His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Seven - Stephanie

We were barely through the door.

Much like the first time, if not the second.

Still, we managed to get a bit further.

Ragnar steered me toward the couch as we kissed passionately, the bedroom seeming a bit too far away.


Ragnar caught me before I could hit the floor, swooping me into his arms like a big, strong action hero. We continued our tongue wrestling bout as he took a seat on the couch, shifting me in his embrace, so I was straddling him.

I could feel the rigid warmth of his hard cock pressing against my pussy, making me even more excited.

Slithering my way down him, I ended up on my knees between his knees trying, and mostly succeeding, to get his pants undone. With only a bit of trouble, I was soon stroking his beautiful shaft in both hands.

I needed to taste him. It was an urge I’d had since the club but had tried to keep suppressed until I could indulge. There was no way to resist any longer. Especially not with his gorgeous cock softly pulsing in my hands.

Licks first. As urgent as my need was, I knew I had to take it slow. Get used to having quite so much cock in my mouth all at once. I still marveled at the sheer majesty of it, part of me still not quite able to believe it was actually happening.

He moaned softly as I licked, swirling my hungry tongue around his tasty head. The sound urging me down to even greater depths, swallowing the entire head.

He sweetly stroked my hair as I paused, waiting for my throat to open, so I could take more. I wanted it all, even though I knew that wasn’t really possible.

Finally, my gag reflex relented, and I was off, caressing my lips further down his shaft that I ever really though I could, swallowing a little more than half his full length.

Ragnar reached down and squeezed my hands, which I’d pressed against his thighs.

Easing up a bit, to give myself more room, I started to bob my head, slowly at first, but then faster with each suck, building up a good, steady rhythm. Similar to the one he’d used to fuck me that beautiful morning we’d woken up together.

His enormous cock pumped inside me, my sweet lover doing everything he could not to hurt me.

In my experience, what people did was far more indicative than what they said. Seth had shown me his true colors by being a great husband, excellent father and model brother-in-law. What they got up to in the bedroom was their own business.

Despite only having met him, I knew I could trust Ragnar. Passionate fucking wasn’t exactly the sort of trust exercise I tended to indulge in, but one he’d passed with flying colors just the same. He could do anything to me, and I would welcome it.

He was about to cum. The tension had come to both his shaft and balls as he got ready to release his load. I eased up on his cock, to make more room in my mouth, and sucked hard, waiting for his delicious load.

He flooded my mouth with tasty cum, controlling the flow by holding his cock at the base, giving me three smaller floods rather than one big one, which was greatly appreciated.

I came up for air, still stroking his cock, and Ragnar lifted me into another soft, passionate kiss.

“Your turn,” he said.

Before I even had time to respond, I was on the couch, with Ragnar undressing me. Jacket first, then shoes, followed closely by the shirt. I hadn’t worn a bra that night, hoping I might get some action.

It was a decision Ragnar seemed to greatly appreciate, going straight for my chest, alternating between my hard, pink nipples like a hungry baby. Pleasure rippled through me and I thought I might actually cum from the breast play alone.

Before I could, however, Ragnar started to head south. Planting a row of soft, wet kisses along my belly making my pussy quiver with anticipation.

Unbuttoning the jeans, he worked down the zipper, as his mouth made its way closer to my pelvis. A very nice sample of what was to come.

I lifted slightly to ease the way as he pulled my jeans down past my hips, getting to my thighs.

They were so tight I was glad for the help, unconvinced I could have gotten them off without assistance. I didn’t know how Jonna did it before she met Seth.

My pants off, there was just the small matter of my panties to contend with. An obstacle Ragnar surpassed quickly and with little upset.

I let out a deep breath to try and relax. It was all just so exciting. Laying all naked and prone under Ragnar as he got ready to work his magic.

Unexpectedly, he started at my knees, easing my legs open even farther, taking a moment to gaze at my excited little pussy, before planting the first kiss on my lower thigh.

This was followed by many more loving little kisses, tracing up my inner thigh, leaving goosebumps on my skin and promising an even greater pleasure to come.

“Oh!” I gasped, as his gentle tongue made first contact with my pussy.

Taking his time, he licked all around the outside, in long, loving laps, getting me used to the idea and helping me relax before caressing his sweet soft tongue right up the middle, taking the time to swirl it right on my hard little clit.

“Fuck,” I moaned helplessly.

Picking up speed, he notched up the intensity, perfectly devouring my tender pussy, making me wail loudly and without embarrassment.

I’d never made much noise during sex before. For some reason I thought it was rude. There were no such considerations with Ragnar, everything he did bringing out sounds of pure passion. Like I was afraid I might burn up if I held them in.

Ragnar wetted a finger, introducing it into the equation, bringing things to a whole new level of wonderful.

I was getting dangerously close to orgasm when he eased up, deftly fingering me the rest of the way, tenderly cupping my pussy as I started to cum.

Pleasure rippled through me like an earthquake. Reaching the peak of my orgasm, my entire body relaxed, sinking further into his nice leather couch.

His apartment in general wasn’t quite what I’d been expecting. It was probably my own prejudice talking, but I’d expected it to be a lot scarier. Gruesome posters and replica weapons everywhere, my parent’s claims no doubt influencing the image.

It wasn’t even that messy. Nary a pizza box or beer bottle to be seen. If anything, the place was minimalist and efficient, sparsely furnished with modern items, not a thing out of place.

Even his record collection looked orderly. A few choice CDs on a shelf under where the player sat. Honestly, I was a bit surprised it wasn’t either all digital or vinyl, but Ragnar really did seem to dance to the beat of his own drummer. Himself, I would expect.

