His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter 15 - Ben

I wanted today to be a good day. I was hoping it would be when I was on my way home from work, but that was a foolish thought. As long as Isabel is around, nothing good can happen. Cece was the only good thing in my life, aside from Katie, and now that is ruined. All thanks to Isabel.

I honestly don't know if things can get any worse than they are right now. I'm stuck in this house with Isabel, and I can't get rid of her. Apparently, she was dumped by her tennis coach and is now back to stay. This is all I need.

I pick up my phone and look at it again. No calls, no texts. It remains silent. Cece hasn't answered or returned any of my calls. I dropped by her place when I was out earlier. She didn't answer her door either, so I don't know how else to get ahold of her. It's like she doesn't want to be found, although, after recent events, I can't really blame her. Still, I would like the chance to try and explain to make things right between us.

I need to get ahold of her. I need to talk and explain everything to her, but I haven't had a moment's peace with Isabel here. Katie was thrilled to see her mommy when she woke up from her nap the other day, but now she has been crying on and off, saying that she misses Cece. I don't know what to do, and I feel like I'm going to go insane. I tried going into my office, but Isabel followed me in there. The woman won't leave me alone. I forgot how frustrating that is. She's bitchy, and she's clingy. I don't even remember why I married her.

Now I'm outside in the backyard, pacing back and forth. I try calling Cece again, but still no answer. I hang up and clench the phone tightly in frustration. I think Isabel is somewhere inside. Katie was trying to show her something, but she wasn't paying attention. That's what led to Katie crying about missing Cece.

I can't believe things are happening this way. Everything was so perfect a few days ago. I wish I could go back to that time. I was finally starting to feel better about everything, all thanks to Cece. Now, all that has gone to hell because Isabel showed up.

“What now?” I wonder as I hear a commotion in the house.

I walk back inside to find my mother and sister stand there, arguing with Isabel. Katie is crying. I scoop my daughter up in my arms and carry her to her room.

“It's going to be okay, sweetie. I'll send Auntie Liz up to keep you company,” I say, trying to comfort her. She sniffles and hugs her teddy bear.

I walk back out of the room and downstairs. “Okay enough!” I roar. Everyone stops yelling. “Can you go up and keep an eye on Katie?” I ask my sister.

“I'll do it. I'm her mother, after all,” Isabel says in a superior tone. She turns and walks out of the room.

“What is she doing back here?” My mother demands. My sister crosses her arms and glares at me.

“Honestly, I don't know. She just showed up,” I admit.

“I don't want her in this house. She's nothing but a Gold digger,” my mother argues.

I sigh, not in the mood for another fight, so I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Taking two aspirin, I rub my temples, feeling a headache starting.

My mother follows me. “You get her out of this house now. I don't want her here. I don't care if she is Katie's mother.”

“I'll see what I can do,” I reply tiredly, so ready for this day to be over.

“If you remember, I didn't even want you to marry her in the first place,” my mother reminds me.

“Yes, I remember it quite well,” I say, walking out of the kitchen.

I don't know what to do, I need space. I walk upstairs to my room and throw myself backward on the bed to stare up at the ceiling. I really doubt that things could get any worse than they are right now. I know Isabel won't leave. Because of that, my mother isn't going to leave.

Poor Katie is so upset. I don't know how I am going to get out of this situation. It's like a nightmare that keeps going from bad to worse. Katie runs in and climbs in the bed with me.

“What's wrong?” I ask, alarmed.

“They are yelling again,” Katie says. As I sit up, she climbs into my arms for a hug. I feel a little awkward as I'm not usually affectionate. “I miss Cece,” she whispers. I hear the sadness in her voice, and I realize she is trying not to cry again.

“I know, sweetie,” I answer, hugging her. I want so bad to say me too. I do miss Cece, more than I thought I would.

Katie stays in my arms for a long time. Eventually, she falls asleep. I carry her back to her room then tuck her gently into bed. I close her door halfway to try and mute some of the noise.

“Okay enough! Katie is asleep,” I say once I'm downstairs.

“This is my house, and I'll do what I please,” Isabel snaps.

“Wrong. It's my son's house. Get out of here, you little tramp,” my mother argues.

They start fighting again. I sigh and walk to my office, accepting that I can't deal with this right now. I sit at my desk and lay my head down. I just want a moment of peace to form a coherent thought. I pull my phone out. I don't know why I bother to check it. I'm never going to hear from her again. That thought depresses me more than my current situation.