Mister Know It All by Amélie S. Duncan



The streets were swarming with residents and tourists around Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan—the most famous street in the world, filled with neon lights and television screens. The many shops and restaurants were busy. The excitement and energy never stopped, like New York City’s Times Square. While there were times Ford and I missed New York, we enjoyed working abroad.

I adjusted my Princess Peach costume’s tiara and asked my videographer, “Is it on straight?”

He sent me the thumbs-up. And after a quick check of my notes on all the points Morgan Financial wanted me to cover in my employee abroad series, I started my show.

“Hello from Tokyo. This is Jasmine Bisset, live from Shibuya Crossing, and why am I dressed up like a princess today? You’ll see it later in my Mario Kart ride team-building exercise.”

“Jasmine,” called someone from out of the camera shot.

I smiled as I watched two young girls throw their hats into the air as I did. Throwing a hat in the air wasn’t originally mine, but I became the recent semi-online celebrity to make it famous. Mostly because of how often it landed on someone else’s head. Lucky for me, most people had a sense of humor.

With millions of subscribers on my viral YouTube channel, many people watched me entertain them while I taught. Thanks to Graham, I’d carved out a new career. While my primary job was researching sociological trends for the company, I also had my own column, where I shared information for companies on retaining and transitioning employees abroad. It was literally my job to study, research, and teach.

Mom wasn’t thrilled that I didn’t go to Harvard and deferred admission to the Ph.D. programs. However, once she heard about a book deal and lecture invites at colleges and other companies, she got on board. Randall tried to use his association with me, something I found out when I read in a journal that he quoted me as a protégé. I enjoyed reading the letter he sent with a sincere offer. However, I had no interest in working with him again. I’d proven to myself that I didn’t need his affirmations or recommendations to succeed. He held me back, and without his self-interest blocking my progress, I achieved success on my own.

We finished up my segment, and I checked my watch. Ford and I only had a few hours before we caught a flight home. Our first stop was New York City to see our family and friends. But also to attend the opening of his new show at Zmirak Gallery.

Ford worked hard and built his team in record time. He even had time to show some of his fantastic photography. The images purchased by a collector had blossomed my painting into a series. The money helped pay for my loans, and then some.

After New York City, we would live in Boston. It was my year to see how much I’d enjoy the Ph.D. program at Boston College. I couldn’t wait to see Tam. Since graduation, she’d gone on to medical school. However, just as she promised, we FaceTime’d regularly. Our video together doing karaoke when she visited was one of the top-ten videos on my channel. Ford’s family visit, and Martin’s bragging was a close second when they came over. But my favorite was Blair with her fiancé, Ivan. Her jokes about Ford were quite the hit.

“Princess Jasmine,” Ford called, and even though there were so many people, they all faded into the background. My heart still skipped a beat every time.

People stopped and stared at him, and I didn’t blame them. He was gorgeous, and he was all dressed up in a suit with brightly polished shoes.

I twirled in a circle in front of him, making the bottom of my dress fan out in the wind. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re beautiful,” he said. He told me every day when I didn’t even look good. I didn’t stop him because I loved him like crazy.

I tossed my tiara in the air to mark the end of the segment.

Ford caught it. When he handed it back to me, he had a box in his hand. He went down on his knee in the middle of the sidewalk.

“This last year was insane, but you never complained and stayed by my side. Next year is yours, and I promise to be there for you in Boston, but I don’t want to stop there. I want to be at your side forever. I love you, Jasmine. Will you marry me?”

Oh my God. This gorgeous man. There was only one answer.

There would only ever be one answer.

“Yes, I’ll marry you, Ford. I love you.” Forever I’ll love this man.

My heart swelled up, and tears streamed down my face. I didn’t hide them. I let them flow because I didn’t need to be afraid to hide my feelings with Ford. He’d been there to comfort and support me. He accepted and loved all parts of me. But what I had learned the most was that I didn’t need a man to complete me. I didn’t need the world of academia to give me validation. I didn’t need to focus on my parents’ approval or follow their path for me. I loved the woman I’d become. I loved the path I’d chosen. What Ford and I had—such a deep and unbreakable bond—was part of my strength. The other part was me.

I opened the box and nearly died at the beauty within. “Oh, Ford. It’s stunning.”

“As are you, my beautiful fiancée.” He slipped the ring on my finger, and I swooned.

I didn’t know what type of ring it was, but Ford had great taste, and the diamonds sparkled enough to blind if gazed at indirect light.

He stood and swept me into his arms and carried me off like a love story.