The Anti-Crush by Harper West



It had been a month since Elizabeth and I officially got together.

But, for most of our relationship, she had been a nervous wreck, convinced that she bombed the MCATs. Which was how I found myself sitting in her living room, watching her pace back and forth, holding her iPad Pro to her chest as she waited for her scored to come in. I was pretty sure she was going to give herself a heart attack.

"I can't do this. It's killing me. If I open it and I've failed, I'm going to die. If I don't open it, then the anticipation and the anxiety, is going to kill me, and I will also die, she agonized.

Elizabeth had always had a flair for the dramatic, but it made her entertaining.

"How about I look at it for you and decide whether or not I should tell you?" I offered as I held up my hand for the rose gold iPad.

She stared for a moment as she gnawed on her lower lip, trying to decide how to proceed.

"Lizzie, come on," I said, using my new pet name for her. "Worst-case scenario, it's a mediocre score, and you and I spend the next couple of years at a medical school in the Caribbean," I said, and she narrowed her eyes.

It was a joke, of course. But it didn't land.

"Come on, baby. Let me help," I said as I pushed myself off the sofa and took the iPad from her hand and clicked the link. The white page flashed as it loaded.

She held her breath, pressing her fingers to her lips.

"Lizzie, you gotta breathe; you're gonna pass out."

She nodded and inhaled deeply.

"I wasn't this nervous when I got my LSAT scores.” I swallowed hard and looked up to meet her eyes.

"What is it?'' she demanded. "Tell me. I have to know."

I looked at her score. It was near perfection. But, I had to mess with her. "Babe, I'm sorry," I said, keeping my face neutral. She yanked the tablet from my hands and stared horrified at the screen until she realized I was playing.

"Sorry? What the hell are you sorry for? For giving me a heart attack?" she asked, shoving me. ”Oh my God, oh my God! I did it. I did it!" She jumped up and down.

I grabbed her by the waist, yanking her into my lap. "I know, I just wanted to give you a hard time. I'm sorry." I laughed as I pulled her in for a kiss "You're gonna have your pick of medical schools, babe,”

"Well, I want to go wherever you're going. I don't want anything to tear us apart again."

“Agreed." I kissed her again and ran my fingers through her hair. "I love you, Elizabeth," I breathed against her lips.

"I love you, too, Nathan.”

And, just like that, all was right with the world.