His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 10 - Ben

The following morning, after Cece and I spent another night together, we talk in my bedroom about everything that has happened. I'm actually delighted that she is in here with me right now. She looks just as beautiful as she did the other morning that she was asleep in here.

My new lover sits on the bed and looks at me, waiting for me to speak. I realize what I need to say. I run a hand through my hair. It's only right and fair. I really shouldn't have acted like that last night. In many ways, my behavior was out of line, but I do feel better about things.

“About last night, I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have lost control like that. I apologize for breaking and smashing everything.”

Cece takes my hand. “It's okay. I really do understand. In a way, I felt like it helped you to get rid of a lot of emotions you had inside of you about that whole situation,” she replies softly.

She sounds so wise, and I love how understanding she is about the whole situation. I honestly wasn't expecting it to go like this. This could very easily turn into one of the things I love about her.

Maybe Rick is right about Cece. Already she is different from my ex in the way she handles things. She didn't explode or lose her temper. She was full of grace and beauty, even though she had every right to be angry at me — kind of remarkable when you think about it.

We both leave the room and go downstairs to the kitchen. I have my usual cup of coffee as I watch her ready everything to take care of Katie for the day. My mind drifts to our insane night of passion last night, but I force myself to focus.

“You know there's only one week left on the job,” I start. Cece continues to get things ready for Katie's breakfast. “I just wanted to tell you that I am grateful for you quitting your job at the coffee shop to help me out. I'm sorry that after this week, your services will no longer be required because my mother and sister will be back from their trip.” Uncomfortably, I take a sip of my coffee. “At least then you'll have your tuition money, and you'll be able to go to college,” I add, trying to make the conversation more lighthearted than it is.

Cece turns to look at me. “This job has really been a blessing. I won’t want to go. It’s going to be sad,” she says in a stern tone. “But maybe, we can figure something out.” She finishes with breakfast then smiles a little. “I'm going to go wake up Katie now,” she says, walking out of the kitchen.

I smile into my coffee. She's a little feisty this morning, but I like how she has liked being around. I feel happy at the thought of continuing to see her. I hope she does too. If I admit it, she's like a breath of fresh air around the house. I feel confident once again about her being here with me.

I quickly finish my coffee, put my mug in the sink, and leave the kitchen. I have a lot of things I need to get done before I head to work. The first thing I do is go to the home office and clean up. Removing all the broken pictures and glass, I throw them away. There isn’t any hesitation in my actions. I should have done this years ago. I organize my desk, which was still a mess from our night of passion. Looking around the now clean room, I give a nod of satisfaction. It’s time to move on.

Afterward, I go upstairs to shower and change. After I'm ready, I grab my briefcase and walk back through the house. Cece and Katie are already having breakfast.

“Bye, daddy,” Katie says through a mouthful of food.

“Bye, sweetie, see you later,” I say, smiling at her.

Cece gives me a small smile as well before I walk out of the house. I'm happy that she is still here. I can't get over the new way that I am feeling about everything. Maybe she was right about what she said last night. I do feel like I got something out. Whether it was anger or some other emotion, I don't know, but I feel different. I feel lighter.

I'm in a good mood as I drive to work. My phone rings loudly. I put it on speaker, so I can keep driving.

“Hey, Sis, how's the trip?” I ask, talking to my sister on the phone.

Her voice sounds loud but a little choppy. “Hi, Ben! It's great. How are things with you?” she asks, making small talk. The conversation is a little halting because of the static.

“Same as usual. What's on your mind?” I ask.

“Ha, you know me like a book,” she says, laughing. Liz never calls unless she has something to ask me, and it’s even more likely she’s looking for a favor today because she and my mother are on a cruise.

“Of course, I do. You're my sister, now what's up?” I ask again while trying to concentrate on the road.

“Well, Mom and I are thinking about extending our trip by a couple of weeks. I hope that's not going to be a problem. We're just having so much fun here in the Bahamas,” she admits.

I almost laugh. That isn’t a big deal at all. “No, not at all. In fact, I think four weeks would be a good extension time,” I reply, taking her by surprise.

“Are you sure? Are things okay at home?” Liz asks, concerned.

“Yes, I'm fine. I have someone that can watch Katie until you get back. Now enjoy your trip,” I assure her.

“Okay, great! Take care, Ben!” my sister says before hanging up.

I enjoy the rest of the quiet car ride to work. This is excellent news. I'm smiling as I imagine going home later that night to tell Cece that she will be able to work for me longer. I hope the information makes her happy. I'm sure it will. It has certainly made me happy today. In fact, I don't know that I have ever felt like this. I hope it's not too noticeable when I walk into work.