Mister Know It All by Amélie S. Duncan


You weren’t invited upstairs

“Ford, you’re scaring me,” Blair said.

She was sitting on my living room couch while I paced the room. I had papers covering most of the coffee table and my laptop open to my stock portfolio, pension, even recruiters for a new job. Hell, I even had a tab on the state-run rehabilitation clinic open for my mom. Maybe some real-world rehab instead of horseback riding resorts could wake her ass up? She stayed away from me, and that was the sign she’d fucked up again, but I liked her gone. I won’t enable her again.

My brother, his wife and child, and my sister needed me more. They were doing their best, and I wouldn’t turn my back on them.

Blair cursed as I paced past her again.

“Give me some ideas, Blair, or you can go. I know you’re here to gloat about how I fall in love too quickly. I love her, and that’s it.”

Nothing she could tell me would change that truth.

“I’m not here to kick you when you’re down. I’m here as your best friend. Because dammit, I’m not going anywhere. Deal with it.”

I wanted to smile, but my head pounded, and my eyes hurt. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t want to do anything. I just wanted to stop feeling and find a way to stay.

Jasmine said she decided to stay in New York and work for a year. If I took a demotion at work, I could stay here to sell my place, clear out my stock and retirement, and see how much art I could sell. Zmirak Gallery had been packed last night. Martin had sold a piece before I left, maybe more? The sale of my art and my savings would cover some of my sister-in-law’s salary when she had to leave her job and stay home, and our mortgages so my brother could finish his residency and to pay for Emma’s cost of living and studying abroad in Italy. That was if I had to turn down the promotion and find a new job.

My bell rang, and I ignored it.

“I’ll get it and your maid,” Blair said, but Ivan left his seat and went to check. I paused to stare at him. He was a shadow that blended into the background, but he had a bouncer vibe that let anyone know he’d fucking break them in half if they looked at her wrong. That’s why I hired him.

“Yes, Ford, Ivan’s my boyfriend. You’ve already done your checks.”

Blair finally admitted it, and I had no reason to disapprove.

“Fine,” I told her.

“Mr. Lingren, it’s Martin,” Ivan said.

I gave him a nod to buzz him in.

“I believe he has great news,” Blair said. “Your show was a hit.”

Martin came in and scowled at me. “You’re up? What the hell, Ford? I’ve called you a billion times. Why are you ignoring your phone?”

“Lay off, Martin. Can’t you see he’s upset?” Blair said to him.

He smirked at her. “Yes, I know. But I have good news. The show was a smashing success. We sold out. I mean, big time, Ford. You’ve got enough for another show. And I’ve been asked about taking your collection to galleries in France, Italy, Spain—”

“But you’re his friend right now, and see his heart is broken and want to give him space and time to call you later to discuss it,” Blair said, interrupting him.

“I’m here to help him,” Martin said. “I’m sorry things are not working out.”

I rubbed my jaw. “They will. I’m going to quit my job at Morgan Financial.”

“That’s great news, Ford,” Martin said. “You can devote your time to your art.”

Blair scoffed. “No, it’s not a good idea, Ford. You worked like a slave for Margot for years. This is your break. You give this job three years, and you can solve your and your family’s financial problems. He can’t spend his life following around Jasmine. I’m sorry, Ford, but that’s the real truth. You can’t live for someone else. You must have your own purpose.”

She hadn’t said anything I hadn’t said myself a billion times, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t ready to let Jasmine walk out of my life. While it may take some time to have the money, I’d have the woman I love, and I’d have a life I wanted to live in, not just do.

“What is this, a convention?” I complained.

“It’s more like an intervention,” Blair said. “But Martin is too selfish to care about what you need.”

Martin glared at her. “I’m not selfish. What he can have with me could set him up where he can still have his woman. You want to make him sacrifice his love. It’s too late for Ford to change his mind. He’s singing karaoke love songs to her in the East Village.”

“Wow, Ford, is that true?” Blair asked, her tone a mix of shock and disgust. How Martin found out, I didn’t know or care.

“So what, Blair. Martin’s right. Nothing you can say will change my mind,” I said. “Thank you both for stopping by, but I need to be alone.”

Blair stood and hugged me. “I’m still here, no matter where you are.”

“Fine,” Martin said. “Answer your phone. You have messages full of calls from high-profile people you don’t ignore.”

I got up to see them out and rode down in the elevator to pick up my mail.

“Hey.” I turned my head, and Graham walked into my lobby.

“I’m sorry, Graham, but I don’t want Margot’s job,” I told him. “I’ll take Nick’s job until you get a replacement.”

Graham groaned. “Stop. I’m tired of hearing people throw their lives away. Jasmine’s been talking about delaying graduating, something Soraya has said is unheard of. Hell, she asked me for a job in Tokyo. She’s ready to leave everything and follow you.”

My heart contracted. “She can’t do that.”

“She loves you,” Graham said. “So let’s talk. We’re still in negotiation about the position. Hear me out, but first, take a shower.” He wrinkled his nose.

“You weren’t invited upstairs,” I half joked, and we stepped into the elevator. He was family, so it didn’t matter if he was invited or not. Thank God.