His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Twelve - Skye

It was a dilemma, to be sure. Showered, shaved and fed, I stood naked before the bed where I had previously laid out the lingerie. I did have a long coat if that was what the note had meant, but I still really couldn’t imagine doing such a thing, even though it might be fun.

There were girls I knew who were rumored to have done such things when I was growing up. Even though it was usually talked about as to reflect some sort of moral failing, I had to admire them.

Staying with my still nervous nature, I decided to play it safe. I put the lingerie on true enough and then put together the plainest, most modest outfit I could find to wear over it, not wanting to give any indication as to what lay beneath. Except to my generous Secret Santa, of course, who I still held a lot of hope would turn out to be Simon, even though there were a few doubts gnawing at the back of my skull like teething rodents.

Wrapped up in the biggest coat I had, which was sent down by my uncle in Alaska the day after I arrived in New York, I ventured out on a mission to discover the bus stop, despite the fresh snowfall.

I kept my head down as I walked into the office. My paranoia was yelling at me that everybody knew, despite the fact that that would have been quite impossible, unless everyone in the department had suddenly gained x-ray vision. It would also have to be x-ray vision that worked remotely because, as usual, I was the third one in after Simon and Inga.

Despite my fear of being found out, it was thrilling to be doing something so naughty. Once I got past my silly worries, it started to be fun and I felt pretty damn sexy. Besides which, the boob support was amazing.

I’d long had trouble finding bras that fit quite right. But in this magical Christmas lingerie, I felt supported and confident.

Taking the opportunity, I went to Steve’s cubicle. That was the guy I was playing Secret Santa for. I’d gone a bit bigger than before, hitting the oval thrift stores and artisan shops until I found just the right clip for the expensive silk ties he liked to wear. The little box safely situated on his desk, I retreated to my own part of the farm, finding a different sort of gift on my desk.

Officially, work assignments were supposed to be given out at weekly meetings. Anyone who finished early had to do busy work until the appointed time. That was the company policy.

Simon marched to the beat of his own drummer, though, to the point of almost having his own band. I wondered if he’d noticed how bored I’d gotten the day before.

Whatever his reasoning, Simon had used his authority as head of the department to give me a new manuscript to work on. With a big, stupid smile, I sat down to get started.

The book I had been assigned looked fascinating. I wasn’t really aware of the author but that didn’t stop me from feeling excited. The synopsis that came with the manuscript, printed off from the author’s original submission email, described it as a ‘steamy paranormal romance procedural.’

That was a new one for me, and I was looking forward to it. Not in the least because it was a break from the grim darkness of the last project.

Despite having some obvious limits, as we all do to some degree, and of which the author seemed to be well aware, her strengths were near epic level. One of these god-like gifts was in her explicit powers of description, what the Greeks used to call ‘ekphrasis.’

This came particularly in handy during the sex scenes, which tended to be long, detailed and frequent. I counted no less than five in the first eight chapters. That was about as far as I got before lunchtime rolled around. Nonetheless, it turned me on even more, and I was practically squirming in my chair before taking a break.

Taking up my backpack with my writing materials inside of it, I headed out, but then I was surprised to see Simon coming toward me. He never came out into the cubicle farm, or at least not as far as I had been able to tell. He tended to stay in his office during work hours.

I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. It seemed unlikely, since they were already gone for lunch, having left without me noticing.

I figured that fact was mostly due to my habit of listening to instrumental music full blast while working. The exact style tended to depend on the manuscript.

“Skye, may I see you in my office, please?” Simon asked me.

“Um, okay.”

I had to brace my hand on the wall to stay upright, my legs suddenly feeling like they had turned to jelly. I didn’t think it was a ruse to get me alone in his office and then ravage me. Not that I would have at all minded if it was.

“Take a seat,” he said, once I had entered his office.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, without thinking.

“Sir again, hey?”

“Sorry,” I said, head hung in shame.

“It’s fine if that’s how you feel. I just want to be sure. Just don’t call me Mr. Del Rey and we’ll get along just fine.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

I felt a shiver go through me. Not of cold or fear but of arousal. I didn’t know why, but I loved calling him ‘sir.’

“How is Secret Santa treating you?” he asked conversationally.

“Great,” I gushed, deciding to test the waters by telling him what he might already know. “In fact, I had no idea the gifts would be so fabulous. I got really nice earrings, from Tiffany’s of all places, and some super rare perfume. It was discontinued years ago and can’t be found anywhere except online and the people who still have it seem to be well aware of that and know what it’s worth.”

“Sellers’ market,” Simon said, with a smile.

“Exactly. What about you? Get anything good?”

“I did, actually.”

He took a pen from the holder on his desk. I noticed for the first time that they were all fountain pens, complete with a bottle of ink for refills that set next to the holder. Deep black India ink.

“It’s pretty rare, too, actually. A Waterman from the late 19th century. That’s cool enough in and of itself, but this particular piece was rumored to have been used by none other than William Morris to pen the drafts for News From Nowhere.”

