His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 5 - Cece

I find myself enjoying my job as a nanny. That is surprising. I didn't think I was going to. It is not all about the fact that my tuition is paid for. I adore Katie. She is such a sweet little girl and so easy to care for. The one issue that is proving challenging to deal with is her father, Ben. I am always so polite and kind to both of them. No matter how nice I am, though, he still treats me coldly.

The other day I was so polite to him, before and after he got home from work, and all he did was nod curtly at me. I really need to find a way to get on his good side if I want my job here to last. I just don't know how. No matter how polite I am or how hard I try, nothing seems to work.

Spending the afternoon in the playroom with Katie, we sit at the little table together. She draws quietly on her art pad while I continue to think about this situation with Ben. I wish I could do something to help him relax. His job must be taking a toll on him because he always acts so stressed and grumpy. The man seems to barely smile.

“Will Daddy be home soon?” Katie asks, interrupting my thoughts.

I check the clock. “Yes, he will. That means it is almost time for dinner. Let's go to the kitchen,” I say to her.

Katie puts away her drawing stuff. “Is Daddy going to be cranky and tense when he gets home?” she asks.

We both stop cleaning, and I look at her. I'm shocked that she noticed something like that for a child so young. She is really astute. “He is probably just tired from working so much. Come and help me decide what to make for dinner,” I suggest trying to distract her. It works.

She grabs my hand, and we walk to the kitchen. I sit her at the table and give her a snack.

Frowning as I open the fridge, I look at everything inside. I want to make a meal that everyone will enjoy. Inspiration comes to me suddenly. I will make my grandmother's special meatloaf. It's a tasty meal and was always very filling.

Katie remains at the table. She eats her snack and sips her juice quietly as she watches me with curiosity. I pull out all of the ingredients and start cooking. By the time Ben gets home from work, the food is already done. His daughter is all washed up for dinner and seated back at the table, waiting for him.

Busy serving the food, I hear the front door open and close, followed by the sound of footsteps. Ben walks into the kitchen and sets his briefcase on the counter. Towering above us, the tall man sniffs the air a few times.

“Something smells good,” he comments in surprise. I glance at him in time to see his dark eyes light up.

“It's meatloaf, Daddy,” Katie replies to him.

“Yes, I see that…” he answers hesitantly.

He strolls to the table. I bring our food and set it down. We both take our seats. Katie and I immediately start eating. Ben stares at his plate. Slowly he picks up his fork and takes a bite.

I watch his face as he chews the food. “Wow, this is really good,” he compliments, then reaches for another bite. Watching his face relax, I realize that he is really quite handsome. He has a large square jaw that compliments his broad shoulders.

“Thank you. It is a family recipe,” I answer softly.

We keep eating, but every so often, I take glances at Ben. I used to think of him as hulking; now, I can see how well built he is. When relaxed, his intense dark eyes are passionate, not scary.

“Did you have a good day, sweetie?” he asks Katie.

“Oh, yes!” she answers and starts telling him all about our time together. I smile a little bit because I can see him loosening up and relaxing as his child talks.

“Sounds like you two had a busy day,” Ben comments once Katie has finished talking.

“Yes, we spent part of the day drawing. The other half, we learned about shapes and colors,” I answer, joining them in the conversation.

“That is great. I am happy that she is making such progress with you,” Ben says, meeting my eyes.

A shiver runs through my body all the way to my pussy. Suddenly a vision flashes in my head of Ben holding that big body over me and staring at me with those dark eyes. Embarrassed, I have to look away.

We finish eating our dinner in silence. After we are done with the meatloaf, I clear the table.

Ben is about to get up and leave, but Katie stops him by saying, “No, daddy, it's time for dessert.” He sits down and looks at me.

I cut up a chocolate cake I brought over and bring slices to the table for us. Katie eats hers with a glass of milk. I make coffee for Ben and me.

“I don't think I have ever had cake this tasty before,” he comments.

I smile proudly. After we are done eating, Ben remains sitting at the table. He listens patiently while Katie recites her colors to him. I wash the dishes and clean everything up but continue watching him from the corner of my eye. The lines around his eyes start to soften, and his jaw unclenches. My dinner seems to have worked. He is acting so different tonight.

“Okay, time for bed,” Ben announces once we are all done in the kitchen.

“I don't want to!” Katie protests while crossing her arms, cutely.

“Sweetie, it is time for bed,” her father repeats gently but firmly. The little girl gives him a cute little pouty face in response.

“Come on. I'll help you get ready,” I say as I take Katie by the hand. I lead her out of the kitchen, down the long hallway, and towards the stairs.

“Do I really have to go to bed?” she asks as we walk upstairs to her room.

“Yes, you do. I will stay with you until you fall asleep,” I say, hoping this will help convince her.

I turn on the bedroom light and get her bed ready. She changes into her pajamas.

“Let's brush your teeth now,” I instruct.

She follows me into the bathroom. I watch as she brushes her teeth carefully. We go back to the room, and she climbs into bed. I tuck her in.

“Will you sing me songs?” Katie asks as she lies down and looks at me.

“Of course, I will,” I reply sweetly. How can I resist those big brown eyes?

She grabs her favorite stuffed bear and cuddles it. I start to sing a lullaby while stroking her soft hair. I watch as her eyes grow heavy. Soon my charge is asleep, and I’m done with my workday. Turn off the light, I tiptoe quietly out of the room.

Heading back downstairs, I notice how quiet everything is. I assume Ben has gone to work in his home office as usual. However, I am shocked when I find him asleep on one of the sofas in the living room.

My boss looks so peaceful. His broad chest rises softly with each breath. Watching his lips move, I imagine him kissing me. I shouldn’t think such things about my employer, but it’s starting to be difficult not to. One of Ben’s hands twitches in his sleep, bringing my attention to his large palms and thick fingers. I have to turn away as I feel my face flush.

I turn off the light, being careful not to make any noise. I don't want to disturb him. I stand there and watch him sleep for a few seconds more. Then I realize that I have a problem on my hands. I don't know whether or not I am scheduled to work tomorrow. I really don't want to wake him up, so I decide to wait on the other couch.

He will wake up eventually, and then I can ask him. Besides, I'm not in a hurry to go back to my box-like apartment anyway. I don't mind waiting, so I get comfortable on the couch. Relaxed by the decadent dinner we ate, my eyes soon close, and I’m asleep.