Assistant for the Alien Prince by Tammy Walsh


I only feltsafe to head down the stairs after the door had shut.

Please tell me Tina left!

It was too much hard work having to deny her while keeping my attention on Jessica.

With the two of them looking so similar, it was difficult not to get frazzled by them both occupying the same room.

Footsteps thudded slowly up the steps.

They were loud, ponderous things that made me wonder if it was what it sounded like when death came to claim you.

It struck me that it might not be Jessica coming up the stairs after all…

But her sister.

I shrank back and ran my hands through my hair.

How could I turn her down gently? I wondered.

I didn’t want to insult her.

I didn’t want to insult Jessica most of all.

I backed up into the corner and tucked myself behind the wardrobe.

I waited, not peeking out until the figure appeared at the top of the stairs…

Except the footsteps just kept on coming and I wasn’t sure the person coming up was ever going to arrive…

Until the footsteps slowed and the heavy clunking of the wooden steps finally gave way to the softer shuffling sound of the thick carpet that covered the second floor.

Then the figure emerged.

Her breasts rounded the corner before the rest of her…

Then her slender arms…

Then her long narrow face and mesmerizing eyes.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief and heard the vehicle outside whine as it spat a handful of stones that thumped off the front door.

Jessica growled and rushed to the window.

“If I’ve told her once, I’ve told her a thousand times!” Jessica said, peering out at the rapidly departing vehicle. “Don’t drive so fast around the house!”

I rushed up, pinned her in place, and spooned her from behind.

She didn’t start at the feel of me there and only backed up on me harder.

“Your sister seems… nice,” I said.

“Yeah well, don’t be getting any crazy ideas. She’d eat you for breakfast and spit out your remains in the afternoon.”

“That sounds familiar. Isn’t that what you did to me earlier?”

Jessica chuckled before turning to face me.

She received my hungry kiss with delight.

I forced her backward so her ass perched on the windowsill.

“We’re alone?” I said.

“We are.”

“Good. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do to you the moment your sister left.”

I fell to my knees, pulled up her skirt, and nuzzled at her underwear.

“Wait,” Jessica said breathily. “We need… to talk about something…”

She pressed her hands to my head and guided me toward her, then managed to draw up enough strength to pull my head back for her to peer into my eyes, my lips already wet with her.

“I just found out… the DNA results have been released,” she said.

“They have? What did they say?”

“The people got angry the news organizations peddled lies about you. They forced the tribe leaders to listen. Backed into a corner, they had no choice but to accept your invitations.”

This whole thing worked out better than I hoped.

I thought it would be just the first step in the right direction but to have them already throw in the towel and accept me as their new ruler…

Well, it didn’t quite mean that, did it?

They’d accepted the invitations under duress.

Who knew what they thought of me.

Still, I wouldn’t sour the moment with negative thoughts.

It was a win.

After this, I could compound the wins and make them trust and believe in me.

It was the opening I’d been hoping for.

The Pairing Ceremony would take place.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, not after what’d happened between me and Jessica.

“That’s… great news,” I said.

She looked at me like there was something else she wanted to say, but she lost her nerve and backed down.

I felt like I needed to say it too… but I couldn’t find the words either.

So I would have to do it with actions.

I lowered my mouth to her and supped from her.

She pulled me toward her harder, more desperately than she had before.

Our time together was coming to an end.

Soon, her job would be done and there would no longer be any reason for her to be on Cev.

And I would be married to my fated mate, one of the daughters of the tribe leaders.

Neither of us could bring ourselves to say what we needed to say, to share the emotions running through us right at that moment.

Instead, we licked and we kissed and we fucked.

And the meaning passing between us couldn’t have been any clearer.