his mate fall.

“Balthazar decided he had to make Fox a gift for his dad after all.” Dirkin shrugged and grinned. “Lucifer felt it would be part of Fox’s punishment to see you being crowned.”

Reggie spluttered a bit, but then he grinned. “Do you ever wonder what happened to that sexy little cat shifter Donny?”

“No, I fucking don’t and being sleazy is not sexy.” Dirkin sniffed. Fortunately, their bond let him know Reggie was teasing him and he swung him around in a huge circle making Reggie laugh harder.

Yes, there were a few disapproving glances in the upper crust crowd, but Dirkin didn’t care, and he knew his mate didn’t either. Seeing Reggie come out of his shell, embrace his life, and heritage, and be so damn good at it – those years in the shadows were well worth it.