His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 3 - Ben

I started Wednesday morning in my home office, trying to work as Katie plays with dolls on the floor. For once, she is calm, and I am able to concentrate. I'm preparing all the documents I need to hire Cece as my nanny for the next few weeks. The young woman will be here shortly to discuss everything. I'll admit I was a little surprised at how quickly she accepted my offer, but I'm also glad that she did. Yesterday I actually made it to my meeting on time because of her.

When I picked Katie up at the coffee shop later that day, she couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had at the park with Cece. That's why I arranged to have our hiring discussion this morning. I need her to start as soon as possible. This meeting will also allow me to get to know her better. Yesterday, she seemed very reliable and helpful, but I couldn't say for sure when I was in such a rush.

I pull out a pen and paper so I can make notes as we talk. Anxious to get started, I tap the pen on the desk and think about money. I did offer her double the coffee shop's salary, but I am curious to see what else she will ask for. Not that the expense matters. I have enough money; I can offer her whatever is necessary.

“Daddy, can we see the nice lady from yesterday?” Katie asks, staring up at me with her big brown eyes.

I reach down and run my hands through her silky curls. “Yes, sweetie. Just let me concentrate on this a little bit longer,” I answer her. She goes back to playing with her dolls. I check my watch just as the doorbell rings. “Punctual,” I comment to myself.

As I get up to answer the door, Katie remains seated on the floor.

“Hello. Glad to see you're right on time.” I say, greeting Cece. She gives me a polite smile. “Please follow me,” I say, maintaining my professional demeanor as I lead her to my office. Waving to the couch on the side of the room, I take my seat behind my desk, and she sits across from me.

Katie runs eagerly over to Cece and shows the dolls to her. “Oh, how pretty!” Cece comments. The young woman is so kind to my daughter; it lifts a weight in my chest. Katie smiles and goes back to where she was playing.

Looking over at Cece, I level my gaze on her face. She has an open nature that indicates trustworthiness—something about her full pink cheeks and pouty lips. “We can get down to business. Okay, now,” I start to say, trying to stop myself from staring. The future nanny really is quite lovely.

Cece interrupts me. “I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity and tell you that I am looking forward to this job. I am at a point in my life where I could really accomplish a lot with this money,” she explains. She gestures a lot as she speaks, and I find myself drawn to the wiggle of her full bust as her body moves.

“Oh?” I ask politely, moving my eyes back up to hers.

“Yes. I am going to use it to go to college,” she answers proudly.

That's actually really admirable of her, but I don't say it out loud. I'm not that type of person. A thought occurs to me. Instead of paying her double salary, I might be able to work out another arrangement that might benefit both of us.

“I have a suggestion,” I announce. She watches me curiously. “Since you are interested in going to school, and we both know the value of a good education. What if I cover the cost of your tuition and fees instead of paying you a salary?” I ask, putting forth my proposition.

I notice the shock on her face, and she actually puts a slim hand up against her lips. I don't know what she was expecting me to say, but it definitely wasn't that. “How long would this job be for?” she asks curiously.

“Three weeks. That's when my mother and sister get back from their cruise. After that, your job will be over, and they will take care of Katie for me,” I explain.

“So, this is a temporary job then?” she asks.

“Yes, do you accept?” I ask. She doesn't hesitate as she nods her head in agreement. “Great!” I reply, a little relieved.

I write everything down and give her a copy of the agreement. She takes the papers, and as she leans forward, my eyes are drawn to her tits again. Her tight t-shirt outlines their shape. They look so soft and big, I can hardly help but stare. Cece puts the papers in her purse.

“Can we play now?” Katie asks, jumping up and looking up at us.

“Yes. Let's show Cece your playroom,” I suggest getting up from my desk.

Katie jumps up and down happily. The new nanny takes my daughter’s hand. They walk out of the office and down the hall together. I follow them.

A quick glance lets me see how perfect the young woman’s body is. Her hips are wide. Her legs are long and lean in tight jeans that show off the swelling curve of her ass. It’s so round and perfect I want to grab both her cheeks with my hands then maybe slip my dick in between them.

She must look like heaven naked,I think to myself, then shake my head. I don’t need those kinds of ideas on my mind.

“This is where I play,” Katie says as they walk into the room.

“It's adorable,” Cece says.

Half of the room is fixed like a preschool classroom. The other side is fixed up like a playhouse and playground.

“What are we going to play?” Katie asks.

Cece sets her purse down on a chair in the corner. “First, we are going to work on our ABC's and counting. After that, we can play with dolls or hide and seek,” she explains, thoroughly taking charge.

“Oh! I like that!” my daughter says happily.

I watch from the doorway as they sit at the little kid's table together. The nanny reaches for the ABC flashcards that are there. She starts showing them to Katie. I watch them a few minutes longer. They seem to get along well together. Cece appears reliable and trustworthy. She already has Katie learning, which is what I was hoping for. She's a bit young to be a nanny, though, and I can’t help staring at her, but it will work for three weeks…or maybe longer.

I almost choke aloud. I can't believe I would think something like that. Ever since my wife left, I've sworn off relationships and romance. They lead to nothing but heartache.

I look at them once more. Katie is smiling happily. Feeling confident that I made the right choice, I walk back down the hall to my office and close the door. Now that Katie is in safe hands, I can finally get some work done.

I sit at my desk and file the papers of Cece's work agreement. I pull my laptop to me and check my email. I open one and start to read it, then completely space out. For 5 minutes, I just stare at my computer screen.

I can't concentrate. I keep thinking about her. I imagine Cece, sweet and beautiful, sitting in my office again. Gazing at me with those beautiful eyes. Talking about college in that soft voice of hers. Before I can stop, I have my hand in my pants. As I stroke my cock, I want to spread her open on my desk. To feel her perfect, young body against mine. The swell of her hips, the curve of her waist, all of it is perfection.

I stroke myself up and down, imagining that I'm inside of her. That she belongs to me. That I bent her over my desk so that those huge breasts press into the wood or took her upstairs to my bed where I could lay her out before me. Her hot body naked and underneath me.

The more I touch myself, the more I want the new nanny. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help myself. So sweet and beautiful, I can't get her out of my head. It doesn't help that she is just down the hall from me. Knowing how close she turns me on more.

I stroke myself faster until I cum, imagining her silky pussy walls clamping down on me. I couldn't stop myself as I empty my seed into my hand. It’s been too long, and Cece is making me lust like never before.

Cleaning up, I look around the room. I feel less distracted now but troubled by my thoughts and feelings. Maybe this was a bad idea.