Assistant for the Alien Prince by Tammy Walsh


I had never worked so hardmy entire life.

With the recent constant starts and stops, I wasn’t sure if the ceremony would take place—and one thing worse than having to cancel the ceremony was to hold it and have no one turn up.

I had less than two days to prepare the ceremony and thankfully the Queen liked my idea of keeping it sparse and light and without too much to organize a.k.a. not go wrong.

I plowed full steam ahead with my preparations.

I shifted into my old standby routine of sleeping no more than twenty minutes at a time, six to eight times a day.

I became little more than a zombie during that period and one of my biggest motivations for the entire thing was knowing that if I failed, I would not only be letting the kingdom down, but Zai too, and that was something I simply couldn’t allow to happen.

Each time I found my mind wandering off and thinking about Zai and our time together, the glint in his purple eyes when he came inside me and the aggressive tenor with which he went at me, I turned away, flustered, and focused on the task at hand.

I saw him often over the next two days and always colored when I thought about what we’d gotten up to during our private time together.

The fact no one else knew what we’d gotten up to—and never would—was just about the biggest turn on I could imagine.

I was the crown prince’s last fling before he settled down with his fated mate and ruled over his kingdom.

I tried not to focus on how sad it made me feel, how it broke my heart to imagine him with someone else.

I did what I always did when I was stressed and put my head down and focused on my work.

Maybe if I was lucky, I wouldn’t emerge like one of the lost unfortunates Tina had told me about, the ones who never could recover from the one who’d shattered their heart.

I turned to my next assistant, who handed me a chart, which I accepted, and began to go through the issues one by one.