His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 13 - Cece

I'm growing to love my time living here so much. In fact, I haven't left the house in a few days, not that it matters. I'm starting to think of this as my home now too. It's so easy to think that because of how well things have been going.

“I have to go into the office for a while today. Will you be all right here?” Ben asks.

“Yes, don't be silly,” I reply.

He smiles and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. “I'll see you later.”

“Okay. I'll be waiting. Don't work too hard,” I reply.

He walks out the front door. I close it behind him and go back upstairs to check on Katie. It feels like we are an average couple living our everyday lives together. I can't describe the joy that it gives me. I might swoon if I think about it anymore.

It's late morning. Katie is napping sweetly, and I smile as I fix her blankets. She is such a sweet little girl. I hope I can always be with her and Ben. I walk out of the room, so I don't wake her. I have to admit I'm thrilled right now. Things have been going great between Ben and me. I'm starting to feel really at home here with him and Katie. I walk to his bedroom dressed in my robe.

I think he really has changed and gotten over his ex. I'd like to think I had something to do with that, and that makes me smile. I may have helped Ben, and now he is ready to open his heart to me. I imagine what it would be like to have a family with him and to call Katie my own. That would be a dream come true. If things keep going this well between us, it might actually happen. I feel so happy that I might start giggling like a little girl.

Bringing myself back to reality, I think I still need to take things slow with him just in case. I don't want him to retreat or pull away from me.

I'm a little disappointed that he had to work today. Maybe I can throw together a little sexy surprise for him like he did for me with the hot tub. Everything is so hot and passionate between us. I love it. What woman wouldn't? I really am lucky that a man like Ben has taken an interest in me. There's no question about how much I'm attracted to him or how much I want to be with him.

I sit on the bed and try to plan it all out. The house is quiet. It's a little eerie, but I'll get used to it. All this space is a thousand times better than my cramped apartment. I feel happy, like things are finally going great for me, almost like a princess in a fairy tale. A sound interrupts my thoughts. I listen again. If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like someone is trying to get into the house. Fear and panic grip me. My first thought is of keeping Katie safe. I run downstairs in my bathrobe just in time to see the lock turning on the front door. That means the person has a key.

The door opens, and I'm shocked. Isabel, Ben's ex-wife, walks in. I recognize her from the pictures. I dislike her immediately based on what Ben has told me about her.

She looks around, closing the front door behind her. “Who the fuck are you?” Isabel snaps when she finally notices me standing there. She has that typical snobby bitch attitude. That just gets on my nerves. What did Ben ever see in her?

“My name is Cece. I'm the nanny,” I answer. I try to remain polite, but I'm wondering why she is here and when she is leaving.

“Well, where is my daughter Katie?” Isabel asks like she owns the place.

“She's upstairs napping,” I reply, trying not to lose my cool at the way she is talking to me. Who the hell does she think she is anyway? She has no claim to Ben anymore. Why is she here?

She takes in my attire. “Are you sleeping with my husband?” she demands like she actually cares. She's the one who cheated on Ben, so why should it matter to her. She looks at me like I'm some cheap whore. Now I'm upset. I feel the need to defend Ben from her. He's with me now.

I can't control my anger. “Listen, lady. Ben isn't your husband anymore. You don't belong here, so why don't you just leave…” I say, ready to continue telling her off.

She gives me a scornful laugh. “You poor, delusional girl. Do you really think Ben has feelings for you?” she asks mockingly. I'm shocked into silence. “That's just part of his little game. I'm sure he's told you all kinds of things about me. But you see, the real reason I left him is that he couldn't keep his dick in his pants,” Isabel says in a tone laced with false sympathy. “Now I return home to see that he still hasn't changed.” She gestures to me.

I'm appalled and hurt. I run upstairs to gather my clothes and quickly leave the house. Isabel watches me leave a slight smirk, but I don't notice. I knew it was all too good to be true. I'm so angry and hurt. How could I allow myself to fall for Ben? I can't believe I fell for his lies.

As I hurry home, I try not to let the tears fall. I don't want anyone to see me cry in public. I can't believe I could have been so wrong about everything, and I don't know what to think. I don't want to see or be anywhere near him. I just want to go home and fall apart. It hurts to be treated this way.