His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 16 - Cece

Today is a big day for me. I am able to enroll in college classes. I finally have the money I need. It should be a special occasion, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Everything is weighing so heavy on my mind that I can’t get started. It’s been that way all afternoon.

I reach down to caress my stomach. I am carrying Ben's baby, but I still haven't told him yet. I haven't seen him since the day everything happened. I know he had been trying to get ahold of me, but I just wasn't ready to deal with it all since I was still processing my emotions. Now that I'm calm, I know what is right and what I must do. I just hope that it goes the way I have it planned.

I miss him, and I miss Katie so much. It's driving me crazy not being able to see them. I start to feel restless, needing to do something, so I reach a decision. I'm going to go and pay them a visit this evening. Even if it is only for a few seconds at least, I'll be able to see them again. Besides, the more I think about it, this just doesn't feel right. Ben needs to know that this is his baby. I'm not expecting anything from him. I just want him to know. That's the right thing to do.

I have been thinking about doing this for the past few days, and it's finally time to stop thinking about it. I wonder what his reaction will be? Of course, I'm happy about this, but deep down, there is this tiny part of me that is worried he might not be. I know this is entirely unexpected given our situation. Feeling butterflies in my stomach, thinking about everything, I have to try and calm myself. Otherwise, I am going to lose my nerve. I don't want that to happen. I have been putting this off for too long.

I get ready to go, taking my time, trying to be extra careful with everything I do now that I am pregnant. Once I'm ready, I walk outside. It's a decent day. I walk the familiar route to Ben's house, going past the park and the coffee shop. My mind is filled with thoughts of Ben and Katie. I'm going to be so happy to see them. I'm not sure what their reactions will be when I show up, though. I'm hoping for happy or, at the very least, pleased. I know that might be kind of tricky for Ben to do, though, since things weren't left on the best note between us. Maybe that was my fault for letting my emotions get the better of me. That was a wrong move on my part. What else was I supposed to do in a situation like that? I decide not to think about it anymore; I don't want anything to spoil my good mood. This is the happiest I have felt since everything has happened. It feels good to feel like this again.

My excitement and nerves pick up as I near the house. I'm a few doors down. Ben's car isn't in the driveway as I look up. Another vehicle is, though. That is odd. I see someone standing at the front door, so I stop walking. Maybe they are expecting company. The door opens, and I see Isabel standing there. She looks around quickly then starts kissing the man at the door. I realize who he is at once. He is the tennis coach.

I back up a few steps, so they don't see me. After the kiss, Isabel looks around again then pulls the man inside. She closes the front door. What the hell is going on? Did I imagine that? No, it actually happened. She brought that guy into the house while her daughter is there. How dare she! Ben is right; she is no mother. She broke him once. I'll be damned if I let her do that again to him. Things were just getting so good. She's not going to ruin them a second time. I'll do whatever it takes to stop her.

I can't believe what I just saw. It makes me angrier than I was the other day. That bitch! She's not back because she wants to be a good mother to Katie. She's still screwing Ben over. I have to do something, but I don't know what. I can't let this happen. I can't let Ben and Katie get hurt. Now I know I can’t believe a word that woman says. She's not to be trusted.

I don't want to worry too much and stress the baby, but I have to do something. They need me. They are my family now. I keep glancing nervously at the house, but I don't see any more movement. I finally come up with a plan. I know it will work. It has to.

I can't just stand by and let this happen. It is time for action. My only thought right now is of Katie stuck home with that horrible woman, and I feel very much like she is my daughter at this moment. How could Isabel treat her family this way? I never imagined that anyone could be this selfish. It just makes me so mad. How could life with Ben not be good enough for her? What is wrong with that woman? I would love to be back in that house, happy and safe with Ben and Katie. To spend the rest of my life taking care of them like they were my own little family. Subconsciously I place a hand on my stomach again. They are my family, no matter what anyone thinks or says. Isabel doesn't care about them, but I do.