His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Six - Chad

A kind person would say I handled badly. An honest person would say I’d been a complete asshole. Where I being honest, I’d admit that the sudden arrival of a girl at the shop was too much for me to comprehend — especially one as young and sexy as Nina was.

I racked my brains but couldn’t think of a time I’d encountered a girl who was honestly interested in mechanics. In my, admittedly limited experience, girls only talked about cars to get a read on how rich a guy was — better car equaled more money.

Were I to get Freudian about it, I hadn’t really trusted women of any age since my mom walked out on Dad and me to marry some rich asshole. Dad didn’t take it very well and drank himself to death within a couple of years, leaving me a ward of the state. Miracle of miracles the old man had some money put away he never told my gold-digging whore of a mother about. I sank it all into the garage, which was why it was so important to make a go of it.

So, I had to ignore the sexy ass and chest walking around my shop and keep my mind on work. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Nina. I felt a bit creepy with her being so young but reminded myself that she was an adult according to the law and free to make her own decisions. I respected that in a way.

It had only been two days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the girl and noticing how incredibly hot she was. Her purple overalls left a lot to the imagination, but I’d seen Nina change out of them once. Wearing tight jeans and a basketball jersey, it gave a much better idea of the curves that lay beneath. She dressed like a bit of a tomboy but was undeniably sexy. I just wanted to get my hands on those sweet assets of hers, to do whatever I wanted to the young thing.

I was selfishly hoping she would fail out of the program, so I could have a one-night stand with her and then never see her again. I imagined all the things I wanted to do with her tender, young body — like pinching her hard nipples until she cried out or grabbing handfuls of her huge boobs as I stuck my hard cock in her mouth. I pictured Nina writhing and moaning under me as I fucked her hard. I was dying to fill her with my cum and then never have to think about her again.

It was just stupid to have a girl in the shop. It made it difficult to concentrate.

There were still three other mechanics working, including Will, though he’d started to act pretty shifty. I didn’t know exactly what his problem was but could guess. I knew he didn’t like the idea of the trainees in general. He probably really resented the fact that one of them was a girl, especially when Jim and Hank had been fired. I couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like he was running a mutiny from inside the shop. Setting the other two mechanics against me. None of them helped with the training program at all. I was left doing everything while they continued to be paid for doing next to nothing. Only when something dire came in could they pull themselves away from their coffee and gossip, and sometimes not even then. For example, there was quite an elderly Buick in the garage that had been needing a new fuel pump for over a week. A part Will swore he ordered, but it had mysteriously disappeared.

It was Friday of the first week of the program when disaster struck. The garage’s name wasn’t mud with everyone in town, El Paso boasting almost two million residents. So three customers came in at once. I took a quick glance skyward, both excited and nervous. This could really boost the shop’s numbers.

“Lunchtime,” Will announced, Mark and Barry following close behind him.

“Are you fucking serious?” I asked, all heads on the shop floor turning toward me.

“What? We have to eat,” Will argued, with the kind of grin that made me want to knock his teeth down his throat.

I pointed to the cars outside. “It’s eleven, and we have three customers,” I said, getting a hold of myself.

He spit on the floor and glared at me. “What are you going to do? Fire us?”

I fought the temptation to say ‘yeah, out of a fucking cannon’ and just kept glaring. Will’s smile morphed into a laugh as he continued on his treacherous way toward his car.

“Will. Office. Now,” I said, the force of God behind my tone.

Will halted his little victory strut and turned on his heel. Mark and Barry looked at each other in wonder as Will followed me into the back office.

“Take a seat,” I offered in my best HR appropriate tone. I needed to get a handle on this situation, and I needed to do it fast.

“I’ll stand,” Will said, his arms crossed.

I sighed and tried to reason with the guy. “Look, I know you don’t believe me, but I don’t like this any more than you do.”

“Bullshit, I’ve seen you eyein’ up that little tasty.”

“I meant about Jim and Hank,” I snapped, “I know you’re pissed, and I don’t blame you. I would have kept them on if I could afford it, but I can’t. Mark and Barry listen to you. Do you think you could talk to them for me?”

He shrugged exaggeratedly. “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll give it a go.”

“That’s great man, I —”

“For another thousand a week.”

I stopped in my tracks and started to shake with anger. “Why don’t you just make it the treasures of Atlantis? You know I don’t have that kind of money, Will.”

My anger was met with another shrug. “Change the tune, boss. It’s gettin’ boring.”

Will got up and led Mark and Barry out on an unsanctioned lunch break. I gave a moment’s thought to firing them too but was afraid that everyone would hate me if I did that. Then I would come in one day to find the place burned to the ground. Will had a real Napoleon complex sometimes, and there was no telling what he would do.

Waiting for the shock to wear off, I went back out to the shop floor. Nothing but trainees, some of whom had gone very pale. It was almost comical what a shambles my business had become. Like something from a sitcom. How was I going to get out of this one?

Then the answer hit. The same way I’d done every other damn thing in my life: improvise.