My jaw literally dropped in astonishment. It was like a piece of literary history right there in front of me.

“And I thought my lingerie was nice,” I blurted out, before I could stop myself.

“Show me,” he said.

There was something in his tone that was different in a good way and that made want to obey him. He was commanding, domineering, and I loved how he took charge.

I was also nearly certain that Simon was my Secret Santa, the pens being the clincher. They were exactly the kind of thing that would have been used to write the notes that came with the gifts.

I started with my shoes. My jacket was already hanging on the back of my chair in my cubicle, which made things a bit easier. Still, I felt kind of like an artichoke, peeling off layer after layer.

Finally, I got down to a t-shirt and my jeans. They were big baggy things I’d gotten junior year to try and hide how big my ass was. But Simon didn’t seem to mind at all. Quite the opposite, actually. I had a feeling he liked my curves.

My hands were shaking as I took off the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up over my head in one quick move. Before I had time to think about what I was doing and possibly second guess it, I got started on my pants. I had them open and off in no time. Once all my clothes were off other than the lingerie, I just stood there, not sure what I should do.

“Come here,” he commanded.

As soon as he said the magic words, I went over to him, as though in a trance. Simon let me come up within inches of him, before stopping me with gentle hands on my hips.

I came to a dead halt. Simon turned me around so he could see my ass— more of it than he had ever seen before.

He didn’t touch me exactly. Yes, the tip of his first two fingers brushed my skin as he ran them along the edge of the lower part of the lingerie that covered my ass. He then turned me around and did the same to the front, his fingertips mere inches from my pussy.

Then, he went up and repeated the process around my breasts. I realized then that he was making sure he had gotten me the right size. He would have had to guess, with no way of knowing for sure. But he had sized me up well, the lingerie fitting perfectly.

I was touched that he cared so much. His main concern, seeing me wear it for the first time, seemed to be whether it fit okay, rather than attending to more carnal matters. I was also wearing the sapphires and some of the perfume he had given me, so his restraint was really impressive.

“Does it feel okay?” he asked.

“Yes, sir. It feels great.”

“Good,” he said, with a gentle smile.

He lay a hand gently on my belly and I let out a little gasp from the sudden contact. Not that I minded at all. His hands were even warmer and softer than I had imagined. My gasp turned to a hum of pleased contentment.

“This okay?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“You can say no.”

“I know, sir. I like it.”

Taking my statement in the spirit in which I meant it, Simon stroked my belly in a way that damn near made me moan. He leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the neck and made me quiver with pleasure. He hadn’t even touched any major erotic zones, and I was already putty in his lovely hands.

Still stroking my belly, the kisses on my neck mixed in with licks and nibbles, Simon reached around with his free hand, putting it squarely on my ass. I flinched slightly.

It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t help it. Despite my euphoric state of mind, I couldn’t quite shake all my insecurities. The one about my ass was one of the longest standing.

“You okay?” he asked, stopping dead.

I let out a little cry, but it was nice to know that I could trust him. It was easy enough to say that he was going to stop, but he had proven that he would. That was something that only made me want him more.

“Yes, sir. Please, don’t stop.”

He started up again, filling me with the most beautiful light, every one of my nerves rising to attention under his sure, gentle touch. My pussy was getting wetter by the second and started to ache.

I wanted so much for Simon to touch me down there. Even if it was going too fast by the standards I’d been taught. It occurred to me then, what I wanted to do when it might actually be up to me.

“Will you touch me, sir?”

I was careful to state it as a question, leaving him with the control in the situation.

“I am touching you,” Simon said.

“I know, sir. I mean, down there.”

I indicated my pussy and while he smiled, Simon didn’t move his hand away from my belly.

“Down where?” he asked.

I didn’t know it for sure, but it felt like a prompt. He wanted me to actually say it, using the specific words.

“My pussy, sir. I want you to touch my pussy.”

He gave a few more stokes on my belly, just to build up the anticipation that much more, before slipping his hand down into the front of my panties. Simon lightly cupped my pussy, making me gasp with pressure.

Resuming what he had been doing with his mouth on my neck, he started to expertly massage my aching little pussy, while squeezing my ass at the same time. The world seemed to fall away, leaving only Simon and the sweet pleasure he was giving me. He continued until I literally collapsed into his embrace, still shaking with a massive orgasm.

He held me close and kissed my cheek until I returned to my senses and was able to stand up under my own power.

“How do you feel?” Simon asked.

“Wonderful. Thank you, sir,” I said.

“Oh, it was my pleasure. More than you could ever know.”

I was still a bit shaky, so Simon helped me get dressed, not trying to touch me again, even though he had lots of opportunities. It was then that I knew he would only touch me with the goal of pleasure when he knew that I wanted him to.

By the time I was dressed again, it was time to go back to work and I didn’t want to get into any trouble or get him into any trouble.

Slightly upset to be leaving, but feeling more than satisfied after receiving my first ever assisted orgasm, I went back to my desk, intent to finish off the new manuscript by quitting time, so that I would have a reason to go see Simon in his office again.