“Turn over,” he said, mildly.

I obeyed immediately, getting up onto all fours, my pussy and ass on full display. While still nervous, I no longer much minded which one he thought best to fill with his beautiful cock. Anything really was a blessing I was happy to receive.

He seemed to share my concerns regarding potential pain from the road less traveled and stroked the truly impressive head of his absolutely wonderful cock against my pussy.

Getting me nice and warmed up, he eased the head between my silken, pink folds drawing a gasp of pure pleasure from deep within me.

Pushing in a little further, far enough to feel it, but not nearly far enough to hurt, Ragnar took me lightly by the hips and started to pump.

Working his monster cock inside me, he brought me to levels of pleasure I’d never felt before. At least not before meeting him, an event I thanked the heavens for every waking moment.

“Oh, yes,” I whimpered, nearly crying tears of joy, “harder, please.”

Pushing in a little further, to help with the leverage, he picked up speed, his pelvis slapping softly against my ass.

It was as hard as he’d ever fucked me before, though I still got the feeling he was holding back on me. Something that only endeared him to me even more, putting my comfort and joy ahead of his urges.

Though considering how much he came every time, not to mention how hard he got, often before his pants came off, I got the impression he enjoyed our sexy sessions as much as I did.

It was an oversight. An honest mistake really. We both got so caught up in the moment that neither of us particularly noticed when he was about to unleash his mighty torrent. Usually, he would have gotten it into my mouth, letting me taste his sweetness.

There wasn’t really time for that though, there were really only three options for his load to go. In my pussy, up my ass or on my back. Being the sweetheart he was, Ragnar chose the path of least harm.

I’d never felt cum on my back before. It was new if not entirely unpleasant. A bit sticky, but also since and warm. Without a word, Ragnar went to get a warm, damp towel and wiped me down.

“Sorry about that.”

“No problem at all,” I assured him, blushing.

Truthfully, a nagging voice in the back of my head had been screaming at me since the first time, wondering why I’d never stopped him and demanded he put on a condom.

And yeah, it was probably stupid, but it all came down to that innate feeling of trust. I felt safe with him.

“Good,” he said, kissing the back of my neck. “Are you hungry?”

As far as after sex questions went, it was on the odd side. Though I couldn’t say I wasn’t hungry, so it was also surprisingly appropriate.

“Yes,” I said, still wrestling with the slight oddness.

I didn’t know if it was metal heads in general, or just a fluke with Ragnar that let him ask about food right after cleaning the cum off my back. Maybe it was just a guy thing, food and sex.

Helping me back into my borrowed outfit, Ragnar zipped up his jeans and strolled into the kitchen, like he hadn’t just fucked me six ways form doomsday.

I had a bit more trouble with the walking but managed to make it in, anyway. The most wonderful tingle still sparked in my pussy, even long after his withdrawal.

Ragnar really knew his way around a kitchen. Not too surprising, considering it was his kitchen, but I grew up with the sort of old school guys, my dad and granddad particularly, who would have needed a recipe to boil an egg.

Ragnar seemed to have no such issue, moving with the controlled grace one would expect from an experienced drummer.

For a second, I was convinced I could hear a beat as he cooked.

“Do you like fish?” he asked me.

“Sure,” I said, certain whatever he made would be amazing.

The cod sizzled in the bed of melted butter, making my mouth start to water, and that was before he started adding the spices.

For a second, I wondered I maybe he’d gone out and caught it himself. Seattle was a port city after all, but it didn’t seem likely, unless he had a fishing boat secreted somewhere. Either way, he sure knew how to cook it.

“Old family recipe?” I asked, as he set the plate before me.

“Yes, actually. Passed down through my father’s side. Drink?”

“Sure, what have you got?”

“Water, juice, diet soda, some leftover mead.”

“Mead? Like actual, drink of the gods, mythological mead?”

“Not mythological, but the other ones,” he chuckled, “I usually only drink on special occasions and never when I’m on the job.”

“Very wise.”

“It’s hard to play well smashed, just ask Varg.”


“Our guitarist. He thinks it makes him play better. Stig, he’s the bassist, and I actually had to record him once and play it back before he would believe us. He still drinks when possible, just not to the point of losing his coordination. I think it might partly be stage fright.

“Dutch courage?” I asked.

“Exactly. He’d never admit it and would probably clock me if I ever even suggested it. Thinks he has an image to uphold.

“Don’t we all?

Stuffed with fish and mead, feeling on top of the world, Ragnar put the dishes in the sink, before coming up behind me. Putting his hands on my shoulder.

“Ready for bed?”

My heart swelled. I’d been hoping he’d ask me to stay. “Absolutely.”

My gentle giant lifted me from the chair and held me close. I half expected him to start rocking me to sleep. Instead, he headed for what I assumed was the bedroom, as I pressed my face to his chest, breathing in his scent.

Setting me down on the edge of his big bed, he pulled my shirt up over my head, as I lifted my arms to help. Then, he took off my jeans and panties.

I really thought he would start touching me again, but instead, he tucked me up under the blankets. Taking off his own clothes, he joined me in the bed, staying on his own side. I was the one who cuddled up to him, which he didn’t seem to mind at all.

It didn’t make sense. All logic would say we shouldn’t work, but there we were. The connection, as well as affection, between us undeniable. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was just a fling, or if there might be more to it. If we might have a future together, despite our hugely different backgrounds and cultures, particularly if Ragnar returned to Norway.

I tried not to think about it, pushing all negative thoughts from my mind, so I could just enjoy the moment. Ragnar and I cuddled and kissed and were happy, right up until the scourge of sleep took us.